属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-老主题 新故事
1 | 突然间,树下传来一声轻微短促的惊叫,“吉姆,你在树上干什么呢?”妈妈没有等我回答。 | Suddenly a gasp sounded from below. "Jim, what are you doing up there?" Morn didn’t wait for an answer. | |
2 | 我试着不让自己窒息。 | I tried not to gasp | |
3 | 像鱼离开水似的大口喘气 | Gasp like a fish out of water | |
4 | 哮咳百日咳的突发性喘息 | The paroxysmal gasp characteristic of whooping cough. | |
5 | 哮咳使发出百日咳般的突发性喘息 | To make the paroxysmal gasp characteristic of whooping cough. | |
6 | 腰下那一拳打得他喘不过气来。 | The low punch made him gasp for air | |
7 | 这个国家的人民渴望独立和自由。 | The people of this country gasp for independence and liberty | |
8 | 这个可怜的人已经奄奄一息了。 | The poor man was at his last gasp . | |
9 | 这声音使孩子们喘气和发抖。 | This voice made the boys gasp and quake | |
10 | 这时忽然听到林妮发出一声奇特的、令人震颤的喘息声。 | There was a strange, electric gasp from Lini them. | |
11 | 这时我们已经不像是一个到俱乐部去玩的人,而像是一个航行遇险的海员在九死一生之际,终于得救,并且受到一群以前非常淡漠而这时却非常激动的侍者们的热烈欢迎。 | One is not a man going into his club, but a mariner saved from shipwreck at the last gasp , to be greeted with emotion by erst indifferent waiters. | |
12 | 作好了这些准备,我决心抵抗到最后一口气。同时,我也没有忘记把自己托付给神的保护,挚诚地祈求上帝把我从野蛮人的手里拯救出来。 | And resolv’d to defend my self to the last gasp , not forgetting seriously to commend my self to the divine protection, and earnestly to pray to god to deliver me out of the hands of the barbarians | |
13 | ||1:分析者将这些领导人归结为激进的民粹主义者,期望实现更好的领导。||2:即使他们都推行专制,但之间也有所不同,其中的原因也不仅仅在于不同国家的具体国情。||3:7年之后,他们的命运也有所不同。||4:在委内瑞拉,查韦斯将有毒经济财富的烂摊子丢给老气横秋的继任者,这个国家声称赋予世界上最大的石油储备,国内的管理却混乱不堪,落得到处借钱的下场。||5:克里斯蒂娜将该国推入了滞胀的深渊,虽然她竭力在纽约法庭的争论中赢得主动,尽展民族主义气节,却仍不得不下台,差点退出政坛。 | ||1:Analysts lumped these leaders together as radical populists, for want of a better term.||2:Yet despite a shared bent for autocracy, there were always differences among them, not least because of their countries’ differing circumstances.||3:Seven years on, their fates are distinct.||4:In Venezuela Chavez bequeathed a toxic economic legacy to his lacklustre successor, Nicolas Maduro. A country that claims the world’s biggest oil reserves has been so badly mismanaged that it is scraping around for dollars.||5:As for Ms Fernandez, having plunged Argentina into stagflation, she is down and almost out, despite her last-gasp effort to turn her argument over debt with a New York court into a nationalist epic. | |
14 | ||1:作为一位年轻物理学家,施奈德在其关注的新领域提出了重大问题。||2:先前他的一位从政学生想改变这个世界和因高姿态影响带来的炫耀癖,这些原型提供给了施奈德先生所想要的研究方法。||3:然而施奈德在得到地球研究方法的馈赠的同时,他也找到了自己所喜欢的(学术方向)。 | ||1:As a boy growing up on Long Island he had greeted news of hurricanes by going up to the attic to sit with an anemometer, and built his own telescope in order to gasp at the planets it revealed.||2:When computer models gave him the power to spin up winds on planets of the mind, his first big topic was a study of the net effects of smoggy pollutants in the atmosphere, which cool the planet down, and the carbon dioxide which warms it up.||3:Other work focused on the warming and cooling effects of clouds and the climate’s sensitivity to greenhouse gases. | |
