1 | 日子忙碌而充实,本来也没什么不好。 | There is nothing really wrong about having a hectic but fulfilling work life. | |
2 | 申请人在国际阶段提出的优先权书面声明有书写错误或者未写明在先申请的申请号的,可以在办理进入中国国家阶段手续时提出改正请求或者写明在先申请的申请号。 | Where the applicant has any written errors in the written declaration for the right of priority made in the International Phase or does not indicate the application number of the earlier application, he/it may, when fulfilling the formalities for the entry of the National Phase in China, make a request for a correction or indicate the application number of the earlier application. | |
3 | 申请人在国际阶段已依照专利合作条约的规定,提交过在先申请文件副本的,办理进入中国国家阶段手续时不需要向国务院专利行政部门提交在先申请文件副本。 | Where the applicant has submitted the copies of the earlier application documents in the International Phase in accordance with the Patent Cooperation Treaty, he/it needs not to submit the copies of the earlier application documents to the administrative department for patent under the State Council when fulfilling the formalities for the entry of the National Phase in China . | |
4 | 生态伦理的经济功能及其实现途径 | Ecological Ethic’s Economic Functions and their Fulfilling Ways | |
5 | 实现销售收入1653亿元,出口创汇7亿美元,提前一年全面完成了“十五”计划目标。 | It realized a revenue of 165.3 billion RMB and an export of 700 million USD, thus fulfilling the objectives of the Tenth Five-year Plan in one′s advance. | |
6 | 他凭着自己的努力、毅力、对工作的热忱和对国家的使命感,在不同的阶段肩负了不同的任务,把每一项工作都当作一份使命去完成。 | With hard work, tenacity, a zeal for work and a sense of mission towards the nation, he shouldered different responsibilities at different stages, fulfilling every role like a mission. | |
7 | 他在这样短时间内能完成这样一项艰巨而复杂的任务应该大受嘉奖。 | He should come in for a great deal of credit for fulfilling such a difficult and complicated task in so short a time | |
8 | 它把令人愉悦的造型、颜色和动感融入到您的激情生活中,呈现个性十足的驾乘体验。 | It injects exhilarating form, color and movement into your passion for life, shaping a very personal and fulfilling experience. | |
9 | 逃避已做出的承诺、承担的责任等. | Avoid fulfilling a promise,doing a duty,etc | |
10 | 团结非党干部和群众,完成党和国家交给的任务,指导机关和直属单位党组织的工作。 | unite with non-Party officials and masses in fulfilling the tasks assigned by the Party and the state; and direct the work of the Party organizations of the organs and the work units directly under them. | |
11 | 完成你的职责不要松懈。 | Don’t be lax about fulfilling your obligations. | |
12 | 为他人而工作会使人感到极大的满足。 | Working for others can be most fulfilling | |
13 | 我们党团结和带领全国各族人民完成民族独立和人民解放的历史任务,为实现中华民族伟大复兴创造了前提。 | our Party united and led the Chinese people of all ethnic groups in fulfilling the historic task of winning national independence and people′s liberation, thus laying the groundwork for our great national rejuvenation | |
14 | 我们有希望超额完成计划吗 | Is there any hope of our over fulfilling the plan? | |
15 | 我之所以想得到这份工作,因为其不仅符合本人的职业目标,而且提供给我一个充分发挥才能服务贵公司的机会。 | I want this job because it not only meets my career goals, but also provides me with the opportunity to serve your company in a fulfilling way. | |
16 | 沃尔玛中国将竭尽所能帮助我们的儿童拥有一个健康、幸福充实的生活。 | Wal-Mart China is doing everything possible to make sure those are healthy, happy, fulfilling lives. | |
17 | 下了决心要进监狱,苏比就立即着手实现这一愿望。 | Having decided to go to prison, Soapy at once set about fulfilling his desire. | |
18 | 现在亨利作出了个能自行实现的预言。 | Now henry had cited a self-fulfilling prophecy | |
19 | 一个本身自然会实现的预言 | a self-fulfilling prophecy. | |
