属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英国和他的移民们 打开大门
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-查理周刊袭击案 恐怖下的巴黎
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-人权 关于同性恋的分歧
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 中国疫苗安全引全球关注 萨尔瓦多与中国建交
1 | 丧失政治上的自由 | The loss of political freedoms | |
2 | 四大自由(买卖土地自由,雇工自由,放高利贷自由,经商自由) | four freedoms " (freedom of usury, of hiring labor, land sale and private enterprise) | |
3 | 他们的首领是自封的,他们憎恨我们的自由:信仰自由、言论自由、投票和集会自由以及相互异议的自由。 | Their leaders are self-appointed. They hate our freedoms , our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote and assemble and disagree with each other. | |
4 | 它还建立起了在法律面前人人平等以及宗教和言论的自由权利。 | It also established the principle of equality before the law and the freedoms of religion and speech. | |
5 | 特区政府不会容许有人利用香港的言论自由和容忍,影响特区或内地的社会跌序及安宁。 | HKSAR Government will not allow anyone to abuse Hong Kong’s freedoms and tolerance to affect public peace and order in the HKSAR, or public peace and order in the mainland. | |
6 | 香港居民的基本权利和自由得到充分保护。 | HKSAR residents’ fundamental rights and freedoms are fully protected. | |
7 | 香港居民享有的权利和自由,除依法规定外不得限制,此种限制不得与本条第一款规定抵触。 | The rights and freedoms enjoyed by Hong Kong residents shall not be restricted unless as prescribed by law. Such restrictions shall not contravene the provisions of the preceding paragraph of this Article. | |
8 | 香港主权在一九九七年七月一日回归中国时,大家都预测这个前英国殖民地,势必失去昔日的个人自由。 | When Hong Kong reverted to Chinese sovereignty on July 1, 1997, the air was full of forecasts of impending doom for the former British colony’s individual freedoms . | |
9 | 新法律剥夺了许多人的最基本的自由。 | The new laws deprived many people of the most elementary freedoms . | |
10 | 言论、出版、集会、结社、游行、示威自由 | Freedoms of speech, the press, assembly, association, procession and demonstration | |
11 | 在中华人民共和国的专属经济区和大陆架享有铺设海底电缆和管道的自由,以及与上述自由有关的其他合法使用海洋的便利。 | the freedom to lay submarine cables and pipelines and the convenience of other lawful uses of the sea related to the freedoms mentioned above in the exclusive economic zone and on the continental shelf of the PRC . | |
12 | 中国共产党领导人民进行革命、建设和改革,就是要实现全中国人民广泛的自由、民主和人权。 | The Communist Party of China has lead the Chinese people in carrying out revolution, development and reform precisely for the purpose of ensuring the entire Chinese people broad freedoms , democracy and human rights. | |
13 | 中国政府一贯重视促进和保护中国人民的各项人权与基本自由。 | The Chinese government has always attached importance to the promotion and protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms enjoyed by the Chinese people. | |
14 | 主要为维护安全--我们的自由、我们的家庭、我们的生命--而慷慨资助科学研究的冷战逻辑,已基本不复存在。 | The Cold War rationale for generously funding scientific research, primarily to keep us safe--our freedoms , our families, our lives--has largely disappeared | |
15 | ||1:更令人瞩目的是,游说者和政客们似乎有意避开这样的理念,法规只可以个人自由名义而不是实际名义进行调整。||2:新罕布什尔州的立法机构(口号:“活得自由,死得光荣”)最近审查一项议案,该议案允许已经拥有出售啤酒和葡萄酒执照的商店从国家垄断商店大量购进烈性酒,在进行转卖。||3:赞助商们告诉他们的立法同僚,若提案获得批准,他们可以“提倡有限政府”和“提高自由水平”。||4:受共和党控制的美国众议院以179票对123票的结果使这项议案流产。 | ||1: Most strikingly, lobbyists and politicians seem to shy away from the notion that regulation should be trimmed simply in the name of personal freedom, rather than on practical grounds. ||2: The legislature in New Hampshire (motto: “Live free or die”) recently considered a bill that would have allowed shops that already had licences to sell beer and wine to buy spirits in bulk from the state monopoly and resell them. ||3: The sponsor told his fellow lawmakers that by approving the proposal they would be “promoting limited government” and “enhancing freedoms ”. ||4: The state House of Representatives, which is controlled by Republicans, sent the measure down to defeat, 179-123. | |
16 | ||1:这是他策略的第二个问题。||2:劳动力的自由流动是欧盟的四大核心自由之一。||3:是其他的成员国无法比拟的。||4:如果卡梅伦先生承诺英国选民作出让步,但他不能实现,不仅加剧了反欧盟的感觉,也威胁到了他自己的地位,他就不得不从欧盟退出竞选。 | ||1:This is the second problem with his tactic.||2:Free movement of labour is one of the EU’s four core freedoms .||3:There is vanishingly little chance that other member states will concede it.||4:And if Mr Cameron promises British voters concessions he cannot deliver, he risks not just exacerbating anti-EU feeling, but also cornering himself into a position from which he has to campaign for withdrawal from the union. | |
