属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-意大利政治 社工贝卢斯科尼
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-利特维年科案的调查 扑朔迷离的谋杀案
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-马克里奇 悼念原物料大王
1 | 逃犯被认为在向国境线逃窜。 | The fugitive is believed to be headed for the border | |
2 | 逃犯被认为在向国境线逃窜。 | The fugitive is believed to be headed for the border. | |
3 | 逃犯的引渡. | the surrender of fugitive | |
4 | 逃犯已被警方通缉 | The fugitive is wanted by the police. | |
5 | 逃跑的犯人. | a fugitive prisoner | |
6 | 逃亡者匆匆逃离了小镇 | The fugitive skipped town. | |
7 | 逃亡者用曲折迂回的办法来迷惑追踪者 | The fugitive doubled back to confound the pursuers. | |
8 | 褪色墨:在不稳定的大气情况或强光下会褪色或变色的油墨。 | Fugitive inks: Another term for "Process colour printing","Four-colour process". | |
9 | 为得赏而追捕缉拿罪犯或逃犯的人。 | One who pursues a criminal or fugitive for whom a reward is offered. | |
10 | 我不能赞扬一种易变的美德,它没有经受过考验、没有抛头露面,从来就没有挺身而出并勇敢地面对敌人(约翰·弥尔顿)。 | I cannot praise a fugitive .virtue,unexercised and unbreathed,that never sallies out and sees her adversary(John Milton. | |
11 | 我们看到这个国家的政府,多次无法顺利逮捕一个拥有强大势力和无人不识的逃犯,过程显得荒谬可笑,我们也读到一些有关他所谓的逃亡生涯的趣闻。 | We have also seen how comically bizarre the government’s failed attempts to capture a renowned fugitive of law with powerful connections, and the titbits of his life at large while under hot pursuit by the country’s police force | |
12 | 在不处于顶极状态的群落中的任何一个种,不是注定就地绝灭,就是成为一种在一定程度上的逃亡者。 | Any species that is not in the climax community is doomed to local extinction and is a fugitive species to a greater or lesser degree | |
13 | 在音乐家的脑海里,一组稍纵即逝的音符逐渐形成一个曲调。 | In the musician’s mind a fugitive set of notes began slowly to form into a tune | |
14 | 在罪犯频繁出没的贫民窟环境中,无论如何行人通常总是袒护罪犯的。 | Anyway, in the squalid surroundings that criminals frequented, the passers-by were generally on the fugitive ’s side | |
15 | 这个时候他的眼光遇上了玛提的眼光,他好像看见她的眼睫毛底下偷偷地发出一个警告。 | As he did so his glance crossed Mattie’s and he fancied that a fugitive warning gleamed through her lashes. | |
16 | ||1:此外,4月12日黎巴嫩警方逮捕了二十世纪九十年代意大利力量党的最初的创始人马塞洛·德尔乌特里(Marcello Dell’Utri),他为贝卢斯科尼提供了其开创政治事业所需的工具。||2:尽管对于他所声称的与黑手党的关系存在着争议,但西西里人德尔乌特里一直保持着与科萨·诺斯特拉(Cosa Nostra)密切的联系。||3:在最高法院判决他帮助和教唆黑手党之罪入狱七年之前,他失踪了一小段时间。||4:低级法院则判定他早在建立力量党之前就已经断绝了与黑手党的合作往来。||5:但是他的法律问题和逃犯的身份让意大利力量党和党领袖贝卢斯科尼都非常尴尬。 | ||1:Then on April 12th police in Lebanon arrested Marcello Dell’Utri, the man who created Forza Italia! from nothing in the early 1990s, giving Mr Berlusconi the vehicle he needed for his political career.||2:Mr Dell’Utri, a Sicilian, remained close, despite controversy over his alleged links to Cosa Nostra.||3:He disappeared shortly before the supreme court could rule on his seven-year jail sentence for aiding and abetting mobsters.||4:Lower-court judges ruled that his collaboration with the Mafia ceased before he founded Forza Italia!||5:But his legal problems and fugitive status are embarrassing for the party and its leader. | |
17 | ||1:来英寻求政治避难的俄国特工亚历山大·利特维年科一直是名不见经传。||2:他于2006年在伦敦去世后,才成为众人皆知的人物。||3:利特维曾是原俄罗斯联邦安全局的一名特工,与几大阴暗人物打过交道。||4:他曾收受俄罗斯逃亡寡头别列佐夫斯基的补助,为参与英西联合行动的英国秘密情报局出谋划策,此次行动旨在调查俄罗斯黑社会与克里姆林宫核心集团之间的关联。||5:他曾指控费拉基米尔·普京的私人生活,以及俄罗斯领导人的集权方式,可谓是骇人听闻。||6:无论哪种行为,都可能与他悲苦的命运—死于钋中毒—有所关联。 | ||1:AN OBSCURE refugee from Russia when he died in London in 2006, Alexander Litvinenko became famous only after his death.||2:The former security policeman mixed with murky figures.||3:He had received an allowance from a fugitive Russian tycoon, Boris Berezovsky.||4:He was advising Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service in an Anglo-Spanish operation which investigated links between Russian gangsterdom and the Kremlin’s inner circle.||5:He had made lurid allegations about Vladimir Putin’s private life and about the way the Russian leader had gained power.||6:Any of those could have a bearing on his agonising fate—poisoning with polonium. | |
