属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-社会平衡器 与富人之间的距离
属类:经济金融-Economics Report 经济报道-经济数据改善,但一些美国人感觉被落下
1 | 飙车活动让当地一些新兴致富的年轻人找到一种花钱的方法,并且用飙车来发泄青年人的挫折感。 | Racing provides these young people with an outlet for their new wealth in Vietnam’s growing economy and for their youthful frustrations . | |
2 | 大型企业主管生涯发展方案、生涯发展需求与生涯挫折之关系分析 | Difference between Career Development Programs and Career Development Needs of Managers and Its Relationships with Career Frustrations | |
3 | 她虽经历坎坷,最终还是很幸福。 | She went through a lot of frustrations , but ended up happy | |
4 | 令人不解的是,一些极小的委屈常常会成为最能妨碍夫妻间幸福的因素--诸如一些微不足道的争执和失意、几个未回的电话、胡乱摆放物品,以及意见上的某些分歧和家庭的责任等。 | Surprisingly, the smallest girevances are often the ones that interfere most with marital happiness the minor hassles and frustrations , unredturned phone calls, messes, disagreements,responsibilities | |
5 | 每种工作都有让人不称心的地方. | Every job has its frustrations . | |
6 | 朋友们,今天我要对你们说,尽管眼下困难重重,但我依然怀有一个梦。 | I say to you today, my friends, that in spite of the difficulties and frustrations of the moment, I still have a dream | |
7 | 人生的旅程固然坎坷不平,祝愿你脚踏实地,百尺竿头,更进一步。 | True, life’s journey is full of frustrations ,but I hope you will march on steadily, and make still greater progress. | |
8 | 生活充满了挫折。 | Life is full of frustrations . | |
9 | 虽然此刻面临困难,受到挫折,我仍然怀有一个梦想。 | In spite of difficulties and frustrations of the moment I still have a dream. | |
10 | 他的诗表达了他的渴望与失望。 | His poetry voiced his yearnings and frustrations | |
11 | 他一生坎坷。 | He had a lifetime of frustrations . | |
12 | 我还能做些什么来躲避那些说不出的失意和令人不快的感情呢。 | What else I can do to avoid dealing with unvoiced frustrations and uncomfortable feelings? | |
13 | 我妈妈认为,我每天晚上做作业,有她帮忙也要花3个小时,这是一个问题。我开始厌学,但却把自己的沮丧埋在心底。 | My mom felt there was a problem when it took me three hours to do homework every night, even with her help. I began to hate school and kept my frustrations buried inside. | |
14 | 我也沉浸在这个令人发狂的、神异的、使人振奋的地区存在的那种含糊不清、激情和沮丧之中去了。 | I was immersed in the ambiguities, passions, and frustrations of that maddening, heroic, and exhilarating region | |
15 | 无数难言的挫折交织在一起,使他怒不可遏,令人畏惧。 | Numberless and inexpressible frustrations combined to make his rage elemental and awe-inspiring. | |
16 | 吾弟一生坎坷,决非命运安排,一切操之在己。 | Dear brother, the frustrations marking your lifetime are by no means predestined. You yourself alone are master of your own fate | |
17 | 下到凡间,他们经历人间的争斗和挫折,享受凡世的友谊和爱情。 | down in the world of mortals they experienced rivalries and frustrations , and enjoyed earthly friendships and loves | |
18 | 想起自己坎坷的一生,他不由仰天长叹。 | He could not but look up to the sky and sigh deeply when his lifetime of frustrations passed through his mind. | |
19 | 由于我们遭到挫折而要同西贡算帐的引诱力会增加。 | The temptation would grow to take out our frustrations on saigon | |
20 | 原子核碰撞中微子研究的实验工作者经历了另一种类型的困难--资料过多。 | Experimenters who study collisions of neutrinos with nuclei experienced frustrations of a different sort-an excess of riches | |
