属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-儿童文学 儿童读物的政治性
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-莱克星顿 里克·佩里的廉价航空模式
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-制药企业 悬念
1 | 他向来以为杜新箨是不知厉害的享乐公子,现在他更加确定了。 | He was more certain than ever now that Tu Hsin-to was nothing more than a frivolous young hedonist | |
2 | 他在一些无聊的事上花了好多钱。 | He spent a lot of his money on frivolous things. | |
3 | 我真想说一句,叫他们谈话放严肃些... | If I could intrude a note of seriousness into this frivolous conversation.. | |
4 | 无聊事无聊的行为或事情 | A frivolous act or thing. | |
5 | 以漫不经心或琐碎的方式议论。 | To discuss in a casual or frivolous manner | |
6 | 在她看来,欢笑就是亵渎神明,高兴就是轻薄,--她看不出其间有什么区别。 | In her estimation to be mirthful was to be profane; to be cheerful was to be frivolous -she drew no distinctions | |
7 | 这方面的爱好长期被认为是轻薄和非男子气的。 | Inclination in that direction has long been considered frivolous and unmanly | |
8 | 这个人很轻浮,不严肃。 | The man is frivolous , not serious.- | |
9 | 这是一种轻率敷衍的处理问题的方式。 | This is a frivolous way of attacking the problem. | |
10 | 这种说法有时就不准确。许多戏剧甚至包括悲剧在内都有喜剧性的场面。而喜剧无论题材平凡也罢不平凡也罢,其主要特点是处理题材的手法是幽默的。 | This description is not always accurate. Many dramas, and even tragedies, have comic moments or scenes. However, comedy is typified by humorous treatment of subject matter, whether or not the subject matter is frivolous . | |
11 | ||1:里克?佩里的竞选之路举步维艰,但他提出的“侵权法改革”却引起热议。||2:今年六月,这位德州州长签署了 “败诉赔付”的侵权法案,规定侵权案的败诉方要补偿胜诉方的法律成本,希望以此减少一些琐细无聊的侵权诉讼。||3:该法案得到保守分子的大力支持。||4:几十年来,右派人士坚持认为,美国的法律文化窒息了小企业、医生和创新者。 | ||1:IN HIS floundering campaign for president, Rick Perry has at least brought one topic into prominence: tort reform.||2:In June the governor of Texas signed a “loser pays” tort law, intended to discourage slight or frivolous lawsuits by making losers pay the winners’ legal costs.||3:Conservatives are eager to support it.||4:The right has maintained for decades that America’s legal culture smothers small businesses, doctors and innovators. | |
12 | ||1:毛泽东时期的中国,毫无意义的童年追求,例如阅读,常常是不被赞同的。||2:只有那些少部分关于革命和阶级斗争的儿童读物可以出版。||3:今天,孩子们的读物变得更有趣味性。||4:然而,即使儿童读物的限制已经改变,父母和国家仍然认为这些儿童读物的使命是塑造孩子的思想,而不仅仅是娱乐。 | ||1:IN CHINA in Mao Zedong’s day, frivolous childhood pursuits such as reading were frowned on.||2:The few children’s books that were tolerated told stories of revolution and class struggle.||3:These days, toddlers are allowed to have more fun.||4:But though the message has changed, parents and the state still believe the primary role of such works is to shape young minds, not amuse them. | |
13 | ||1:任何答案都应该从他的管理记录开始。||2:近几年有数百万人因低税收、低房价、轻力度监管和法庭对琐碎诉讼的不赞成而迁移到德克萨斯州,支持者们说这是个“德克萨斯奇迹”。||3:佩里喜欢与高税收、严监管的加州作对比,或者像他称的那样,他“经常”从加州挖来雇主。||4:他笑容满面地称,在他十四年的行政生涯中,美国所有净就业机会中有三分之一都是德克萨斯州创造的,这是他的一个得意功绩。 | ||1:Any answer must begin with his governing record.||2:A “Texas miracle” say boosters, pointing to the millions who have moved to his state in recent years, drawn by low taxes, cheap housing, light-touch regulation and courts that take a dim view of frivolous lawsuits.||3:Mr Perry is keen on comparisons with highly-taxed, regulation-choked California, or as he calls it, the state from which he poaches employers “on a regular basis”.||4:During his 14 years as governor, he beams, a third of all net jobs created in America were created in Texas. | |
