1 | 对于游戏迷们而言,这无疑是梦想成真。除了色情课程(也走进了课堂)之外,还有有些事是他们一直所痴迷的。 | This is a gamers dream come true, something they’ve always fantasized about other than a porn course (which has came true as well). | |
2 | 对志愿者的研究表明,当神魂颠倒于视频游戏时,不管怎样尝试分散他们的注意力,他们仍会继续玩下去。 | Studies of volunteers enrapt in addictive video games show that gamers continue to play on despite multiple attempts to distract them. | |
3 | 而对于智能手机(也包括WM7和黑莓手机)用户而言,这个数值则是7.8小时。 | The overall average for smartphone gamers , which includes platforms like Windows Phone 7 and BlackBerry, is 7. 8 hours per month. | |
4 | 发现清醒梦境很普遍,但是游戏者从来没有控制其梦境本身以外东西的梦。 | It found that lucid dreams were common, but that the gamers never had dream control over anything beyond their dream selves. | |
5 | 公司被认为创新的是:Ngmoco创建了名为Plus+的社交网络,让玩家们通过社交媒体相互对战。 | The company created a social network, Plus+, which allows gamers to challenge each other through social media. | |
6 | 韩国的职业玩家每天要训练12个小时以上,期望自己能够以超过他人的努力成为一名精英分子。 | Professional gamers in Korea can train for up to 12 hours a day in hopes of reaching an elite standing held by a hardworking few. | |
7 | 很多玩家没有那台电脑有四年的历史,所以看到这么多人留恋在游戏机上实在振奋人心。 | Many gamers don’t have computers which last four years, so seeing strong staying power in consoles is encouraging. | |
8 | 今天,游戏者插入电源便可进入完全真实的虚拟世界,充满了赏心悦目和极具挑战性的影像。 | Today, gamers plug into fully realized artificial worlds full of aesthetically pleasing and challenging imagery. | |
9 | 就像其他所有经营软件者一样,顶级游戏开发商蜂拥向iPhone,而玩家们也正收获着巨大的奖励。 | Like everyone else with software to sell, top-tier game developers are flocking to the iPhone, and gamers are reaping big rewards. | |
10 | 就像任天狗吸引了女玩家一样,《脑力训练》有助于把游戏推向年龄偏大的消费群体。 | Just as "Nintendogs" appealed to female gamers , "Brain Training" has helped to bring gaming to an older audience. | |
11 | 就像网络游戏玩家,他们能够以个人的身份或加入小组来相互竞争,以在一个指定的项目中获得最佳的操作时间。 | Like online gamers , they can compete individually or in teams to rack up the most processing time for a given project. | |
12 | 据美国娱乐软件协会数据,美国所有游戏玩家中有38%为女性。 | In the United States, 38 percent of all gamers are female, according to the Entertainment Software Association. | |
13 | 每隔几年就有一批新的主机发售用以满足玩家的升级要求,从而激起一股销售的浪潮。 | Every few years a new crop of consoles is launched, spurring a wave of sales as gamers upgrade. | |
14 | 年轻的玩家们,其中很大一部分人年龄在八岁以下,他们往往更容易受到游戏和屏幕的影响。 | Younger gamers , typically under the age of eight, tend to be more influenced by games and what they see on screen. | |
15 | 怒不可遏的玩家的留言包括:“我希望这不是黑客干的。这样的事情不要再发生了!!” | Furious gamers left comments including ’I hope it’s not related to those hackers. This has got to stop! ’ | |
16 | 其一,新设备相当出色,可运行复杂游戏,因而即便是专业玩家也会留意; | First, the new devices are good enough for sophisticated games, so they have caught the attention even of hardcore gamers . | |
17 | 然后,我们要讨论设备连接问题——如果玩家无法连接您的游戏,您就不会有收入了。 | Later in the article, you’ll look at device-connectivity issues -- you make no profit if your gamers can’t reach the game! | |
18 | 任天堂的Wii和“WiiFit”不仅让更多男玩家开始活动身体,也为女玩家铺出一条新路。 | Nintendo’s Wii and "Wii Fit" have not only introduced more men to exercise but also paved a new avenue for female gamers . | |
19 | 任天堂希望这能够有助于扩展市场:它认为,现代游戏的复杂烦琐使非玩家望而生畏。 | Nintendo hopes this will help to expand the market: non-gamers , it argues, are put off by the complexity of modern games. | |
20 | 如果你爱玩游戏,罗斯主编推荐你玩《星际争霸2》,并称这是一款“能让你心甘情愿地浪费312个小时的游戏”。 | And for gamers , Ross suggests Star Craft 2. He said it’s a "great thing to waste 312 hours on. " | |
21 | 如果游戏玩家失去了在“真实”世界中正常生活的能力或者意愿,我们就必须采取必要的措施了。 | If gamers become unable or unwilling to function in the "real" world, we need to take action. | |
22 | 实际上,三分之二的玩家超过18岁,而且玩家的平均年龄在30岁左右。 | In fact, two-thirds of gamers are over 18 and the average gamer is around 30. | |
23 | 事实上,玩家在玩的时候,已经在用这些服务来彼此联络。 | In fact, gamers were already using these services to communicate with each other while playing. | |
24 | 随着2004年“半条命2”的发行,玩者开始注意到蕴含其中的物理模型。 | Gamers really began to take notice of physics models with the release in 2004 of "Half-Life 2" . | |
25 | 随着时间的推移,游戏玩家(行话称为gamer)对服务的数量和复杂性的期望会越来越高。 | As time goes on, the game players (or gamers in industry jargon) expect an increasing number and complexity of services. | |
26 | 所以,我们一起来看看对于游戏玩家都有哪些种电游试玩员的工作吧: | So let’s take a look at the different types of video game tester jobs that are available for gamers . | |
27 | 所以如果价格一样的话,数字版本事实上是玩家多掏了钱。 | If the prices are the same, digital versions give gamers less for their money. | |
28 | 他们招募了一组游戏玩家,将其反应技能与一组非玩家作比较。 | They recruited a group of video-gamers and compared their reaction skills with a group of non-players. | |
29 | 他希望那些现成的游戏玩家可以作为推广大使,鼓励他们的朋友和家人去尝试Wii。 | His hope is that existing gamers will act as ambassadors, encouraging friends and family to give the Wii a try. | |
30 | 它的对手都是些沉溺于军事策略和历史的人。 | The other gamers were people steeped in military strategy and history. |