21 | 在对于青少年的纷纷议论中,我认为我们似乎忘记了,他们基本上是我们的影子;反映出我们的弱点、失误和理想,反映出我们的恐惧和失败,也反映我们的希望和信仰。 | In all the brouhaha about teenagers we are inclined to forget, it seems to me, that they are primarily reflections of us, our foibles and fumblings and aspirations, our fears and frustrations , our hopes and our beliefs | |
22 | 在六十年代,他担任指挥官职务时虽然不是没有挫折,但是却没有产生华盛顿上层人士那种生理上和心理上的心灰意冷。 | He had spent the 1960s in command positions, which, while not without the frustrations , did not produce the physical and psychological exhaustion of high-level Washington | |
23 | 中国社会主义建设受挫的哲学解读 | The Philosophical Unscrambling of Frustrations in the Construction of China’s Socialism | |
24 | ||1:经过靠近合恩角的德雷克海峡时,那把“坚不可摧”的钢舵折断了,尽管克雷默是一个足够优秀的机械师,可以再装配一个。||2:他们曾不止一次地在岩石嶙峋、没有灯光的海岸上遭遇不幸。||3:经过塔斯马尼亚时,天气非常恶劣,肩膀脱臼的他不得不拉下湿帆。||4:厨房里的火几乎把船和他正在烤的面包烧成灰烬。||5:挫折不断,但这是意料之中的事。 | ||1:Going through Drake Passage near the Horn broke the “indestructible” steel tiller, though he was a good enough mechanic to rig up another.||2:More than once they nearly came to grief on rocky, unlit coasts.||3:Passing Tasmania, in the worst weather of the trip, he had to haul down wet sails with a dislocated shoulder.||4:A galley fire almost incinerated the boat, as well as the loaf he was baking.||5:Frustrations , but par for the course. | |
25 | ||1:在马尼拉(菲律宾首都)的午夜12点,这座首都城市正慢慢步入第二天工作日。||2:此时世界管理中心的办公大楼里,数千名菲律宾年轻人涌入无数的开放式办公室。||3:一坐下,他们就迅速开始工作,对太平洋彼岸正开始新的一天的愤怒的美国消费者提出的咨询做出回答,并安抚他们的情绪。 | ||1:IT’S midnight in Manila, and the capital is just waking up to the start of another working day.||2:At the Worldwide Corporate Centre office block, thousands of young Filipinos are crowding into endless open-plan offices.||3:Once seated, they quickly start answering the questions and calming the frustrations of vexed American consumers beginning their own day on the other side of the Pacific Ocean. | |
26 | 2013年12月,一名印度籍建筑工人星期日休假时被一辆公共汽车碾死,一些人的挫折感在这次事件中暴露无遗。 | The frustrations some suffer were exposed by a riot in December 2013 after an Indian construction worker, on his Sunday off, was run over and killed by a bus. | |
27 | 很多人表示,经济复苏把他们落下了。他们计划在今年11月总统大选投票时表达他们的不满。 | Many people say the economic recovery has left them behind. They say they plan to voice their frustrations when they vote in the presidential election in November. | |
28 | 美国有线电视新闻网报道称,特朗普正在考虑这一提议,因为他对塞申斯的反感增加,尽管有无数关于环保署署长的联邦道德调查和丑闻,但是特朗普继续支持普鲁特。 | CNN reports that Trump was considering this offer as his frustrations with Sessions mounted and his support for Pruitt remains steady, despite countless federal ethics investigations and scandals surrounding the EPA administrator. | |
29 | “维基”百科给这些人提供了和所有人一样的机会,也让他们受到了同样的挫折。 | Wikipedia offers them the same opportunity, and poses the same frustrations , as it does for everyone else. | |
30 | 1989年,我们力图在困难的状况中开展很多工作,经常把受挫的怨气发泄到对方身上。 | In 1989, we were trying to do a lot in a difficult climate, and we too often took our frustrations out on each other. |