1 | 接下去,他们在璀璨的月光下着手把空投在那片宁静、芳香的草场上的供应品木箱收集拢来。 | Then they set about gathering up the dropped supply containers in the peaceful fragrant meadow under a glittery moon | |
2 | 揭开看时,只见画着一株桂花,下面有一池沼,其中水涸泥干,莲枯藕败, | This opened at a picture of fragrant osmanthus above withered lotus in a dried-up pond. | |
3 | 她把脸儿侧对着我. | And bracelets too, and fragrant zone | |
4 | 她们就象大丛毒草中的几朵香花。 | They were as a few fragrant flowers amidst a dense accumulation of noxious weeds | |
5 | 今天早晨收到了你送的鲜花,我们的房间立即变成个花园。芬芳的玫瑰正象征着我们五十年的婚姻生活,十分感谢你还记着这一天。 | Your flowers came this morning and turned our living room into a garden at once. Those fragrant roses symbolize our fifty years of marriage. How wonderful of you to remember! | |
6 | 咖啡是一种香味浓郁的饮料。 | Coffee is a fragrant beverage | |
7 | 空气是这样的清香,使人胸脯里感到分外凉爽和舒适。 | The air was fresh and fragrant ; it gave people a feeling of exceptional coolness and comfort. | |
8 | 连香报春花:一种产于亚欧大陆的报春花(报春花属标准报春),通常开有芳香的黄色花,作为一种饰物被广泛种植,很早以前就被用于草药中. | cowslip:a Eurasian primrose (Primula veris), usually having fragrant yellow flowers, widely cultivated as an ornamental, and long used in herbal medicine. | |
9 | 凉粉水果冻,清凉香甜解暑热。 | Bean and fruit jelly, with cool, fragrant and sweet taste, frees you from the summer heat. | |
10 | 绿油油的草上沾着露珠,苹果又绿又生,不过已经芳香扑鼻。 | The grass was dewy, the apples green and raw, but already fragrant | |
11 | 罗马甜瓜,香瓜一种甜瓜(甜瓜的变种网纹甜瓜),瓜皮呈黄棕色,上有网状隆起,其果肉呈桔黄色甜美芳香 | A variety of melon(Cucumis melo var.reticulatus)having a tan rind with netlike ridges and a sweet,fragrant orange flesh. | |
12 | 曼密苹果树一种产于西印度群岛的乔木(曼密苹果),长有有光泽的叶片,开白色的有香味的花朵并结硕大可食用的果实 | A West Indian tree(Mammea americana)having glossy leaves,white fragrant flowers,and large edible drupes. | |
13 | 每当我在美好、清新的晨间醒来,我就喜欢将身子靠向窗外,以深深呼进凉爽,芬芳的空气。我也喜欢倾听欢快的鸟儿那欢乐的歌唱。 | Whenever I wake up in the fine, fresh morning, I like to lean my body out of the window, in order to breathe deeply the cool, fragrant air. I also like to lend my ears to the merry birds who sing ever so cheerfully. | |
14 | 美味佳肴的;芳香的,美味的使人想到神仙食品的;芳香或美味的 | Suggestive of ambrosia;fragrant or delicious. | |
15 | 茉莉任何一种开芳香花朵的灌木 | Any of several plants or shrubs having fragrant flowers. | |
16 | 木犀草一种地中海沿岸的木犀草属植物,尤指香味木犀草因其顶生、密集、总状花序的极具香味但不显眼的绿色花而被广泛栽植 | Any of several Mediterranean plants of the genus Reseda,especially R.odorata,widely cultivated for its terminal,dense,spikelike clusters of very fragrant but inconspicuous greenish flowers. | |
17 | 欧洲刺柏为蔓生灌木,味香辣的果实用于食品和酒精饮料调味,特别是杜松子酒。 | Common juniper (J. communis)is a sprawling shrub whose fragrant , spicy-smelling berries are used to flavour foods and alcoholic beverages, particularly gin. | |
18 | 七月中元夜,街市放焰口,点蒿子香,燃荷叶灯。 | On the night of the Zhongyuan Festival (or Ghost Festival)in July, every street is set with firecrackers, light fragrant incense, and lotus leaf lanterns. | |
19 | 气味芳香的东方红柏用于制造家具、围篱和铅笔。北美东部所产的平铺刺柏是常见的观赏种,腓尼基桧的木材可用制焚香。 | The fragrant wood of eastern red cedar (J. virginiana)is made into cabinets, fence posts, and pencils. J. horizontalis is a popular U.S. ornamental creeping juniper, and wood of the Mediterranean Phoenician juniper (J. phoenicea)is burned as incense. | |
20 | 前天我们爬了一次香山,巨累,直到今天这腿还疼哪。 | We climbed the Fragrant Hills the day before yesterday and felt extremely tired. My legs are still sore today. | |
21 | 乳香是含有挥发油的芳香胶质树脂。乳香产自橄榄科乳香属树木,特别是索马里、也门和阿曼地区的各种乳香树。 | Frankincense is fragrant gum resin obtained from trees of the genus Boswellia (family Burseraceae), particularly several varieties found in Somalia, Yemen, and Oman. | |
22 | 散发着鲜花和香料芬芳的微风轻轻地吹拂着这个岛屿。 | The air that sweeps the island is fragrant with flowers and spice. | |
23 | 上海动物园是上海著名的风景游览地之一,在芳草碧水、绿树繁花丛中,饲养展出世界各地珍稀野生动物360余种。 | Shanghai Zoological Garden is one of the famous scenic spots for sight-seeing in Shanghai. With fragrant grass and blue water, shaded by green trees and all kinds of flowers, there are world’s fauna amount to over 360 rare species. | |
24 | 时鲜酸辣汤,又酸又辣,又香又美。 | The sour and hot soup in season is both fragrant and delicious to the taste. | |
25 | 树干中心的死材。其细胞常含有单宁或其它物质,故颜色较深,或具芳香。 | Dead, central wood of trees. Its cells usually contain tannins or other substances that make it dark and sometimes fragrant . | |
26 | 树木和花草都绽开芬芳的花朵。 | The trees and plants were explosions of fragrant blossoms. | |
27 | 说不尽那光摇朱户金铺地,雪照琼窗玉作宫.更见仙花馥郁,异草芬芳 | Words fail to describe those brilliant vermilion rooms, floors paved with gold, windows bright as snow and palaces of jade, to say nothing of the delectable fairy flowers, rare plants and fragrant herbs. | |
28 | 说什么脂正浓,粉正香,如何两鬓又成霜? | While yet the rouge is fresh, the powder fragrant , The hair at the temples turns hoary--for what cause? | |
29 | 似姜植物一种颜色各异及花朵带有芳香味的植物 | Any of several related plants having variously colored,often fragrant flowers. | |
30 | 送你一束甜蜜芬芳的玫瑰,并对你说,愿你今天的每时每刻都充满幸福。祝你生日快乐! | Roses, sweet and fragrant , sent to you to say, may each hour be a happy one on this special day. |