1 | 印地赛车联盟表示,杰森普莱斯利除了头部受伤、双腿骨折之外,脊椎骨也断裂,目前医院方面正全力救治当中。 | The Indy Racing League said that apart from a close head injury and fractures to the feet, Jason Priestley also suffers a fracture to the spine, and the hospital is trying to save him at full steam | |
2 | 印地赛车联盟发言人波克发表声明说,杰森普莱斯利双腿骨折,头部重伤,胸腔脊椎断裂,情况相当危急。 | "Jason Priestley has fractures to both feet, a closed head injury and a fracture of the thoracic spine, and the conditions are very serious," bock, spokesman of the Indy Racing League, said in a statement | |
3 | 云南白药对跌打损伤等许多病痛都具有神奇疗效。 | Yunnan baiyao (white medicinal powder)is exceptionally effective for the treatment of fracture , injury, etc. | |
4 | 在这些环境下平面应变断裂韧性所采用的符号是这个。 | The accepted designation for the plane-strain fracture toughness under these environments is this | |
5 | 这时,一些明显的颈缩现象表明,发生了局部拉伸断裂。 | At this point, tensile fracture partially occurred, as evidenced by some apparent necking | |
6 | 这些矿物的物理性质包括颜色、条痕、光泽、硬度、晶形、比重、解理、断口等等。 | These mineral properties include the color, streak, luster, hardness, crystal form, specific gravity, cleavage, fracture and so on. | |
7 | 这一过程也会造成不常用到的骨头(如不能运动的肢体)发生萎缩。骨骼方面的疾病包括类风湿性关节炎、骨关节炎、佝偻病、骨质疏松和肿瘤等。骨头在重压下会突然或逐渐断裂。 | The process also causes underutilized bone, as in an immobilized limb, to atrophy. Bone disorders include rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, rickets, osteoporosis, and tumours. Bone can fracture suddenly or over time, as in stress fractures. | |
8 | 这种跌打伤筋膏药是名医世家祖传秘方;贴一张立见神效。 | This plaster for the treatment of fracture and injury is made according to a famous doctor’s prescription handed down in the family from generation to generation. It Begins to act magically right after Being put on. | |
9 | 芝加哥白袜队三垒手,四届金手套得主罗宾·温图拉在赛季前一场比赛中腿部骨折,脚踝脱臼,至少有三四个月不能参加全美棒球大联赛。 | Chicago White Sox third Baseman Robin Ventura,four times a Gold Glove winner is out for at least three to four months after suffering a double leg fracture and a dislocated ankle in a preseason game. | |
10 | 最常见的症状有︰骨折部疼痛和压痛、活动时有摩擦感、患肢不能活动等;体征有︰患部畸形、肿胀,表在的皮肤变色,断骨有异常活动等。 | It causes pain, tenderness, and inability to use the part with the fracture . The site appears deformed, swollen, and discoloured, and the bone moves in abnormal ways. |