17 | ||1:最新一期的法国讽刺杂志查理周刊聚焦在了Michel Houellebecq身上—一位创作了一本关于法国乃至整个欧盟都被伊斯兰化的新小说的作者。||2:书中伊斯兰教徒赢得了法国总统选举并削弱了国家自由,批评者们谴责他的书是在危言耸听、散布伊斯兰恐慌。||3: 然后,就在这本书出版的那天,蒙面的持枪者袭击了查理周刊的巴黎总部。||4:他们一边叫喊着“真主至上”一边杀害了12人,打伤多人,这是法国半个世纪以来最为严重的恐怖主义袭击。||5:持枪者逃走了,警察将两兄弟列为嫌犯。||6:随着反对移民—尤其是反对穆斯林族群的浪潮横扫欧洲大陆,从德累斯顿的街头抗议到英国的投票结果,再到如今的巴黎暴行,都似乎残忍地证实了这片土地最为黑暗的噩梦;事实上,这几乎是讽刺漫画的现实翻版。 | ||1:THE latest issue of Charlie Hebdo, a satirical French magazine, spotlights Michel Houellebecq, author of a new novel that imagines the Islamisation of France and then the European Union.||2:Critics had denounced Mr Houellebecq’s book, which depicts a near future in which Islamists win France’s presidency and compromise its freedoms , as Islamophobic scaremongering.||3:Then, on the day of its publication, masked gunmen attacked Charlie Hebdo’s offices in Paris.||4:They yelled “Allahu Akbar” as they murdered 12 people and wounded others, in France’s worst terrorist attack for half a century.||5:The gunmen fled; police have named two brothers as suspects.||6:As anti-immigrant sentiment—especially the anti-Muslim kind—seeps across Europe, from street protests in Dresden to English ballot boxes, the atrocity in Paris seemed ghoulishly to realise the continent’s darkest nightmare; almost, in fact, to caricature it. | |
18 | 对于那些坚持进步理念的人而言,很难相信宽容不会传播。毕竟,同性恋不是要求特殊待遇,只是希望享有其他人理所当然拥有的同样的自由:随心所爱,嫁心之所爱。译者:黄梅 | For those who cling to the notion of progress, it is hard to believe that tolerance will not spread. After all, gay people are not demanding special treatment, just the same freedoms that everyone else takes for granted: to love whom they please and to marry whom they love. | |
19 | 中国外交部强烈谴责一直鼓吹“港独”的香港居民陈浩天(Andy Chan)。外交部指责陈浩天“与外部势力勾结”,他呼吁鉴于“自由迅速恶化”,撤销香港及中国的世贸组织成员身分。 | The Chinese foreign ministry lashed out at Andy Chan, a Hong Kong resident who has been campaigning for the territory’s independence. It accused Mr Chan of “colluding with external forces” by calling for both China and HongKong to be expelled from the WTO because of a “rapid deterioration of freedoms ”. | |
20 | (联合国宣言列出四项特定的自由为每个人的天赋人权).参阅: | a U. N. declaration naming four specific freedoms as every person’s birthright | |
21 | “自由学校”(见注解2)增长则比较缓慢,全部是新的公立学校,拥有与专科学校一样的运营自由。 | There has been a slower trickle of "free schools" , entirely new state schools with the same operational freedoms as academies. | |
22 | GNU通用公共许可协议基本的思想就是要保证所有使用代码的用户都享有那四项自由。 | RMS: The basic idea of the GNU General Public License is to assure that all users of the code have the four freedoms . | |
23 | 艾伦:我反对政府滥用职权来扼杀公民的宪法自由。 | Alan: I object to government abusing its power tosquash the constitutional freedoms of its citizenry. And, God forbid, anybodychallenge it. | |
24 | 悲观主义者想让我们退回到上世纪八十年代,那是任何数字化自由到来之前的最后年代。 | The decade the pessimists want to return us to is the 1980s, the last period before society had any significant digital freedoms . | |
25 | 不管怎样,随着政治和经济上日渐自由,资产阶级由于更自由的贸易大都发迹了。 | After all, as political and economic freedoms increase, its members often prosper because they are allowed more freedom to do business. | |
26 | 诚然,最终用户未必对学习和改善他们自己的编程技术有兴趣。 | True, end-users are unlikely to be interested themselves in the freedoms to study or improve the program. | |
27 | 创业成本世界最低,教育好,公民自由不受限制。 | The world’s lowest business startup costs, excellent education, unrestricted civil freedoms . | |
28 | 此外,它亦罔顾如下事实,那就是现代公民的自由权(freedoms)时常受限于凌驾其上的庞大的社会力量。 | It is deaf also to the fact that modern citizens’ freedoms are often limited by big social forces beyond their control. | |
29 | 此外,这种运行和再发布程序的自由,在某种程度上减轻了大家对私有软件不受欢迎方面的感受。 | Moreover, the freedoms to run and redistribute programs relieve everyone of some of the more unwelcome aspects of proprietary culture. | |
30 | 从进入监狱起,大部分人身自由和最大程度的尊严就被剥夺了。 | For starters, most of your personal freedoms and the majority of your dignity are stripped from you the moment you step inside a prison. |