属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国能源转型 适时求变(上)
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:关于field的一些表达
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-石油市场: 犹豫不决(1)
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:推卸责任
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-亚洲赌场 买定离手
1 | 报纸指责当地警察在对付赌徒方面执法不严。 | The newspapers accused local police of laxity in dealing with gamblers . | |
2 | 赌棍和骗子常靠骗取杰克及其许多朋友的钱财过活。 | Gamblers and confidence men prey on Jack and many of his friends. | |
3 | 赌徒和冒险家往往很迷信。 | gamblers and adventurers are generally superstitious | |
4 | 赌徒们把他的钱全都诈骗去了。 | The gamblers fleeced him of all his money | |
5 | 警察将赌徒一网打尽。 | The gamblers were cleaned out by the policemen | |
6 | 那些赌棍把亚当斯的钱都诈骗光了。 | The gamblers fleeced adams of all his money. | |
7 | 嗜赌的人是死不悔改的乐天派。 | Gamblers are incorrigible optimists. | |
8 | 他们常对自己的孩子说,这样的钱财来得不正当,他们不愿意自己的孩子受赌徒们言谈的影响,整天想这一类事,也许还沉溺于这种勾当。 | They said to their boys that money so come by is no good and they didn’t want their boys brought up to hear gamblers ’ talk and be thinking about such things and maybe embrace them. | |
9 | 他们常对自己的孩子说,这种钱财来路不正,他们不愿自己的孩子受到赌棍们谈话的影响。 | They said to their boys that money so come by is no good and they did not want their boys brought up to hear gamblers ’ talk | |
10 | 他妻子指责他与一些赌徒鬼混。 | His wife accused him of arising about(around)with gamblers | |
11 | 我愿意以长远的眼光来看待我的财富,我并不相信那些买彩票的人或赌博者"快速致富"的观念。 | "I take a long view on my wealth. I do not subscribe to the ""Get rich quick"" mentality most lottery players or casino gamblers have. " | |
12 | 一伙玩纸牌的人、赌徒等 | Group of card-players, gamblers ,etc | |
13 | 在轮盘赌上压赌注的赌徒 | Gamblers laying their stakes in roulette | |
14 | ||1:其他国家看德国的眼神里带有一丝惊奇,些许厌恶,幸灾乐祸。||2:德国理应维护欧洲供电的稳定,现今却用廉价出售琢磨不定的风能、太阳能给邻国添堵。||3:对多数人而言,能源转型计划就是用德国强大的制造业来进行一场疯狂的赌博。||4:然而一旦有所回报,德国将创建另一个世界级行业,“赌徒们”如是说。||5:在所有发达国家中,德国是唯一“有方法、有决心完成能源基础设施交错转型”的国家,德意志银行的分析师Mark Lewis说道。 | ||1:The rest of the world watches with wonder, annoyance—and anticipatory Schadenfreude.||2:Rather than stabilising Europe’s electricity, Germany plagues neighbours by dumping unpredictable surges of wind and solar power.||3:To many theEnergiewende is a lunatic gamble with the country’s manufacturing prowess.||4:But if it pays off Germany will have created yet another world-beating industry, say the gamblers .||5:Alone among rich countries Germany has “the means and will to achieve a staggering transformation of the energy infrastructure”, says Mark Lewis, an analyst at Deutsche Bank. | |
15 | ||1:赛场的马匹被称之“the field(全部马匹)”。||2:在这些马匹当中有些最被看好的,也就是那些被认为最有可能获胜的赛马。||3:当然也有long shots,也就是无望获胜的赛马。||4:Long shots的投注风险很高,但是如果获胜就会赢很多钱。||5:所以赌徒经常投注最被看好的赛马之外的那些马匹。||6:他们会多方下注,就是给比赛中的多匹马下注。 | ||1:The horses in a race are "the field."||2:And in that field of horses there are the favorites-- those considered most likely to win.||3:And there are long shots -- those less likely to win.||4:Long shots are riskier to bet on, but they pay more money if they win.||5:So gamblers often bet on other horses other than the favorite.||6:They would play the field -- or several horses in the race. | |
16 | 即便如此,石油赌客们正面临两大不确定性。第一个担忧是美国的石油产量。 | Even so, oil gamblers are wrestling with two big uncertainties. The first concerns America’s output. | |
17 | 昔日西部酒吧里的赌徒可能跟pass the buck这个短语有关。为了了解原因,我们必须学习当时和现在的扑克游戏。 | Gamblers in saloons of the Old West may be responsible for "pass the buck." To understand how we have to learn about the game of poker – then and now. | |
18 | 之前的赌场作为为孤独的赌徒提供烟雾弥漫的窝点已获得了一定地位。 | Older casinos had acquired a dubious reputation as smoke-filled dens for solitary gamblers . | |
19 | 2010年9月6日,云南省昆明,被抓获的赌徒。 | 19Illegal gamblers are seen after they were arrested in Kunming, Yunnan province, September 6, 2010. | |
20 | 30个不赌博的人作参照组。 | Thirty non-gamblers served as the control group. | |
21 | 安德森先生预计,从马来西亚,印尼,泰国,印度,中国,越南和澳大利亚的赌博者将“源源不断”。 | Mr. Adelson predicts "an almost inexhaustible supply" of gamblers from Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, India, China, Vietnam and Australia. | |
22 | 出手阔绰的赌客也许不久后就能在空中的大赌场里兑现筹码。 | High-rolling gamblers may soon be cashing in their chips with the great casino in the sky. | |
23 | 出租车就像在多数日子中下午5点出现的幸运赌客一样稀少。 | Taxis are as scarce as lucky gamblers come 5pm on most days. | |
24 | 穿着工作服,在烟雾缭绕和浑浊的空气中,赌博的人蜂拥着挤进主厅。 | Gamblers press their way into the main hall in their workday clothes under a cloud of cigarette smoke and stale air. | |
25 | 大部分麻将馆都装了带窥视孔的外门,有的有闭路保安摄像机,赌客们说。 | most parlors have outer doors with peepholes, and some have closed-circuit security cameras, gamblers say. | |
26 | 大赌客却时常被迫得进行恼人的小额赌注。 | Big gamblers were often forced to place irritatingly small bets. | |
27 | 大概有四分之三的问题赌徒都患有抑郁症,还有不少曾经企图自杀。 | About three-quarters of problem gamblers suffer from depression, and quite a few attempt suicide. | |
28 | 但就像我上周辩称的那样,真正的灾难在于体系内部那些合法经营的赌徒所冒的风险。 | But the real catastrophe, as I argued last week, is the risk taken on by the gamblers working legally inside the machine. | |
29 | 但是拉斯维加斯正处于困境,因为囊中羞涩的赌徒不再光顾,此地旅客人数锐减。 | But Vegas is suffering - visitor numbers have fallen as penny-pinching gamblers stay away. | |
30 | 当然,赌徒们仍抱有希望。 | Gamblers , of course, live on hope. |