1 | 进出境船舶和航空器兼营境内客、货运输,需经海关同意,并应当符合海关监管要求。 | Where inward or outward vessels and aircraft are concurrently engaged in transportation of goods and passengers within the territory, Customs approval shall be obtained and requirements for Customs control shall Be fulfilled . | |
2 | 警察厅长虽然心里老大不高兴,但也总算如期履行了他和爵士讲定的条件。 | The Prefect fulfilled punctually, although with reluctance, the terms of his compact with the Chevalier | |
3 | 就二野所在地区来说,完成了分配给自己的份额,也许还超过一点。 | The Second Field Army fulfilled the quota alloted to it for its area and probably did slightly better. | |
4 | 据国家统计局介绍,到2000年,这16项指标中,除农民人均纯收入、人均蛋白质摄入量、农村初级卫生保健基本合格县三项指标外,其他13项指标均完成或者超额完成。 | According to NBS, by 2000, except for the three indexes of per-capita net income of farmers, per-capita protein intake and rural elementary health care level, the other 13 indexes had all been fulfilled or overfulfilled | |
5 | 康纳利狂妄自大,正符合尼克松心目中一个领导人应有的举止。 | Connally’s swaggering self-assurance fulfilled Nixon’s image of how a leader should act | |
6 | 冷藏事业群期望在未来的三到五年内,不论是在营业额或利润上,都能创造出另一事业之高峰,也希望以统一企业集团经营全温层及全方位,一个世界级之食品交响乐王国的跨时代目标而大步迈进。 | Within the next three to five years, the Chilled Business Group expects to create another peak of sales or profits. Its operation has supplemented the existing businesses in Uni-President and fulfilled the goal of being a corporation that oversees our complete line of all temperature food products. | |
7 | 那样我就完成任务了。 | Then I shall have fulfilled my mission. | |
8 | 你可信任他的践约。 | You may rely upon his promises being fulfilled . | |
9 | 铺叙一连串荒唐事情,举例说明杜宾的个性,这个目的完全达到了。 | And this design was thoroughly fulfilled in the wild train of circumstance brought to instance Dupin’s idiosyncrasy | |
10 | 全国人均国民生产总值提前两年完成了原定十年内翻一番的任务。 | And our ten-year task of doubling the per capita GNP has been fulfilled two years ahead of schedule. | |
11 | 确保实施适宜的过程以满足顾客和其他相关方要求并实现质量目标 | To ensure that appropriate processes are implemented to enable requirements of customers and other interested parties to be fulfilled and quality objectives to be achieved | |
12 | 确认:通过提供客观证据对特定的预期用途或应用要求已得到满足的认定 | Validation: confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence, that the requirements for a specific intended use or application have been fulfilled undertaking tests and demonstrations, and reviewing documents prior to issue. | |
13 | 然后她便远远地呆在一边,默默地望着海丝特和牧师;此时,两个大人正在一起谈着,根据他们很快要去实现的新目标和新处境,做出种种安排。 | She then remained apart, silently watching Hester and the clergyman: while they talked together, and made such arrangements as were suggested by their new position, and the purposes soon to be fulfilled . | |
14 | 任何直接或间接用以确定是否满足技术法规或标准中的相关要求的程序。 | Any procedure used, directly or indirectly, to determine that relevant requirements in technical regulations or standards are fulfilled . | |
15 | 任务已完成了。 | The task has been fulfilled . | |
16 | 如果某条件得到满足 | Always supposing(that)...if a specified condition is fulfilled | |
17 | 如果认为这种行为是道德的,那就要决定它是否与其他责任存在矛盾,这些有冲突的责任是否都可以实现。 | If the action is considered moral, decide whether it conflicts with other duties and whether the conflicting duties can all be fulfilled . | |
18 | 如果现存的各种力量能够足够团结充分组织一场战斗的话,他们将会实现宪法制定者的最高目标。 | If the forces that already exist can become sufficiently organized to fight this battle, they will have fulfilled the Framers’ highest ambitions. | |
19 | 如果由于卖方原因未能达到性能或保证数值时 | In case any of the Performance and guarantee indices are not fulfilled for the reason attributable to the Seller in each Performance Test | |
20 | 如果由于卖方原因在第三次性能测试中未能达到性能或保证数值 | In case any of the performance or guarantee indices are not fulfilled in its third opportunity for Performance Test for the reason attributable to the Seller | |
21 | 如果在性能测试中所有项目实现了附件3所规定的保证数值 | In case all the guarantee indices specified in Appendix 3 are fulfilled in Performance Test | |
22 | 如果这些有冲突的责任都可以实现的话,那么这种行为就是道德的。如果有冲突的责任互不兼容的话,请看步骤5。 | If the conflicting duties can all be fulfilled , then the action is moral. If the conflicting duties are mutually exclusive, proceed to step five. | |
23 | 神谕被应验了。 | The oracle was fulfilled . | |
24 | 审核:为获得审核证据并对其进行客观的评价,以确定满足审核准则的程度所进行的系统的、独立的并形成文件的过程 | Audit:systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which audit criteria are fulfilled | |
25 | 生产计划提前完成了 | The production plan was fulfilled ahead of schedule. | |
26 | 是以圣人后其身而身先,外其身而身存,非以其无私邪,故能成其私。 | Therefore the Sage puts himself in the background, but is always to the fore; Remains outside, but is always there. Is it not just because he does not strive for any personal end That all his personal ends are fulfilled ? | |
27 | 斯蒂芬长大成人后,实现了当医生的愿望。 | When Stephen grew up, he fulfilled his hopes and became a doctor | |
28 | 所有的报价邀约均在7天内完成,如报价较麻烦,则马上通知客户何时可将报价发出。 | All quotation requests are fulfilled within 7 days or if complex the customer is immediately advised when the quotation will be sent. | |
29 | 他的新朋友们相信他所许的愿该兑现了。 | His comrades believed that his vow was fulfilled | |
30 | 他的预言应验了。 | His prophecy was fulfilled . |