14 | 谷歌的一名高级律师肯特?沃克尔就抱怨说,公司不得不花大笔钱应对竞争对手杂七杂八的诉讼。 | Kent Walker, one of Google’s senior lawyers, grouses at being forced to spend a lot of money defending the company against frivolous lawsuits by rivals. | |
15 | 美国联邦贸易委员会(Federal Trade Commission,FTC)主席Jon Leibowitz注意到,制药商们千方百计地为产品增加后续专利,以延缓保护的失效,但其实那些专利没什么价值。 | Jon Leibowitz, chairman of America’s Federal Trade Commission (FTC), is concerned by drugmakers filing frivolous additional patents on their products to put off the day when their protection expires. | |
16 | “我希望你不要这么孩子气。”利季娅说。 | Lydia said: "I wish you wouldn’t be so frivolous . " | |
17 | “诱惑不是一件轻佻的事儿,它是战争”,风情万种的法国女演员阿莱利·多贝索告诉本书的作者。 | "SEDUCTION is not a frivolous thing, " Arielle Dombasle, a coquettish French actress, tells the author: "It’s war. " | |
18 | 把自己的精力浪费在这样一个轻浮的女人身上,他真是个傻瓜。 | He was a fool to chuck himself away on such a frivolous woman. | |
19 | 不管是否无聊,那可能会让你思考最大的问题:好莱坞是反映现实还是决定现实? | Frivolous or not, it makes you wonder about the biggest question of all: Does Hollywood reflect our reality -- or determine it? | |
20 | 插科打诨讨论问题时持有轻松、戏弄的态度 | Light or frivolous manner of discussing a subject. | |
21 | 但倒推回去,他明白了为这么个微不足道的目的专门雇一个人意味着什么。 | But working backward, he saw what hiring a man for such a frivolous purpose implied. | |
22 | 但是,这一决策同时也孕育了一些为了钱财肆无忌惮的诉讼人,进而形成了迎合他们的法律行业。 | But it has also encouraged unscrupulous and frivolous litigants, and a legal industry that caters to them. | |
23 | 但在针对企业的轻率诉讼和过度的惩罚性损害赔偿上,他持有保守的观点。 | But he took a conservative view of frivolous lawsuits against corporations and excessive punitive damages. | |
24 | 电视制片人和剧作者在用一种肤浅的方式对待严肃的历史,这种对待历史的方式不应当再受到鼓励。 | The producers and writers are treating serious history in a frivolous way, which should by no means be encouraged any longer. | |
25 | 对于一位冲动之余买下一大堆鞋的女人,走回家是最后的选择。 | As a woman with a large collection of frivolous shoes, walking home is a last resort. | |
26 | 盖川崎说“在这样的境遇下,人们砍掉琐碎的消费并只关注质量。” | "In times like these, people cut back on the frivolous , and there’s a flight to quality. " | |
27 | 来自政治光谱的两端的批评家们有时告诉我,我的见解是如此地怪异以至于毫无意义。 | I am sometimes told, by critics from both ends of the political spectrum, that my views are so weird as to be merely frivolous . | |
28 | 例如,一个冗长的列表可能会反映不适当的注意或者引起过多的请求。 | For example, a long list might deflect undue attention or absorb frivolous requests. | |
29 | 两名独立议员将在金融法案方面为工党提供支持,但如果议会轻率地提出不信任投票动议,他们将弃权。 | The independents will back Labor on finance bills, and abstain in the event of frivolous no-confidence motions. | |
30 | 美国需要更少、更简单的法律,要更加严格地限制鸡毛蒜皮的官司和莫名其妙的损失。 | America needs fewer and simpler laws, and stricter curbs on frivolous suits and outlandish damages. |