18 | ||1:因此,他变成了一个逃犯,也位列美国联邦调查局最想抓捕人犯名单之中。||2:他一直是世界上最大的金属和矿物贸易商,直到1994年他卖掉了自己的股份,而他的公司成为嘉能可这个涉猎领域广的大公司。这段期间他在西班牙、瑞士和以色列这几个国家之间奔波,成为这三个国家的公民。||3:在马尔韦亚或圣莫里茨,或者在9.5百万美元打造的游泳池旁边或者在他收藏的布拉克和毕加索的作品间,这个估计拥有25亿美元财富的人才会勉强承认自己被流放。||4:他的父亲死于美国;他只能在电话里念着赞美诗《珈底什》。他认为,小段悲伤,然后继续前行。 | ||1: Thereafter he became a fugitive , a star of the FBI’s most-wanted list. ||2: He remained—until 1994, when he sold his stake and his company became the vast, tentacular Glencore—the world’s biggest trader of metals and minerals, while darting between Spain, Switzerland and Israel, a citizen of all three. ||3: In Marbella or St Moritz, beside a $9.5m swimming pool or among his Braques and Picassos, with a fortune estimated at $2.5 billion, he reconciled himself to exile. ||4: His father died in America; he had to say kaddish down the telephone. You cry a little, you move on. | |
19 | ||1:与此同时,荷兰画家乔治·亨德里克·布赖特纳也抓住时机记录下来阿姆斯特丹川流不息的街景,画面突显了一位头戴面纱的女子,身上包裹着毛皮披肩,只露出脸,神情隐约难辨,整幅画作看起来非常逼真。||2:布赖特纳凭借自己的努力被公认为天才摄影师,他利用相机绘制出《穿红色和服的女子》(右上图为画作,左图为模特照片)。||3:照片中的女孩蜷曲在沙发上,身上的和服花纹精致复杂,与脚下的波斯地毯的图案对比鲜明,布赖特纳根据这张照片进行的再创作描绘精确,完美的再现了原照的氛围。 | ||1:A Dutch painter, George Hendrik Breitner, also seizes a moment in time in a bustling Amsterdam street scene that is dominated by a veiled figure holding a fur muff up to her face, looking blurred and fugitive , as in real life.||2:Now acknowledged as a gifted photographer in his own right, Breitner used his camera for “Girl in Red Kimono” (pictured right above with its photographic model, left).||3:This precise yet atmospheric re-creation of his snapshot of a girl curled up on a divan, shows her intricately patterned kimono in sharp contrast with the design of the Persian carpet at her feet. | |
20 | 自九月份墨西哥43名学生失踪后,总统恩里克·培尼亚·涅托一直处于遏制毒品暴行的压力下。他承诺,在事故发生地墨西哥城市长被逮捕之后,将采取新的措施。然而这并不能平息学生亲属的愤怒。 | Mexico’s president, Enrique Peaa Nieto, under pressure to curb drug-related violence after the disappearance of 43 students in September, promised there would be new revelations following the arrest in Mexico City of the fugitive mayor of the town where the atrocity occurred. Relatives of the students remain angry. | |
21 | 1862年3月,国会颁行了一项新的战争条款,禁止军官将逃亡的奴隶归还其主。 | In March 1862 Congress enacted a new article of war forbidding army officers to return fugitive slaves to their masters. | |
22 | 1961年,以色列情报机构摩萨德向在逃的纳粹分子AloisBrunner寄去包裹炸弹,炸伤了他一只眼睛。 | In 1961 Israel’s secret service, Mossad, sent one to Alois Brunner, a fugitive Nazi; it cost him an eye. | |
23 | 北京市无组织排放源颗粒物的粒度分布 | Diameter Distribution of Particles from Fugitive Emission Sources in Beijing | |
24 | 波兰斯基仍然是一个在逃犯,瑞士也以法制有度,拘泥不苟而著称。 | Polanski is still a fugitive from justice and the Swiss are famously a correct and punctilious nation. | |
25 | 不止一块皇家墓碑上烙下了人类假惺惺且转瞬即逝敬意的胎记。 | Not a royal monument but bears some proof how false and fugitive is the homage of mankind. | |
26 | 城市扬尘污染和抑尘剂研究现状及展望 | Fugitive dust pollution of city and situation and prospect of study on dust-depressor | |
27 | 大型铜冶炼厂环境集烟系统的设计技术 | Design Technique of Fugitive Gas Collecting System in Large Copper Smelter | |
28 | 当局抓不到加里•卡普兰,他逃亡在外。 | The authorities can’t reach Gary Kaplan, he is a fugitive . | |
29 | 第二个问题,赖昌星是中国最想遣返回国的在逃犯,中方对加拿大政府给他签发工作签证有何反应? | Secondly, do you have any comment on the Canadian Government giving a job permit to Lai Changxing, who is the most wanted fugitive in China? | |
30 | 阀门易挥发物逸散的检测方法 | Detection Method for Fugitive Emission of VOC from Valve |