1 | 弗瑞与一个商业伙伴以及另外两个早先曾申请了语音报警器专利的人进行了合作。 | Fray and a business partner teamed up with two other men who had earlier patented a talking smoke alarm. | |
2 | 跟大部分大型人寿保险公司一样,英杰华在竞争中确实有着自身独有的优势。 | Like most big life insurers, Aviva did enter the fray with one distinct advantage. | |
3 | 很多人认为正是因为中国签订一个又一个的协定,印度才加快了步伐。 | Many think that India has jumped into the fray because China has been signing one pact after another. | |
4 | 红杉资本会将注意力集中在对SKS的投资上,但认为其它公司将会加入这个行业。 | Sequoia will focus on its investment in SKS but anticipates others will enter the fray . | |
5 | 即使是憎恨什叶派并在伊拉克谋杀多名什叶派成员的基地组织,本周也觉得有必要加入战争。 | Even al-Qaeda, which detests Shias and murders them in Iraq, has felt obliged this week to join the fray . | |
6 | 紧接着,就在事情刚刚开始平静下来的时候,内华达州的西班牙后裔猛烈的加入了战团。 | Then, just as things were beginning to calm down, Nevada’s Hispanics waded into the fray . | |
7 | 尽管对美入侵伊拉克心有余悸,但是叙却敢拽美国这只大狮子的尾巴,允许反叛分子进入到战争中。 | Frightened by the invasion of Iraq, Syria nevertheless yanked the American lion’s tail by letting insurgents slip into the fray . | |
8 | 尽管现在又有新的搜索引擎和数据计算器进入了这个市场,但他们记住了前人失败的经历。 | The new class of search engines and data calculators enters the fray with those failures in mind, though. | |
9 | 可以说,他是混战中的一个无懈可击的侏儒。 | He might have been called the invulnerable dwarf of the fray . | |
10 | 里克·佩里(共和党总统候选人)讥讽美国的社会保险为“庞氏骗局”,引起了轩然大波,经济学家以及其他学术权威也卷入了这场争吵。 | Ever since Rick Perry derided Social Security as a Ponzi scheme, economists and other pundits have jumped into the fray . | |
11 | 陆先生现在要解决的是:这个国家关于其经济和自然资源取之不竭的牢固信念正在动摇。 | Mr Rudd will now be dealing with a country whose implacable faith in both the economy and nature to deliver abundance is starting to fray . | |
12 | 没有祈祷得面对,就像闯入到没有准备的争论中。 | Confrontation without prayer is like barging into the middle of the fray with no preparation. | |
13 | 目前一位美国美术家加入了这场争论,她提出了自己认定其来源的理论。 | Now an American artist has entered the fray , putting forward her own theory about its origin. | |
14 | 耐克森的一位女发言人对该公司是否有意再次参加竞购拒绝置评。 | Nexans spokeswoman declined to comment on whether it intended to rejoin the bidding fray . | |
15 | 南方地区人民的态度明显没原来那么友善,哈希姆家族曾经很享受的与当地部落亲密的联盟关系也已经开始发生摩擦。 | The sour mood is notable in the south, where the intimate alliance the Hashemites enjoyed with the local tribes has begun to fray . | |
16 | 纽约高度活跃的总检察长安德鲁•科莫,也加入这场争吵,对这家公司发出传票,并私下讨论隐藏的诡诈。 | Andrew Cuomo, New York’s hyperactive attorney-general, entered the fray , slapping subpoenas on the firm and muttering about possible fraud. | |
17 | 女儿们因性骚动而离开童年的庇护所。 | The daughters leave the shelter of childhood for the sexual fray . | |
18 | 其他公司,比如强大的谷歌也可能会参与这场争斗,而这只会增加竞争的压力。 | Other firms, including the mighty Google, are likely to enter the fray soon, which will only increase the competitive pressure. | |
19 | 然而,能源价格的上涨以及市场的更趋紧张,已迫使中国的能源公司重返竞争行列。 | Higher prices since then, and a tighter market has pushed the country’s companies back into the fray . | |
20 | 如果前进受阻,不能深入思考时,花点时间从焦躁的状态中撤出来,想想你为何、如何改变。 | When you get stuck and are short on insight, take time to step back from the fray to reflect on how any why you are changing. | |
21 | 上述公司进入该市场之时,个人电脑厂商正向它们请教智能手机方面的专业技术,因为个人电脑厂商发现,体积更小的机器更能吸引消费者。 | They are entering the fray as PC makers call on their smartphone expertise as they find that ever-smaller machines attract consumers. | |
22 | 随着国内汽车厂家越来越多,价格战也日益升温。 | Price wars have heated up as more local manufacturers have entered the fray . | |
23 | 它的主要条件是和谈应基于巴勒斯坦的认同之上。这只不过是一种委婉的说法,意为希望以色列把巴勒斯坦作为这场外交斡旋的另一方。 | Its prime condition was that talks be based on a Palestinian "consensus" , a euphemism for including them in the diplomatic fray . | |
24 | 它正在坚持不懈地收集资源,以便投入战斗,其中包括设立企业,作为秘密特工的阵地。 | It is assiduously gathering resources to enter the fray , including setting up business fronts that can be used by covert operatives. | |
25 | 通用汽车不会加入电力汽车的竞争,直到2011年,它宣布将在美国生产雪弗兰·福特。 | General Motors won’t be joining the electric car fray until 2011, when it says it will launch the Chevy Volt in the US. | |
26 | 同时,总部位于纽约的时尚手袋品牌Be&;D也加入了旅行袋的角逐。 | Meanwhile Be& D, a hip New York-based handbag label has also entered the luggage fray . | |
27 | 微软毫无疑问会重新加入战端,尽管它好像连一个适合平板电脑的操作系统都没有。 | Microsoft will certainly re-enter the fray , although none of its operating systems seems a good fit for tablets. | |
28 | 为了释放想象力,先锋人士应该在战斗最为激烈的时候,亲历战场,全心投入,把时间花在战壕里。 | And to unleash imaginations, the pioneers should be participating, engaging and spending time in the trenches, in the thick of the fray . | |
29 | 为使我们的年青一代在正确应对这种迷局时更加胜任,我们应该使媒介素养成为公共教育的题中之义。 | To better equip our youth to navigate this fray , we should make media literacy a feature of public education. | |
30 | 五角大楼近期宣布,正投入两架武装雄蜂“捕食者”战斗机到这场争端之中,这也许已对反叛分子带来了心理冲击。 | A recent announcement by the Pentagon that it was throwing two armed Predator drones into the fray may also have had a psychological impact. |