1 | 联合国以各成员国主权平等为基础,按下述原则行事,即所有成员国必须忠实履行联合国宪章所赋予的职责,通过和平手段解决国际争端... | Based on the sovereign equality of all its members, the United Nations acts in accordance with the principles that all members are to fulfill in good faith their Charter obligation, settle their international disputes by peaceful means | |
2 | 履行政府的规定 | Fulfill the requirements of the government | |
3 | 美国政府将切实履行中美三个联合公报关于台湾问题的各项原则和自己作出的坚持一个中国政策的庄严承诺。 | The US government will earnestly fulfill all the principles concerning the Taiwan issue in the three Sino-US joint communiques and its solemn promise to uphold the principles of one China | |
4 | 目前,全村群众,正在积极地实现今年农业合作化的发展计划和搞好增产保收。 | At present, it is working energetically to fulfill this year’s plan for expanding agricultural co-operation, increase production and ensure a good harvest | |
5 | 你必须履行法律规定的这些义务。 | You is required to fulfill these obligation as by law enact. | |
6 | 你应该履行自己的诺言。 | You should fulfill your promise. | |
7 | 您能完成的年销售总量是多少? | What is the total annual turnover you could fulfill ? | |
8 | 签约双方都应履行各自的合同义务。 | Both parties shall fulfill their respective contract obligation. | |
9 | 全厂工人保证提前完成任务。 | All the workers in the factory pledged themselves to fulfill the task ahead of time | |
10 | 权力不下放,企业没有自主权,也就没有责任,搞得好坏都是上面负责。 | Unless enterprises are given authority, they will have no power to make decisions and hence have no obligations to fulfill it is the upper levels that will be held responsible for their success or failure. | |
11 | 然而,我们最大的希望是来自于您对艾尔莎产品的体验,进而融入您的生活之中,让艾尔莎的产品成为您时时刻刻的好伙伴;这是我们的使命-为您最好的选择奋战!! | Our greatest hope, however, is that you will experience at first hand the characteristics that set ELSA apart in your cooperation with us-our commitment to products which fulfill the highest performance and quality demands, comprehensive service and long-term partnerships based on mutual trust. That is our mission. We fight for your rights. | |
12 | 如果贵公司履行了所规定的合同义务,按合同第____、____、____章规定提交的单据经买方审核无误,而买方仍未能按合同第___、___、____、____章规定履行支付责任的全部或部分 | In case you fulfill the specified contractual obligations and provide the documents pursuant to Article__,__,__found in order by the buyer, and the buyer fails to pay the amounts specified in Article __,__,__of the Contract wholly or partially | |
13 | 如果许可方不能履行上述任何一项保证义务 | Should Licensor fail to fulfill any of its guarantee obligations under this Article | |
14 | 如果许下诺言就应该履行。 | If you make a promise you should fulfill it | |
15 | 如果一方未能完成或履行其在本合同项下的任何义务 | If the other party fails to fulfill or perform any of its obligations hereunder | |
16 | 如今大多数人并不是自觉地去参加英语教学培训,也不是出于对英语的兴趣,而是为了能得到一份工作。 | Today most people do not do training courses in teaching English out of conscientiousness, or to fulfill their interest in the English language. They do them to get jobs | |
17 | 如收到请求,各成员应鼓励其领土内加入或参与国际或区域合格评定体系的机构向其他成员、特别是发展中国家成员提供建议,并就建立机构以使其领土内的有关机构能够履行因加入或参与而承担义务的问题,考虑它们提出的关于提供技术援助的请求。 | Members shall, if so requested, encourage bodies within their territories which are members or participants of international or regional systems for conformity assessment to advise other Members, especially the developing country Members, and should consider requests for technical assistance from them regarding the establishment of the institutions which would enable the relevant bodies within their territories to fulfill the obligations of membership or participation. | |
18 | 如收到请求,加入或参与国际或区域合格评定体系的成员应向其他成员、特别是发展中国家成员提供建议,并就建立机构和法律体制以便能够履行因加入或参与此类体系而承担义务的问题,按双方同意的条款和条件给予它们技术援助。 | Members which are members or participants of international or regional systems for conformity assessment shall, if requested, advise other Members, especially the developing country Members, and shall grant them technical assistance on mutually agreed terms and conditions regarding the establishment of the institutions and legal framework which would enable them to fulfill the obligations of membership or participation in such systems. | |
19 | 社会参与:联合利华力争成为一个值得信赖的企业公民,并且作为社会不可分割的一部分,履行我们对社会和集体的责任。 | Community Involvement: Unilever strives to be a trusted corporate citizen and, as an integral part of society, to fulfill our responsibilities to the societies and communities in which we operate. | |
20 | 实现这些要求,必须加强和改善党对经济工作的领导。 | To fulfill the aforementioned tasks, it is necessary to strengthen and improve the Party’s leadership over the economic work | |
21 | 食言,逃避责任没能完成某种责任或义务 | To fail to fulfill an obligation. | |
22 | 税务局:但另一方面,税法规定总承包人有义务在支付给分包商时要代扣营业税。如果没扣,不仅要自己补缴,还要接受罚款。 | Tax official:Yes,that is true.On the other hand,the business tax law stipulated the general contractor is obliged to withhold the tax due from the subcontractors.If your company fails to fulfill the obligation,it will be subject to the penalty,plus the payment of the tax due. | |
23 | 他保证履行义务。 | He pledged to fulfill his trust. | |
24 | 他急于要完成任务而连夜步行赶进城。 | Eagar to fulfill a task, he hoofed it to town before the night was over | |
25 | 他们会按时完成任务,对这一点,我是抱有希望的。 | I’ m hopeful that they’ ll fulfill the task on time | |
26 | 他们努力完成了任务。 | They exerted themselves to fulfill the task | |
27 | 提高企业借贷和行使民事责任的能力 | Improve enterprises’ creditworthiness and ability to fulfill their civil liabilities | |
28 | 提供足够的(某物)以满足(需要) | Provide enough(of sth)for(a need);fulfill | |
29 | 提前完成任务 | fulfill l)a task ahead of schedule | |
30 | 提前一个月完成向国家上交600万元利润这一硬指标 | fulfill one month ahead of time the unalterable quota of 6,000,000yuan in profit to be turned over to the state |