属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-航空业 盛宴上的幽灵
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-航空运输业 宴会上的幽灵
属类:时事政治-Trending Today 今日趋势-同泰坦尼克号双星迪卡普里奥以及温斯莱特共进晚餐
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 巴黎圣母院突发大火 维基解密创始人被捕 美国
1 | 由于收入匮乏,加拉和达利住进了家乡北部名叫波尔·利加特的一个小村庄的一间小木屋。 | With no income to support them, gala and Dalmoved into a small shack3 in a small village called Port Ligat, to the north | |
2 | 在节日游行前许多警察在岗上。 | There are so many police out before the gala parade. | |
3 | 在纽约林肯中心电影协会创建25周年庆典上,硬汉演员克林特·伊斯特伍德受到嘉奖。 | Tough guy actor Clint Eastwood has been honoured at a special 25th anniversary gala tribute held by the Film Society of Lincoln Center in New York | |
4 | 早晨7点40左右,杨利伟乘坐军用直升机飞往北京,届时将举行隆重的庆祝活动。 | At around 7:40am, Yang was ferried by a military helicopter to Beijing, where a gala celebration party will be held | |
5 | 着盛装. | in gala attire | |
6 | ||1:6月11日在天安门人民大会堂举办的晚宴上,除了汇聚一堂的国际航协代表们,还有一个令人扫兴的幽灵。||2:人们最为关心的话题并不是这个十年里中国将投入运营的几十个新机场,也不是中国为了将自身建设成航空航天超级大国而投入的2500亿美元资金。||3:相反,欧元区金融混乱这个幽灵成为所有人关注的焦点。 | ||1:But as IATA delegates assembled for their gala dinner on June 11th at the Great Hall of the People in Tiananmen Square, there was a ghost at the feast.||2:The topic on most people’s minds was not the dozens of airports to be opened this decade in China, nor the quarter of a trillion dollars the host country is spending to become an aviation and aerospace superpower.||3:On the contrary, all eyes were focused on the spectre of financial chaos in Europe. | |
7 | ||1:歌剧和戏剧是他的爱好,他喜欢去掉古典典故和名字;在纽波特的第二次审判中,他受到拉布拉多犬的欢迎,他感觉“尤利西斯回来了”。||2:但是,是桑尼把大部分公爵、钻石和晚会都带入了他的生活。桑尼第一次婚姻嫁给了一位奥地利王子。||3:作为一名贵族,他身形高大,穿着双排扣西装,这一刻他会僵硬地撅着嘴,下一刻就会变得热情而迷人:他是不可预测的人的最佳例子,或是新港或纽约上流社会人士的一种一种诙谐的点缀。 | ||1:Opera and theatre were his passions, and he loved to drop classical allusions as well as names; back in Newport during his second trial, greeted by his labradors, he felt "like Ulysses returning".||2:But it was Sunny, whose first marriage had been to an Austrian prince, who brought most of the dukes, diamonds and gala nights into his life.||3:As an aristocrat, tall in his double-breasted suits, he could do stiffly jut-jawed one moment, warm and charming the next: a study in inscrutability, or a witty ornament to the highest socialtier of Newport or New York. | |
8 | 但是6月11日,当国际航空运输协会代表们在天安门广场人民大会堂里齐聚一堂共度晚宴时, | But as IATA delegates assembled for their gala dinner on June 11th at the Great Hall of the People in Tiananmen Square, | |
9 | 今年的盛会将于7月26日在法国南部举行。 | This year’s gala takes place on July 26 in southern France. | |
10 | 纽约自然历史博物馆决定不为巴西总统博尔索纳罗(Jair Bolsonaro)的庆典提供场地。因其开放巴西热带雨林用于采矿而愤怒的环保人士表示反对。 | The natural history museum in New York decided not to provide the venue for a gala honouring Brazil’s president, Jair Bolsonaro. Environmentalists, outraged at his plan to open up Brazil’s rainforest to mining, had objected. | |
