属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 35
1 | “不,夫人,”基督山答道,“这是新近买的一个小地方--我的寓所在香榭丽舍大道三十号,我看您已经复原了,您一定是想回家了吧。 | My place of abode is No. 30, Avenue des Champs Elyses; but I see you have quite recovered from your fright , and are, no doubt, desirous of returning home | |
2 | “说老实话,”卡德鲁斯结结巴巴地说,“你简直要吓死我啦!” | "As true as I am a christian," stammered Caderousse, "you will make me die of fright !" | |
3 | “我朦胧要睡,就给你乒乒乓乓吓醒了。 | I was just dozing off when all your racket woke me in a fright | |
4 | “昨天晚上我受的惊吓太大了。”唐太斯微笑着回答,“我的记忆力几乎都丧失了。 | "I got such a fright last night," replied Dants, smiling, "that I have almost lost my memory | |
5 | Roy行动很快,开车直向这两个贼冲去,那个拿着钱袋的贼吓得丢了钱袋。 | Roy acted quickly and drove the bus straight at the thieves. The one with the money got such a fright that he dropped the bag. | |
6 | 八月四日,当船队拔锚正要扬帆启程去考察海湾时,西班牙人遭受了大概是生平从未遇到过的一次巨大恐怖的袭击。 | On August 4th, as the caravels were weighing anchor and about to square away to explore the gulf, the Spaniards had probably the greatest fright of their lives | |
7 | 本航班起飞时间已提前至上午9点30分。 | The fright departure has be advanced to 9.30 a.m. | |
8 | 不要为了赶走老鼠而去烧你的房子。 | Bum not your house to fright the mouse away. | |
9 | 不知为什么我一直克服不了怯场的毛病 | I don’t know why I can never get over the feeling of getting stage fright | |
10 | 除掉开头几句话,其余全吓忘了。 | Except for a few opening sentences, he, in his fright , had forgotten the rest of his speech | |
11 | 此外,在夺取动物生命以将其作为食物时,穆斯林被教导尽可能在不造成恐惧及伤害的情况下做这件事。 | Additionally, while taking the life of an animal for food, Muslims are commanded to do so in a manner that causes the least amount of fright and suffering possible. | |
12 | 从下小艇一刻起,我已心如死灰;一方面这是由于受风暴的惊吓,另一方面由于想到此行凶吉未卜,内心万分恐惧。 | My heart was as it were dead within me, partly with fright , partly with horror of mind and the thoughts of what was yet before me. | |
13 | 大概谁首先瞥见了新的出路,就将体验大多数发现者都要领略的那份兴奋甚至惊惧。 | Probably whoever first glimpses the new way will experience the excitement and even fright that comes to most discoverers | |
14 | 但是,我已被摩尔人吓破了胆,生怕再落到他们的手里;同时风势又顺,于是也不靠岸,也不下锚,一口气竟走了五天。 | Yet such was the fright I had taken at the moors, and the dreadful apprehensions i had of falling into their hands, that I would not stop, or go on shore, or come to an anchor | |
15 | 当他被传唤出庭作证时,他怯场了。 | When he was called on to testify at the trial, he got stage fright | |
16 | 范博文心里一慌,脸色就变,话是说不出来了,身体一矮,不知不觉竟想往桌子底下钻,这时张素素已经跑到窗前去探视了,吴芝生跟在后面。 | Fan Po-wen, pale and speechless with fright , ducked his head as if he was going to dive under the table, while Chang Su-su and Wu Chih-sheng rushed to the window to see what was happening | |
17 | 范妮也显得气恼非常,而其丈夫大为妹妹的莽撞所惊吓。 | Fanny looked very angry too, and her husband was all in a fright at his sister’s audacity | |
18 | 范小姐正要问辛楣什么笑话,吓得拿匙舀口鸡汤和着这问题咽了下去。 | Miss Fan, who was just about to ask Hsin-mei what sort of shenanigans, took such a fright that she scooped up a spoonful of chicken soup and swallowed her question down with it | |
19 | 狐狸第一次看见狮子时,趴在狮子脚下,吓得要命。 | The first time the fox saw a lion he fell down at its feet, ready to die of fright . | |
20 | 即便是著名的演说家,也会有怯场的候 | Even great speakers may sometimes get stage fright | |
21 | 既然它把我吓了一大跳,只要它一息尚存,也一定会把胆敢闯进来的野人吓跑。 | For if he had frightened me so, he would certainly fright any of the savages, if any of them should be so hardy as to come in there, while he had any life in him. | |
22 | 贾瑞也捻着一把汗,少不得回来撒谎 | In a cold sweat with fright , Jia Rui tried to lie his way out. | |
23 | 假如我是个男人,我是不愿跟一个丑八怪似的英国老太婆交往的,即使是书信来往也罢。 | If I were a man I should wish to hold no communication, not even an epistolary one, with an old fright of an Englishwoman | |
24 | 杰夫和福罗拉面面相觑,惊恐不已。 | Jeff and Flora looked into each other’s faces with a look of fright . | |
25 | 她的眼睛因害怕而骨碌碌地转动 | Her eyes rolled with fright . | |
26 | 她吓得昏了过去。 | She had such a fright that she fainted. | |
27 | 她吓得面色惨白。 | Her face was ghostly pale with fright | |
28 | 她一看到出逃的老虎差点吓死了。 | She nearly died of fright at the sight of the escaped tiger. | |
29 | 她以为那件衣服挺漂亮--依我看她穿着像个丑八怪. | She thinks that dress is pretty I think she looks a fright in it. | |
30 | 她因恐惧而尖声喊叫。 | She screamed in fright . |