15 | 如果幸运的话,大人们便可安全返家,像蓬头垢面满身油污的陌生人一样,讲述“灰色的,被冰冷泥浆浸湿的”故事,“这些故事让人屏息凝神,但并不能使人发笑,讲述人如果想笑的话,也只会在喘息间微笑。” | If they are lucky, as shaggy, greasy strangers, telling stories that "were grey, drenched in icy slime. They made you gasp but not smile, and the men who told them smiled—if at all—only at the gasps." | |
16 | “这是拯救100,000只小海龟的最后一线希望,”他说。 | "It is a last gasp measure to save 100, 000 young sea turtles, " he said. | |
17 | 不可否认,由于不可能租下整个岛,有的时候你可能必须和一些陌生人分享这个海岛。 | Admittedly, there’s a chance you may have to share the island with, gasp , some strangers -- as it’s not possible to rent the entire island. | |
18 | 不需要互联网、开关、路由器、集线器、流量过滤设备,这些都是IT人所需的。 | No Internet, switches, routers, hubs, traffic-filtering appliances or (gasp ! ) IT people are needed. | |
19 | 柴油机涡轮增压器喘振的分析及排除 | The analysis and remove the gasp vibration of turbocharger of diesel engine | |
20 | 喘息型支气管肺炎儿血清肿瘤坏死因子、白细胞介素8与病因、病程的关系 | Relationship between serum TNF, interleukin - 8 and cause and course of disease in the children with bronchopneumonia with gasp | |
21 | 打开《黑沙有两个妈妈》(HeatherHasTwoMommies)的第二十一版,我禁不住大声叫好。 | When I opened the new twentieth anniversary edition of Heather Has Two Mommies, I could not suppress a gasp . | |
22 | 当拉宾伸出手时,人群发出了一声听得见的深呼吸,然后就是雷鸣般的掌声,两位领导人完成了不带亲吻的握手。 | When Rabin extended his hand, the crowd let out an audible gasp , followed by thunderous applause, as they completed the kissless handshake. | |
23 | 当然,对于顾客我面带微笑的。只不过他们有时难免会听到我喘息! | And I certainly serve customers with a smile. Sometimes they just might hear me gasp as well! | |
24 | 当这位帅气的、受欢迎的男孩告诉我们有关他的最脆弱的时刻时,我听到人群中都深吸了一口气。 | I heard the gasp go through the crowd as this handsome, popular boy told us all about his weakest moment. | |
25 | 结果,还差的可不是“一点点”…最后她开始呻吟。“哦亲爱的,哦我亲爱的,我的天啊,太美了!” | It turned out there was quite a bit more . . . At the end she began to gasp . "Oh dear, oh my dear, oh my dear dear God, oh sugar! " | |
26 | 警方的搜捕表明战后抓捕纳粹战犯的硝烟未散。 | Their search is the last gasp of the post-war hunt for Nazi war criminals. | |
27 | 来自印度炎热平原的游客蜂拥而至享受的山间空气。 | Tourists flock from India’s sweaty plains to gasp the mountain air. | |
28 | 那天中午,天气热得连树上的叶子也在喘气。 | It was so hot a noon that the leaves had to gasp for breath. | |
29 | 然而一个似乎更加合理的解读是这是罢工是工会面对法国新的政治前景的最后机会。 | Yet a more plausible reading is that this is the last gasp of a union movement that faces a changed political outlook in France. | |
30 | 如果你看过电影的话,你会憎恶这个角色,你甚至想钻进屏幕杀掉他,割开他的喉咙,看着他一命呜呼。 | He makes you hate him. You want to kill him, to jump into the screen and cut his throat to watch him gasp and gurgle his last breath. |