属类:社会文化-人物-LITTLE WOMEN
1 | "知他有不足之症.因问:""常服何药,如何不急为疗治?" | Observing how frail she looked they asked what medicine or treatment she had been having. | |
2 | 啊,人性,如果你是绝对脆弱和邪恶,如果你是尘埃和灰烬,你的情感何以如此高尚 | Ah,human nature, how, if utterly frail thou art and vile, if dust thou art and ashes, is thy heart so great? | |
3 | 艾尔辛太太年纪稍轻,是个瘦弱的女人,当年也是个美人儿,至今风韵犹存,还有一副孤芳自赏的神气。 | Mrs. Elsing was younger, a thin frail woman, who had been a beauty, and about her there still clung a faded freshness, a dainty imperious air. | |
4 | 艾米也有一个可爱的孩子取名贝思,但她是个纤弱的小东西,担心失掉她变成艾米幸福中的一个阴影。 | Amy, too, had a dear child named Beth, but she was a frail little creature and the dread of losing her was the shadow over Amy’s sunshine. | |
5 | 不坚实的支柱. | a frail supporr | |
6 | 不稳固的幸福. | frail happiness | |
7 | 承命生根之过程-台湾机构化失能老人迁居的心路历程 | Accepting Fate and Taking Root: A Process Central to Understanding Frail Elders’ Relocation to Institutions in Taiwan | |
8 | 从来没有什么东西象这样既纤弱又不屈不挠。 | Never was anything at once so frail and so indomitable | |
9 | 大量的工作把他全身的血液和淋巴液都挤干了,只剩下神经、骨骼、皮肤所组成的脆弱架子。 | All the blood and lymph had been drained out of him by an enormous debauch of work, leaving only a frail structure of nerves, bones, and skin | |
10 | 高震区框架结构的薄弱层变形验算 | Discussion on the Check Computations of Deformation of Frail Layer of Frame Structure in High Vibration Areas | |
11 | 后来有些人下车了。我终于可以呼吸一些空气,但扑鼻而来即是人们散发出的一股混合气味。有一位老太太上了车,她看来很脆弱,而且大概有60多岁了。 | Then some people got off. At last I was able to breathe some air. The smell of human odors mixed together was already getting to me. There was an old woman who was getting on the bus. She looked frail and was maybe in her 60’s. | |
12 | 华纳太太已经九十六岁了,身体虚弱,不便独居。 | Mrs. Warner is already 96 and too frail to live by herself. | |
13 | 基思在家里等我们。他已经很衰弱,而且经常被疼痛折磨,可他深感幸福。 | Keith was waiting for us at home, frail now and in constant pain, but also very happy. | |
14 | 家人照顾者于失能老人出院过渡期之需求、需求满足变化探讨 | Changes in Discharge Needs and Satisfaction of Family Caregivers of Frail Elders during the Discharge Transition | |
15 | 她90岁时渐渐非常衰老、虚弱. | At 90,she’s getting very old and frail . | |
16 | 她的身体十分虚弱。 | Her health is very frail . | |
17 | 她毫不迟疑地踏上了那座单薄的桥,转眼间就轻盈地走到那块锥形石头上。 | Without further ado, she trod lightly but firmly across the frail bridge, and in another second had gained the heaving stone | |
18 | 她仍然感觉身体有点虚弱。 | She’s still feeling a bit frail . | |
19 | 她体态虚弱,衣着考究,坐在市内一座大庙堂外的高台上。我离她仅几步之遥,正在焦躁地等着车来接我。我们慢慢地聊了起来。 | Frail and well-dressed, she was seated on a raised platform outside of a huge temple in the city. A little distance away, I was impatiently waiting for the car to pick me up. We slowly got talking. | |
20 | 她想到她常常想着的事:一个赤裸着的人体,是多么地脆弱,易伤而有点可怜!那是多么地欠缺而这完备的东西! | And she thought, as she had thought so often, what a frail , easily hurt, rather pathetic thing a human body is, naked; somehow a little unfinished, incomplete! | |
21 | 就她对自己现实生活的看法来讲,霍尔小姐会很脆弱,且会回避问题。大家真希望她在较大的问题上不要那样三言两语就打发过去。 | On her general views of her life and times Miss Hall can be frail and evasive.One could wish her to have been less elliptic about the larger issues. | |
22 | 就在半小时之前,一个名叫拉姆·纳脱拉姆的印度教狂热分子用一支左轮手枪朝甘地狠命地连射3枪,子弹射入了甘地那由于多年苦行和经常绝食而变得衰弱不堪的身躯。 | Just half an hour before, a Hindu fanatic, Ram Naturam, had pumped three bullets from a revolver into Gandhi’s frail body, emaciated by years of fasting and asceticism | |
23 | 柯仲谋那种把她看作娇怯不堪的论调,惹起她十二分的反感了! | She resented KO Chung-mou’s scornful tone, and his implication that she was a frail , timid creature | |
24 | 刘易斯长得瘦小,身材细得象根树枝,一副弱不经风的样子,似乎成天在挨饿。 | lewis was a small man with a body like a twig, making him seem frail and half starved | |
25 | 路路通这时走近他的主人,看了看他那双外表漂亮但经不起长途跋涉的拖鞋,向福克作了个鬼脸。 | Passepartout, who had now rejoined his master, made a wry grimace, as he thought of his magnificent, but too frail Indian shoes | |
26 | 梅乐十回来重新扶着车子,好象什么都没有听见的样子,可是康妮却觉得他留意着一切,当他在林园里推着车子上那有点峻峭的山丘财,他嘴唇张着,呼吸有点急了起来。他并不怎样强壮呵。 | Mellors took the chair again, looking perfectly unheeding, yet Connie felt he noted everything. As he pushed the chair up the steepish rise of the knoll in the park, he breathed rather quickly, through parted lips. He was rather frail really. | |
27 | 那柔弱白皮肤的女郎对她的同伴说。 | said the fair, frail girl to her brunette companion | |
28 | 那晚上,他的奇异的、象孩子似的、脆弱的裸体,比一向更显得他是一个兴奋的人。在他还没有完毕以前,康妮觉得她简直不能得到终极的快感。 | He was a more excited lover that night, with his strange, small boy’s frail nakedness. Connie found it impossible to come to her crisis before he had really finished his. | |
29 | 瞧你弱不禁风的样子,我建议你多参加体育锻炼。 | You are too frail to stand a gust of wind. I advise you to take more physical exercises. | |
30 | 伤残的虚的身体 | an invalid’s frail body. |