属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-欧元危机 负债人的监狱
1 | 茁根理论之介绍-以“台湾地区残病老人家庭照护质量”研究为例 | Introducing Grounded Theory: Taking the Study of “Quality of Family Care of Frail Elders in Taiwan” as an Example | |
2 | 自从他病愈之后,就一直沉静而虚弱,却有惊人的耐力。 | Ever since his recovery he has been placidly frail , yet capable of surprising endurance | |
3 | ||1: 当人们向玛丽亚·奥特曼(Maria Altmann)问及“姨妈阿黛尔·布洛赫-鲍尔(Adele Bloch-Bauer)”一事时,她说的第一句是“身心俱痛”。 ||2:当年的阿黛尔有头痛症,脆弱、黝黑、美丽。||3:孩子使阿黛尔烦恼,因为她自己没有孩子。闲聊使阿黛尔狂怒,因为她想谈论的是宗教和政治(玛丽亚·奥特曼夫人这时会一声叹息:“亲爱的,阿黛尔是一位生活于昔日尘世的现代女性”)。||4:阿黛尔吸烟,像个烟囱,而且,她会身着白色宽松长衣,带着金制烟斗四处游逸。||5:有时,她会一袭黑色的雍容华贵,坐在她那大宅的客厅里,引领音乐家、艺术家、作家们海阔天空。她那大宅刚好位于维也纳国家歌剧院旁。 | ||1: “Suffering” was the first word that came to Maria Altmann when she was asked about Aunt Adele Bloch-Bauer. ||2: Frail , dark, beautiful, always with a headache. ||3: Children annoyed her, because she had none of her own; small-talk made her furious, because she wanted to discuss religion and politics. (“My darling,” Mrs Altmann would sigh, “Adele was a modern woman living in the world of yesterday.”) ||4: Adele smoked like a chimney, and would drift around in loose white gowns with a gold cigarette-holder. ||5: Or she would sit, regal in black, holding court for musicians, artists and writers in the salon of her huge house just by the Vienna Staatsoper. | |
4 | ||1:不过,撇开这个好消息,住房信贷依旧虚弱如前。||2:虽说房屋贷款在2011年第四季度上涨,但以全年整体水平来看,却是自2000年以来的最低水平。||3:市场仍然在努力摆脱不良贷款。||4:自2008年以来,新的拖欠债务急剧减少,但去年第四季度仍然有超过1500亿美元家庭贷款逾期。||5:更多的麻烦还在前面等着呢。||6:超过1千万名贷款买房者欠下银行的债比他们的房子的资产还要多。||7:在房价走低的时候,银行对新按揭——和损失处理得小心翼翼。||8:美联储高级信贷人员调查显示,借贷标准比大萧条时期达到的高点还要高。 | ||1: Yet despite this good news, housing finance is frail as ever. ||2: Lending rose in the fourth quarter of 2011, but stuck at the lowest level since 2000 for the year as a whole. ||3: The market is still working off sickly loans. ||4: New delinquencies are down sharply from 2008, yet more than $150 billion in home loans became delinquent in the fourth quarter of last year. ||5: More trouble lies ahead. ||6: Over 10m borrowers owe more than the value of their home. ||7: Banks are wary of new mortgages—and losses—while prices are falling. ||8: The Federal Reserve’s Senior Loan Officer Survey suggests that lending standards remain higher than at the height of the recession. | |
5 | ||1:对于年轻人和富有的人来说,独居是很容易的,而对于长者,体弱多病或者穷人来说相对较难。||2:克兰伯格正是在写作一本关于1995年芝加哥致命热浪的书而关注到独居现象的。当年,有成百的人在房子里孤独地死去,邻里朋友并不相知。||3:独居的热潮很容易演变为社会孤立,特别是对于男人。因为男人并不如女人那样会创造和维持社会连接。||4:其他令人担忧的原因还包括孤独感,歧视(在工作场所,免税代码等等)和工作狂。||5:作为快速增长的群体,曾经的单身青年逐渐老去,开始埋怨很少有其他体面的,支付得起的变老方式傍他们逝去。 | ||1: Living alone is easy enough for the young and solvent; less so for the elderly, frail and poor. ||2: Mr Klinenberg came to this story while working on a book about the lethal Chicago heatwave of 1995, when hundreds of people died alone at home, out of touch with friends and neighbours. ||3: The trend for solo living can too easily morph into social isolation, particularly for men, who are less adept than women at making and sustaining connections. ||4: Other bugbears include loneliness, discrimination (in the workplace, the tax code and so on) and workaholism. ||5: Ageing single adults—a fast-growing group—complain that there are few decent, affordable alternatives to withering away. | |
