1 | 经济重组委员会已经从根本上对新加坡的发展策略作了检讨,并提出了一个提升、改革和复苏新加坡经济的蓝图,相信这将把新加坡带入另一个新的发展阶段。 | The Economic Review Committee has fundamentally reviewed Singapore’s development strategy and formulated a blueprint to upgrade, transform and revitalize the Singapore economy, as well as to bring our country into the next phase of growth. | |
2 | 就象结果表明的那样,他们对所观察到现象的解释是完全不同的,因此,作为这一研究的主持人,彼此都刺激对方去做进一步的实验为自己的观点增加证据。 | As it turned out, they differed fundamentally in their interpretation of the phenomena they observed and thus served as protagonists, each spurring the other to perform further experiments to augment the evidence for his point of view. | |
3 | 爵士乐是小股各自独立的音乐家共同演奏和独奏的基本交流工具(拉尔夫·德·托莱达诺) | Jazz is fundamentally the cross-pollination of individual musicians playing together and against each other in small groups(Ralph de Toledano) | |
4 | 目前,保税区的各项功能已初具规模,开发水平在中国各保税区中名列前茅。 | At present, the various functions of the bonded area have fundamentally taken shaped, and its development level is high among all the bonded areas in China | |
5 | 内心有某人内心深处;本质上 | In one’s deepest feelings;fundamentally . | |
6 | 尼龙的纺丝过程与人造丝的纺丝技术有着根本的不同。 | The spinning of nylon differs fundamentally from techniques that are used in rayon manufacture. | |
7 | 然而,放置在这次事件的背景中,象征科技进步的PDA,却意味着师生在课室里的互动关系,从此彻变。 | But in the context of this episode, the PDA, as a symbol of technological innovation, has also fundamentally changed the nature of interaction between the teacher and students in the classroom | |
8 | 然而总的说来,人口多、底子薄,地区发展不平衡,生产力不发达的状况没有根本改变; | In general, however, due to a large population and a poor foundation to begin with, China has seen uneven regional development, and its underdeveloped productive forces have yet to be fundamentally improved . | |
9 | 使履行成为不可能或不合法的情况的发生;导致合同落空的事件的发生,即该事件的发生即使不至于使合同完全无法履行,也会使履行大大偏离原来的要求 | by supervening impossibility or illegality of performance, by frustration through the happening of some event which renders performance, if not impossible, at least fundamentally different from what was contemplated | |
10 | 事物的发展根本上是由内因决定的。 | The development of things depends fundamentally on internal causes | |
11 | 首要的也是最根本的,它代表的是一种理想的人性。 | Firstly and fundamentally , it represents an ideal state of human nature. | |
12 | 所有的伟大宗教在根本上都是平等的。我们对于其他宗教,必须像对于自己的宗教一样地具有一种与生俱来的尊敬心理。请注意,不是互相容忍,而是平等的尊敬。--甘地 | All the great religions are fundamentally equal. We must have innate respect fro other religions as we have for our own. Mind you, not mutual toleration, but equal respect.-- Hippocrates | |
13 | 我们大家都很清楚,有许多因素自然而然地使我们之间产生距离。例如时间和空间、不同的语言和价值观念、不同的文化和历史、截然不同的政治制度。 | You know,as I do,that there is much that naturally divides us:Time and space---different languages and values,different cultures and histories---and political systems that are fundamentally different. | |
14 | 我们为实现现代化而奋斗,最根本的就是要通过改革和发展,使我国形成发达的生产力。 | Our purpose of realizing modernization is, fundamentally , to obtain developed productive forces through reforms and development. | |
15 | 我们要继续推进国际反恐合作,从根本上抑制国际恐怖主义的威胁。 | We should continue to push forward international antiterrorism cooperation and fundamentally curb the threat of international terrorism | |
16 | 相比之下,小小球联的体育运动则从根本上是平等的组织,它包容一切青少年,不进行筛选,欢迎各种能力的孩子参加(至少理论上是如此)。 | Little-league sports, by contrast, are fundamentally egalitarian institutions, inclusive, unselective and welcoming (at least in theory)of different levels of ability | |
17 | 相当一部分群众的生育观念还没有发生根本转变,全社会对解决人口问题的重要性、艰巨性和长期性认识不足。 | A considerable number of people have not changed their concept of childbearing fundamentally , and the society as a whole is not yet fully aware of the importance, arduousness and the protracted nature of the solution of the population problem | |
