1 | 咳,他不但错过了丧礼,被我们当作叛军间谍关起来,而且威克鲁还站在我的营房里无情地把他说成是从加尔维斯敦名声最臭的一个流氓窠来的伪造犯、黑人贩子、偷马贼、纵火犯。 | Well, he not only missed the funeral , and got jailed as a rebel spy, but Wicklow had stood up there in my quarters and coldly described him as a counterfeiter, niggertrader, horse-thief, and firebug from the most notorious rascal-nest in Galveston | |
2 | 可是,救人的工作毫无疑问必须在今夜进行,决不能等到天亮。因为天一亮这个不幸的女人就要被带去受刑了。 | but it was certain that the abduction must be made that night, and not when, at break of day, the victim was led to her funeral pyre | |
3 | 梅姨在她丈夫的葬礼上伤心得哽咽不止。 | During her husband’s funeral , Aunt May had a lump in her throat. | |
4 | 目前,大部分教区牧师在提供葬礼服务时都对死者的死因不闻不问。 | Most parish priests now turn a blind eye to the circumstances of a death to perform a funeral service | |
5 | 那年冬天,祖母死了,父亲的差使也交卸了,正是祸不单行的日子,我从北京到徐州,打算跟着父亲奔丧回家。 | Misfortunes never come singly. In the winter of more than two years ago, grandma died and father lost his job. I left Beijing for Xuzhou to join father in hastening home to attend grandma’s funeral | |
6 | 你不应当去参加葬礼的,我知道这会使你难受的。 | You oughtn’t to have gone to the funeral . I knew it would upset you. | |
7 | 你对汽车一窍不通,但是如果你想拆下引擎,那你可要自负责了! | You have no knowledge of cars but if you want to dismantle the engine,that’s your funeral ! | |
8 | 汽车的喇叭叫,笛子,唢呐,小班锣,混合着的“哀乐”;当差们挤来挤去高呼着“某处倒茶,某处开汽水”的叫声 | The hooting of cars... the funeral din of flutes, trumpets and gongs...the bawling of waiters as they elbowed their way back and forth with shouts of "Tea here!" and "Lemonade for this gentleman!" | |
9 | 请抹去这句用亵渎的手刻在墓碑上的铭文,因为它给整个自然界蒙上一层葬礼黑纱,使受压迫的清白者失去依赖和信心,使死亡失去有益的积极意义! | Efface from the tomb that motto, graven by sacrilegious hands, which spreads over all nature a funeral crape, takes from oppressed innocence its support, and affronts the beneficent dispensation of death! | |
10 | 去年秋天,我岳父去世,我和我太太回故乡去奔丧。 | Last fall my father-in-law passed away so my wife and I went back to our hometown for the funeral . | |
11 | 如此迅速葬礼前,寡妇看了一眼她亲爱的丈夫,她惊恐地发现,丈夫穿着棕色的西装。 | So Fast The widow takes a look at her dear departed one right before the funeral and, to her horror, finds that he’s in brown suit | |
12 | 如果你这样做,那只是自找麻烦。 | If you choose to do it, it’ s your funeral | |
13 | 丧葬礼仪服务公司 | Funeral director’s (agency) | |
14 | 杀人之众,以悲哀泣之,战胜以丧礼处之。 | The killing of many should be mourned with sorrow. A victory should be celebrated with funeral ceremonies. | |
15 | 社会习俗规定葬礼时我们应穿黑衣(丧服)。 | Convention prescribes that we (should)wear black at a funeral . | |
16 | 失业者在领取失业保险金期间死亡,其遗属可领取丧葬补助金和遗属抚恤金。 | If the unemployed person dies during this period, his or her family can receive funeral subsidies and his or her dependants can receive pension for the deceased | |
17 | 石阶下,素牌楼旁边的一班“鼓乐手”,此时都抱着乐器在那里打瞌睡,他们已经辛苦了半天,现在偷空合一下眼,在储蓄精力准备入殓时最后一次的大紧张。 | By the archway over the stone steps the funeral musicians were dozing and hugging their instruments. After hours of hard work they were now snatching forty winks while they could and saving their energy for a final effort at the shrouding ceremony | |
18 | 数千名工人加入了送葬行列。 | Thousands of workers joined the funeral procession. | |
19 | 死掉老婆还是最经济的事,虽然丧葬要一笔费用,可是离婚不要赡养费么? | Having one’s wife die is most economical.A funeral does cost a certain amount of money, but then doesn’t a divorce require alimony? | |
20 | 死亡不是什么值得期待的东西,不过意大利一家殡仪馆却在尝试给死后的生活增加一点吸引力,其方法是用比基尼女郎来促销棺材。 | Death is hardly something to look forward to, but one Italian funeral home is trying to make the afterlife a tad more tempting by using bikini-clad women to sell its coffins | |
21 | 送葬行列走过时他脱帽致敬. | He bared his head(ie took off his hat to show respect)as the funeral procession passed. | |
22 | 所有活着的总统参加了尼克森的葬礼。 | All the living presidents attended Nixon’s funeral . | |
23 | 所有活着的总统参加了尼克松的葬礼。 | All the living presidents attended Nixon’s funeral . | |
24 | 他的晋升圣职使他有权主持婚礼或葬礼。 | His ordination gives him the right to conduct a marriage or a funeral | |
25 | 他继续说那葬礼只是礼节上走走过场,因为女王不喜欢黛安娜。 | He went on to say that the funeral was a ritual because the Queen disliked diana | |
26 | 他将要在我的葬礼上说一些恶语中伤的话吧 | Will he say nasty things at my funeral ? | |
27 | 他们刚走过那架木香花棚的时候,看见雷鸣和徐曼丽正从树荫中走出来,匆匆地跑向“灵堂”前去了。 | As they passed the trellis with the banksia roses they spotted Col.Lei and Hsu Man-li emerging from a grove and hurrying towards the funeral hall | |
28 | 他们说起这个来,仿佛是参加了一个对死者毫无感情的近亲的葬礼。 | They spoke of it as though it had been the funeral of a near but unloved kinsman | |
29 | 他们在葬礼上谈生意经,真不像话。 | It is indecent of them to talk business at the funeral . | |
30 | 他竖起了三寸高的孝帏,又把那些火柴盒子大小的乌木双靠椅子都换上了白缎子的小椅披;他一项一项布置,实在比他经营那火柴厂要热心得多,而且更加有计画! | He set up a three-inch-high funeral curtain and laid white satin covers over the miniature ebony chairs, arranging every detail with greater care and enthusiasm than he would ever have expended on his match factory |