6 | ||1:也就是仅仅数月之后,尽数拍卖了回归的数画。||2:除了“姨妈阿黛尔”肖像,它们几近都被藏之于私宅深院。||3: 奥特曼道:阿黛尔一直希望自己的金色肖像能展示于公共画廊。此愿有了一个“美丽”的结局———自孩提时就喜爱阿黛尔芳容的商人、慈善家罗纳德·劳德,在拍卖场立马付费1.3亿美元,把肖像买下,置于他在曼哈顿的画廊(Neue Galerie),供若神明。 ||4:虽然,而今要常常拜见阿黛尔的话,自然是太远了点,但奥特曼尚能于此展开想像力,想像姨妈阿黛尔的热情洋溢、脆弱娇柔,想像从那已怅然远去的烟草中散发的淡淡芳香…… | ||1: Only a few months later they were sold. ||2: All but one went away to private houses. The exception was Aunt Adele. ||3: She had always wanted her golden portrait in a public gallery, Mrs Altmann said, and so it was “beautiful” that Ronald Lauder, a businessman and philanthropist who had loved Adele’s face from boyhood, instantly paid $135m to enshrine her in his Neue Galerie in Manhattan. ||4: Of course, she was too far away for many visits now. But Mrs Altmann could imagine her there, glowing and frail , wearing just the faintest aroma of those long-vanished cigarettes. | |
7 | 在西班牙和葡萄牙的一些公司中份额甚至更高。 | That share of frail companies is even higher in Spain and Portugal. | |
8 | “等一会儿”,一个羸弱而苍老的声音回答道。 | "Just a minute" , answered a frail , elderly voice. | |
9 | 75岁的阿巴斯健康状况不好还要经常出差。 | At 75, he is in frail health yet often away on trips. | |
10 | 北朝鲜电视台解禁的录像中,身体虚弱的金正日正拿着他的选举证。 | Video footage released by North Korean television shows a frail Kim Jong-il holding up his ballot paper | |
11 | 本世纪初,一个虚弱的老妇人蹒跚在她伦敦住处附近,被难以自控的涌起的记忆所困扰。 | In the early years of the 21st century a frail old woman totters around her London home, assailed by memories that rise up unbidden. | |
12 | 薄弱的经济体至少不应该有价格压力,但英国没有这样的幸运。 | A frail economy ought at least to be free of price pressures but Britons have had no such luck. | |
13 | 除了比爸爸年纪还大的姑姑因为身体虚弱而无法到场,其他亲人都到了。 | Only his older sister, herself too frail to travel, was unable to be there. | |
14 | 丹玛身体虚弱且有轻微的耳聋,他说这样做他也很难过,但是他能理解这样做的原因。 | Frail and slightly deaf in both ears, Danma says he is sad about the move, but he understands the reasons. | |
15 | 但荷与梅都不宜在小阳台上栽种,唯有这茉莉,看似轻盈娇弱,细枝嫩叶,生命力却强。 | Small balconies are not suitable for planting lotus or plum but for growing jasmine which seems frail and tender but with strong life-force. | |
16 | 但那些仅身体虚弱的人,除非他们也是穷人,否则不能得到免费洗衣、穿衣和做饭的经济帮助。 | Those who are merely frail , however, cannot be given free help with washing, dressing and cooking unless they are also poor. | |
17 | 但是光影和胶片塑造的只是一个可怜、脆弱的弃儿形象。 | But the image persists of a pathetic waif, too frail for this world. | |
18 | 但是他现在躺在那里,周围都是比他老四十岁的虚弱的病人。 | Yet there he was, surrounded by frail patients at least four decades older. | |
19 | 当年的阿黛尔有头痛症,脆弱、黝黑、美丽。 | Frail , dark, beautiful, always with a headache. | |
20 | 当前,虽然威慑力量保持了和平,但由威慑单独支撑的和平总归是脆弱的。 | For the moment, deterrence keeps the peace. But a peace maintained by deterrence alone is a frail thing. | |
21 | 当他们的爱脆弱,花朵已经死了, | Frail as thy love, the flowers were dead, | |
22 | 邓恩,一位娇小体弱的女人,为我们开门时,怀里抱着一只小狗。 | Dunn, a petite, frail woman, answers the door with a tiny dog in her arms. | |
23 | 菲德尔.卡斯特罗8月底满80岁.最近几年,他的身体看来越来越虚弱.有传闻说,他患有帕金森氏综合症。 | Fidel Castro turns 80 later this month. He has appeared increasingly frail in recent years and is rumored to have Parkinson’s disease. | |
24 | 该国战后或许是在发展,但民主建设依然薄弱。 | The country may be developing after the war, but democracy still looks frail . | |
25 | 隔离室中的所有工作都集中于一个目标:让那些脆弱的建筑保持完整,直到它被巨大的外壳包围住。 | All work in the shelter is now focused on one goal: keeping the frail structure intact until a massive enclosure can be slid over it. | |
26 | 各种资源的短缺仍在折磨着朝鲜已经非常脆弱的经济。 | Energy shortages continue to ravage North Korea’s already frail economy. | |
27 | 关于四川生态脆弱地区脱贫的思考 | Thoughts on Banishing Poverty Ecologically in Sichuan Frail Areas of | |
28 | 何鸿燊仅象征性地保留了澳娱100股股票。自2009年头部受伤后,他的身体一直很虚弱。 | Mr Ho, who retains a nominal 100 shares in STDM, has been in frail health since he suffered a head injury in 2009. | |
29 | 亨利,一个看上去体质虚弱的五十岁男子,比他那体魄强健的妻子玛丽年长二十岁。 | Henry, a frail -looking man of fifty, was older than his robust wife Mary by 20 years. | |
30 | 换句话说,当机会均等时,健康者会比虚弱者表现好,这种结果既适用于人也适用于经济。 | In other words, when all other things are equal, the fit should fare better than the frail . This is true of economies as well as of people. |