属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-唯命是从 Only obeying orders
1 | ||1:然而随后读者就发现,他是被萨达姆处决的无数伊拉克人之一,而原因一直不明不白。他是在美国推倒萨达姆独裁政权仅仅几年前被处死的。||2:萨西尔将军给人的感觉是一名比较老实、正直的军人,但偶尔也会显示出残忍和不够聪明的一面。随着伊拉克政体的败落,像许多其他伊拉克人一样,他也加入了宗教。||3:他的家庭现已破落不堪,可尽管他的家人完全有理由为萨达姆的死而欢庆,然而对于在该书行将付梓之时仍旧愈演愈烈的反美暴乱事件,他们中大多数人却持赞同态度,有的甚至予以了积极支持。 | ||1: Only later does the reader discover that he was one of countless Iraqis executed by Saddam, for reasons that never become clear, in his case only a few years before the Americans toppled the dictator. ||2: General Sachet emerges as a fundamentally honest and upright, though occasionally ruthless and intellectually limited, soldier who turns to religion, like so many other Iraqis, as the regime putrefies. ||3: His family is battered. Though its members have every cause to celebrate Saddam’s demise, most of them sympathise with—and some of them actively support—the anti-American insurgency that was still rife as this book went to print. | |
2 | ||1:他有七个孩子,人们问起他自己的孩子怎么样,这是一个禁止谈论的话题。||2:自从他到广场安家后,家庭就被抛之脑后了。||3:他获知,他的妻子同他离婚了。||4:这不是他的错。他也不想他妈的远离亲人八年时间,经历污染,还被几个醉汉打破了鼻子,还有暴徒冲他喊道:“蠢货!”。||5:他留下是因为他还没有达成目标。||6:你知道吗?从根本上说,这绝不是关于自由言论和英国人的权利或其他这类的东西。||7:根本上说是为了那些死去的孩子,而不是为吸引路人。 | ||1: People asked him about his own kids, seven of them. An off-limits topic. ||2: Family was left behind when he came to the square. ||3: His wife had divorced him, he’d learned. ||4: It wasn’t his fault. He hadn’t wanted to stay eight bloody years away from them, with the pollution and the drunks who broke his nose and the thugs who shouted “Wanker!” at him. ||5: He stayed because he wasn’t finished yet. ||6: And you know what? It was never fundamentally about free speech and the rights of Englishmen and all that stuff. ||7: It was about the dead children. And not walking by. | |
3 | ||1:协调G20金融管理的金融稳定委员会指名包括安联,大都会人寿和保诚集团在内的9个保险公司具有系统重要性。||2:这个称号,迄今为止只有银行有,现在则意味着监管更加严格,资金要求更高。||3:保险公司辩解道,将他们同银行相提并论对他们不公平,因为他们本质上截然不同的风险形象。 | ||1: The Financial Stability Board, which co-ordinates financial regulation for the G20, named nine insurers, including Allianz, MetLife and Prudential, as “systemically important”. ||2: The designation, hitherto reserved for big banks, entails closer regulatory scrutiny and higher capital requirements. ||3: The insurers argue that lumping them with lenders is unfair because of their fundamentally different risk profiles. | |
4 | 纵然因特网提高了信息的流通速度,但它却没从根本上改变研究人员的联系方式。 | But though the internet has speeded things up, it has not fundamentally changed how researchers are connected. | |
5 | “我们会使用他们的工具,学习他们的方法。但是,骨子里,中国会一直保持自己的方式,”李导游这样说到。 | "We will use their tools and learn their methods. But, fundamentally , China will always maintain its own way, " he said. | |
6 | “我们认为这个由下级法院作出的裁决基本上是错误的,”该公司在一份电子邮件的声明中说。 | "We believe that this ruling by the lower court is fundamentally flawed, " the company said in an emailed statement. | |
7 | “这似乎根本就没有效率”,Bharat对一家公共广播公司Mediashift说。 | "It seemed fundamentally inefficient, " Bharat told Mediashift, a Publish Broadcasting Service. | |
8 | Chordia说:“音乐和技术是从最早的音乐形成起就走到一起的基本事物。” | "Music and technology are fundamentally something that have gone together since the earliest forms of music, " Chordia says. | |
9 | EA公司的Goodrich表示移除塔利班的名字不会从根本上改变游戏。 | EA’s Goodrich said that removing the "Taliban" name does not fundamentally change the gameplay. | |