20 | 一九八七年四月十三日 ,中葡两国政府签署了关于澳门问题的联合声明,确认中华人民共和国政府于 一九九九年十二月二十日 恢复对澳门行使主权,从而实现了长期以来中国人民收回澳门的共同愿望。 | On April 13, 1987, the Chinese and Portuguese Governments signed the Joint Declaration on the Question of Macao, affirming that the Government of the PRC will resume the exercise of sovereignty over Macao with effect from December 20, 1999, thus fulfilling the long-cherished common aspiration of the Chinese people for the recovery of Macao . | |
21 | 一九八四年十二月十九日 ,中英两国政府签署了关于香港问题的联合声明,确认中华人民共和国政府于 一九九七年七月一日 恢复对香港行使主权,从而实现了长期以来中国人民收回香港的共同愿望。 | On 19 December 1984, the Chinese and British Governments signed the Joint Declaration on the Question of Hong Kong, affirming that the Government of the PRC will resume the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong with effect from 1 July 1997, thus fulfilling the long-cherished common aspiration of the Chinese people for the recovery of Hong Kong . | |
22 | 以暴力、威胁方法阻碍价格监督检查人员依法执行职务的,依法追究刑事责任: | Anyone who obstructs, by way of violence or threats, the price supervisors and inspectors from fulfilling their duties pursuant to law, shall be investigated into criminal responsibility pursuant to law; | |
23 | 因为他们是社会动物,满足根据是非原则行事不仅是个人的责任,而且是他获得长远幸福的源泉。 | Because they are social beings, fulfilling their quest meant benefiting others. Acting according to the principles of right and wrong is not only one’ s duty, but contributes to one’ s deep happiness. | |
24 | 英国有一句古话“需要是发明之母”。这意味着当你面对一种需要时,你将发现一种方法满足它。 | There is an old English saying,"Necessity is the mother of invention," which means that when you are faced with a need you will discover some way of fulfilling it. | |
25 | 用户应当按照国家核准的电价和用电计量装置的记录,按时交纳电费;对供电企业查电人员和抄表收费人员依法履行职责,应当提供方便。 | Power users shall pay electricity fees on time according to the electricity price examined and approved by the State and the records of electricity meters, and shall provide convenience and assistance to the safety inspectors, meter readers, and fee collectors in fulfilling their duties in conformity with legal provisions. | |
26 | 优先权要求在国际阶段视为未提出并经国际局公布该信息,申请人有正当理由的,可以在办理进入中国国家阶段手续时请求国务院专利行政部门恢复其优先权要求。 | Where the right of priority is deemed to have not been claimed in the International Phase and this information has been announced by the International Bureau, the applicant may, when fulfilling the formalities for the entry of the National Phase in China, request with justified reasons the administrative department for patent under the State Council to recover its claim for the right of priority. | |
27 | 再保险分出人不得以再保险接受人未履行再保险责任为由,拒绝履行或者迟延履行其原保险责任。 | The ceding insurance company shall not decline or delay fulfilling its obligation of the direct insurance on the basis that the reinsurer fails to fulfill the reinsurance obligation. | |
28 | 在校期间,作为学院杂志的编辑助理,我有幸亲身体验了编辑所要参与的各种活动,获得了宝贵的经验,而且发现编辑工作既给人成就感又富有挑战性。 | I had the opportunity to experience the rigorous activities of an editor through my participation as an assistant editor for the college magazine and found the work challenging as well as fulfilling . | |
29 | 在新民主主义革命时期,我们党带领全国各族人民完成民族独立和人民解放的历史任务,为实现中华民族伟大复兴创造了前提。 | During the new-democratic revolution, our Party led the Chinese people of all ethnic groups in fulfilling the historic task of winning national independence and people’s liberation, thus laying the groundwork for our great national rejuvenation. | |
30 | 在作为演员和母亲两个方面,她都充分发挥了自己的才能。 | She succeeded in fulfilling herself both as an actress and a mother. |