11 | “激情盛会、和谐亚洲”这一主题体现了广州亚运会将是一场充满激情与活力的盛会。 | The theme of "Thrilling Games, Harmonious Asia" shows Asian Games in Guangzhou will be a thrilling and vibrant gala . | |
12 | 2008年,一本名为“gala”的女性杂志更是将其神圣化,一对著名同性恋誉为“年度夫妇”。 | In 2008 Gala , a women’s magazine, anointed a celebrity gay male pair "couple of the year" . | |
13 | 23日,微软公司在北京启动Windows7操作系统盛大首发仪式。 | Microsoft staged a gala event in Beijing Friday to unveil its Windows 7 operating system. | |
14 | 26年以来中央电视台一直向全国观众呈献春节联欢晚会(以下简称春晚)。 | For 26 years CCTV’s Spring Festival Gala has entertained audiences across China. | |
15 | 北京电视台近期发布了该迎春节目的主题曲——《我爱你》。 | BTV has recently released the theme song of the gala "I Love You" . | |
16 | 比如,群众同演员工会一起颁发戛纳电影节奖项,以及《精华》杂志赞助每年一度的非裔美国人音乐会。 | People co-hosts the Screen Actors Guild Awards Gala , for example, and Essence sponsors an annual concert of African-American music. | |
17 | 毕竟,选择在45年时举行重大庆典,有些奇怪,不是么? | After all, 45 is kind of a strange year to pick for a major gala celebration, isn’t it? | |
18 | 采用中式菜单,大型宴会,零点或自助餐形式 | Chinese set, gala , ala carte or buffet | |
19 | 参加周四庆祝餐会的门票售价1000美元,持此门票者还可以预先目睹展览。 | Tickets to Thursday’s gala dinner, at $1, 000 a head, also grant their holders a sneak peek at the exhibits. | |
20 | 草根春晚从筹办开始就经历了一系列的挑战。 | The preparation of the grass root gala has experienced a lot of challenges since its inception. | |
21 | 穿着红色的裙子:参加了非洲,加勒比海白血病信托基金慈善晚会后两人共进晚餐。 | Painting the town red: The duo enjoyed dinner together after attending the African Caribbean Leukaemia Trust charity gala | |
22 | 慈善晚会预展前,大约150名衣冠楚楚的客人耐心排队,以抢先进门。 | At the charity gala preview, around 150 smartly dressed guests queued patiently to be first through the door. | |
23 | 此节目作为年度收视最高的节目秀,在上海甚至超过了CCTV春节联欢晚会——一个高度爱国主旋律节目的收视率。 | It even supplanted CCTV’s Lunar New Year’s Eve Gala -a heavily patriotic extravaganza-as the year’s most-watched show in the city. | |
24 | 但也有一些老板担心,这场为期一个月的足球盛事会影响自己员工的工作效率。 | But a number of employers fear that the month-long football gala will have an impact on their employees’ productivity. | |
25 | 但赵薇的经纪人称赵薇不参加今年的春晚。 | But Zhao’s broker said that Zhao will not appear in the gala . | |
26 | 第二次是他向一家报社泄露了总统打算邀请一位知名持不同政见者参加节日宴会的消息,引发了一场外交风波。 | next he leaked to a newspaper the president’s plans to invite a leading dissident to a gala dinner, provoking a diplomatic incident. | |
27 | 第一阶段的七夕文化晚会将会在节日期间上演。 | The first episode features Qixi Festival and a culture gala will be thrown by the station in the holiday’s honor. | |
28 | 对于那些必须身着正式的礼服出席慈善晚会的人在健身房锻炼是必须的。 | The work in the gym pays off when one must don a formal gown for a charity gala . | |
29 | 戈尔巴乔夫在“戈尔比的八十大寿”终场上台发言。 | Gorbachev speaks onstage during the finale of the Gorby 80 Gala . | |
30 | 很多年前开始,中国人就有个在除夕夜观看春节联欢晚会的习俗。 | Chinese have a custom of watching the Spring Festival gala on CCTV, on the New Year’s eve , for many years . |