10 | Korkman说,诸如twitter和facebook这样的社会网络极大的改变了人与人的社会关系和交往方式。 | Social networks such as Twitter and Facebook are fundamentally changing the relationships and interactions between people, says Korkman. | |
11 | LaBean把前面所述的盒子一样的DNA结构称作是“具有高度创新的”,但是从又受到了限制。 | LaBean called DNA structures like the aforementioned box "highly innovative, " but fundamentally limited. | |
12 | Lubke先生三月份哥伦比亚大学的一个研讨会上说,从根本上说,银行并不会很好地自我监管。 | "Fundamentally , the banks are not good at self-regulation, " Mr. Lubke said in a panel last March at Columbia University. | |
13 | 按照物质生成论,宇宙是有镜像的两面,但是镜像对称仍需要打破。 | In the hylogensis paper, the Universe has both halves of the mirror, but that mirror is still fundamentally broken. | |
14 | 奥巴马说,里根,“在我们已经有所准备的前提下,将我们带到一条新路上。” | Reagan, Obama said, "put us on a fundamentally different path because thecountry was ready for it. " | |
15 | 奥利弗·斯通之所以能够我行我素,是因为他一辈子都在这么干,而且他有这个能力。 | Fundamentally , Oliver Stone is doing it his way because he can and because he’s spent his life doing things his way. | |
16 | 把心的感受带入到网站体验中,有点困难。因为网站和应用软件都是建立在逻辑(通过代码)之上的。 | Bringing heart to web experiences can be difficult, since websites and applications are fundamentally a construct of logic (via code). | |
17 | 不过,这并不代表我们的政治家在过去几十年中没有发生根本上的改变。 | This doesn’t mean, though, that our politics have not fundamentally changed over the last few decades. | |
18 | 程序员已经让电脑变成了相当强大的工具,虽然它不会说话,但它相当聪明。 | Programmers have turned computers from extraordinarily powerful but fundamentally dumb tools, into tools with smarts. | |
19 | 从本质来说,中国的大革命即是土地所有权的革命。 | The great Chinese revolution was fundamentally about the ownership of land. | |
20 | 从根本上,他相信,创造出坚不可摧的彩票是极其困难的,如果不是不可能的话。 | Fundamentally , he believes that creating impregnable tickets is extremely difficult, if not impossible. | |
21 | 从根本上说,PeopleBrowsr是Tweetdeck的一个网络界面。 | Fundamentally , PeopleBrowsr is Tweetdeck in a Web interface. | |
22 | 从生物学来说,此次的研究对象跟他们公元前20万年的祖先没有太大差异,互相之间同样如此。 | Biologically speaking, people in the study weren’t fundamentally different from their circa-200, 000 B. C. ancestors, or from each other. | |
23 | 从它传统的本质来看,《摩登家庭》其实也没有那么摩登。 | In its fundamentally conservative vision, "Modern Family" turns out to be not so modern after all. | |
24 | 大家公认的除了生殖器官以外,男性和女性在基本构造上是一样的。 | We like to think that men and women are fundamentally the same, excepting their reproductive organs. | |
25 | 但李称提高每月个人所得税并不能从根本上解决这一问题。 | But Li said raising the threshold of monthly individual income tax would not fundamentally solve the problem. | |
26 | 但是从本质上看,市场不是关于道德的东西,它们是一个巨大而又复杂的系统。如果形势稳定下来,它们会继续发展下去的。 | But fundamentally , markets are not about morality. They are large, complex systems, and if things get stable enough, they move on. | |
27 | 当投机者在一个领域受挫,他们就会很快在其他根本不相关的领域撤出,以实现保护资本的目的。 | As speculators suffer setbacks in one area, they quickly bail out of other, fundamentally unrelated areas to preserve their capital. | |
28 | 电脑,电子白板和其他交互技术正从根本上改变美国的教育。 | Computers, electronic whiteboards and other interactive technologies are fundamentally changing American education . | |
29 | 对许多司机来说,油门失控是一件极其可怕的事情。 | For many drivers, there is something fundamentally terrifying about a car that accelerates uncontrollably. | |
30 | 而实际上,无论从哪一方面看,他都是一个有着优良秉性的人,一个本质上毫无私心的人。 | But by every measure, he has a fine character, a fundamentally altruistic personality. |