1 | (麝)香石竹,康乃馨:一种大量种植的(麝香石竹石竹属)属多年生植物,通常开重瓣花,花色多样且鲜艳,气味芳香,四周有花瓣。 | carnation:any of numerous cultivated forms of a perennial plant (Dianthus caryophyllus)having showy, variously colored, usually double, often fragrant flowers with fringed petals. | |
2 | FOUHL是当地食品,这种鲜美的豆汤在各个街道都能买到。 | The national dish is fouhl, a fragrant soup of beans which is sold on every street corner. | |
3 | 被阳光晒得发红的两颊,在花梗子上拈来绕去的手指,珍珠般的牙齿,香味浓郁的头发,这一切情景都使谢尔顿神志痴迷。 | The sight of those sun-warmed cheeks, and fingers twinning round the flower-stalks, her pearly teeth, and hair all fragrant , stole the reason out of Shelton | |
4 | 本香水香味浓郁,晚会首选。 | This perfume with a fragrant aroma is indeed the first choice for your evening parties. | |
5 | 宾州杨梅北美洲东部的一种落叶性灌木(宾州杨梅杨梅属),具有芳香的叶子,其球状果实外的蜡层可用来做香烛 | A deciduous,eastern North American shrub(Myrica pensylvanica)having aromatic foliage and small,globose fruits with a waxy covering used for making fragrant candles. | |
6 | 不期而遇也罢,专程拜访也罢,只要能从他那可爱的双唇中说出片言只语的带有温馨的天国气息的福音真谛,送进她那虽已半聋却喜闻恭听的耳朵中,她就会精神焕然一新。 | Whether casually, or of set purpose, and be refreshed with a word of warm, fragrant , heaven-breathing Gospel truth, from his beloved lips, into her dulled, but rapturously attentive ear. | |
7 | 长寿花一种种植广泛的观赏性植物(长寿花水仙属)主要原产于欧洲南部,长有长而窄的叶子,开有黄色,花的管状底部很短,有芳香 | A widely cultivated ornamental plant(Narcissus jonquilla)native chiefly to southern Europe,having long,narrow leaves and short-tubed,fragrant yellow flowers. | |
8 | 承贵夫人的玉手碰了我一碰,我这只贱手就一辈子的香,从此不敢洗了! | I was touched by the great lady’s imperial hand.This lowly hand of mine will remain forever fragrant .I don’t dare ever wash it! | |
9 | 春天,这个疗养院是个充满了鸟语花香的好地方。 | In spring this convalescent hospital is a good place, with singing birds and fragrant flowers. | |
10 | 大人们吃着美味的月饼,品着热腾腾的香茗,而孩子们则在一旁拉兔子灯玩。 | Adults will usually indulge in fragrant mooncakes of many varieties with a good cup of piping hot Chinese tea, while the little ones run around with their brightly-lit lanterns. | |
11 | 但凡要说时,必须先用清水香茶漱了口才可,设若失错,便要凿牙穿腮等事. | Before you utter this word, mind you rinse your mouths with clear water or fragrant tea. If you don’t, your teeth will grow crooked and rip through your cheeks. | |
12 | 毒草共香花同生,牛鬼蛇神与赋凤龟龙并长,这是我们所料到的,也是我们所希望的。 | As we expected and hoped, poisonous weeds have been growing side by side with fragrant flowers and ghosts and monsters appearing together with the unicorn and phoenix | |
13 | 缎英一种欧洲植物(一年生缎花属一年生缎花),栽培价值在于其紫色芳香的花和扁圆的、银白色的纸质荚果 | A European plant(Lunaria annua)cultivated for its fragrant purplish flowers and round,flat,papery,silver-white seedpods. | |
14 | 而且他们认为自己并非毒草,是香花,我们这些人是毒草,他们并不是应当锄掉的,而要把我们锄掉。 | What is more, the Rightists considered that they were not poisonous weeds but fragrant flowers and that we were poisonous weeds and we, not they, should be uprooted | |
15 | 芳香的能止痛的如香脂的. | Fragrant and soothinglike balm | |
16 | 芳香脂植物其他几种芳香植物脂中的一种,如加拿大香脂 | Any of several other fragrant plant resins, such as Canada balsam | |
17 | 风信子地中海地区所产的一种(风信子风信子属)球茎植物,叶片狭窄,总状花序,其花有多种颜色,通常有香味,花被呈漏斗状 | A bulbous Mediterranean plant(Hyacinthus orientalis)having narrow leaves and a terminal raceme of variously colored,usually fragrant flowers,with a funnel-shaped perianth. | |
18 | 佛和菩萨都要香花和伎乐的供养。 | Both Buddha and Bodhisattvas must have the offerings of fragrant flowers and dance. | |
19 | 橄榄树一种地中海地区的常青树(油橄榄木犀榄属)有白色芳香花朵,矛状坚韧的叶和可食的核果 | A Mediterranean evergreen tree(Olea europaea)having fragrant white flowers,usually lance-shaped leathery leaves,and edible drupes. | |
20 | 高贵友做的包子,用料考究,做工精细,馅子采用瘦猪的腿肉,加小磨麻油,特制酱油等,后用骨汤或肚子汤调和。 | The reason why Gou’Bu’Li’Bao’Zi was especially delicious was that Gao Guiyou used as ingredients only choice pork from the legs of a pig which he cut very thin and mixed with fragrant sesame oil, tasty sauce and rich stock | |
21 | 更妙在甄家的风俗,女儿之名,亦皆从男子之名命字,不似别家另外用这些`春’`红’`香’`玉’等艳字的. | I prefer the Zhen family’s way of giving their daughters the same sort of names as boys instead of choosing flowery names meaning Spring, Red, Fragrant , or Jade | |
22 | 古龙水由酒精或多种香油制成的有香味的液体 | A scented liquid made of alcohol and various fragrant oils. | |
23 | 海伦像金光灿烂的阿耳忒弥斯女神一样光彩夺目,从自己芳香的寝室来到这里。 | Helen came forth from her fragrant chamber as bright as golden Artemis | |
24 | 含香保暖被,送您一缕清香,给您一缕温暖。 | Fragrant warm quilt brings you a breath of delicate smell and a touch of warmth. | |
25 | 荷,莲一种水生植物(莲属莲),生长在南亚和澳大利亚,具有硕大的叶子,香味,粉色花,并有宽,圆而且带孔的心皮,有多肉的块茎 | An aquatic plant(Nelumbo nucifera)native to southern Asia and Australia,having large leaves,fragrant ,pinkish flowers,a broad,rounded,perforated seedpod,and fleshy rhizomes. | |
26 | 鸿渐走前几步,闻到一阵烤山薯的香味,鼻子渴极喝水似的吸着,饥饿立刻把肠胃加紧地抽。 | Hung-chien walked on a few paces and then caught a whiff of the fragrant smell of roasted sweet potatoes.He breathed in as though quenching a powerful thirst, and his hunger immediately constricted his stomach even tighter | |
27 | 花发出一阵幽香。 | The flowers gave off a fragrant odor | |
28 | 花园里的空气温煦而又芳香。 | The air in the garden was warm and fragrant . | |
29 | 花园里的空气一片温馨。 | The air in the garden was warm and fragrant | |
30 | 花园里的空气又温暖又芬芳。 | The air in the garden was warm and fragrant |