18 | 香港继续保持繁荣,根本上取决于中国收回香港后,在中国的管辖之下,实行适合于香港的政策。 | It depends fundamentally on applying policies suitable to Hong Kong, under Chinese administration after the recovery. | |
19 | 要从根本上改变中国贫困地区的落后面貌,必须发展贫困地区的生产力。 | To fundamentally change the outlook of China’s poor regions requires the development of productive forces in these regions | |
20 | 异类的,完全不同的从根本上种类有区分或不同的;根本不同的 | Fundamentally distinct or different in kind;entirely dissimilar. | |
21 | 饮食结构方面,西藏农牧民经历了吃不到肉-大块吃肉-荤素搭配、讲究营养的过程。 | Tibetans have changed their mix of food fundamentally from no meat to large pieces of meat and then to nutritious food with balanced portion of vegetables and meat | |
22 | 用LCAO-MO理论处理异核双原子分子基本上与处理同核双原子分子是相同的。 | The treatment of heteronuclear diatomic molecules by LCAO-MO theory is not fundamentally different from the treatment of homonuclear diatomics | |
23 | 由于不合理、不公正的国际政治经济秩序没有得到根本改变,经济全球化加剧了各国各地区发展的不平衡性,尤其是使南北的发展差距、贫富差距进一步扩大。 | As the unfair and unreasonable international political and economic order has not been fundamentally changed yet, economic globalization has exacerbated the uneven development among countries and regions and widened, in particular, the gap between the North and the South and between the rich and the poor. | |
24 | 有些人即使是出身于工人农民的家庭,但是在解放以前受的是资产阶级教育,世界观基本上是资产阶级的,他们还是属于资产阶级的知识分子。 | Even those who come from workers’ or peasants’ families are still bourgeois intellectuals, because the education they received before liberation was a bourgeois education and their world outlook is fundamentally bourgeois | |
25 | 在电力系统正常情况下它基本上控制交流发电机的端电压能保持在很小的变化范围内,当异常情况引起系统电压改变时,使电压能迅速返回至正常值。 | Fundamentally , it controls the AC generator terminal voltage within narrow limits under normal power system conditions and rapidly returns the voltage to normal when abnormal conditions cause sudden system voltage changes. | |
26 | 这样,马克思就成了一个代表人类最高智慧的最完全的知识分子,他和那些仅有书本知识的人有根本的区别。 | Thus Marx became a most completely developed intellectual, representing the acme of human wisdom; he was fundamentally different from those who have only book-learning | |
27 | 这座皇宫建于明朝永乐年间,1460年开始筹建,1420年基本建成,现在已有近600年的历史 | It was constructed when the emperor Yongle was in reign in Ming Dynasty. Its construction got started in 1406 and fundamentally completed in 1420. So it has a history of nearly 600 years. | |
28 | 只有建立新的安全观和公正合理的国际新秩序,才能从根本上促进裁军进程的健康发展,使世界和平与国际安全得到保障。 | The establishment of a new concept of security and a new just and fair international order is the only way to fundamentally promote the healthy development of the disarmament process and provide the guarantee for international peace and security. | |
29 | 作为基督徒,从根本而言,我们的希望不在于人天然无饰的善意和理性。 | Our hope as Christians is not fundamentally in man’s naked goodwill and rationality | |
30 | ||1:非科研人员可能会好奇为什么需要这样一种网络。||2:毕竟,因特网最初主要就是由学术人员创造并为他们自己服务。||3:马克.扎克伯格的发明—Facebook网站就是从大学学院里诞生出来的。||4:纵然因特网加快了事物发展的速度,但并没有从根本上改变研究人员的联系。||5:学术社区之间仍然相当零散,科学家们时常很难找到其他同他们做相似研究的人,取得的成果也很难在学术界内得以分享。 | ||1:Non-scientists might be surprised that such a network is needed.||2:After all, the internet was originally created mainly by academics for academics and Mr Zuckerberg’s invention, Facebook, got its start on college campuses.||3:But though the internet has speeded things up, it has not fundamentally changed how researchers are connected.||4:Academic communities are still pretty fragmented, frequently making it hard for scientists to find others doing similar research.||5:And results often are not shared across disciplines. |