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属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-互益性企业 心系社会的企业
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-良品导购 价廉物良
1 | 若不按照上述要求操作,褶裥将会变成细小、不规则的刃形边缘裥。 | If this procedure is not followed the gathers will become tiny, irregular, sharp-edged pleats. | |
2 | 碎裥可以在织物的另一边用抽线的方式固定 | The gathers can be locked in position by pulling the threads on the under side of the fabric (opposite side) | |
3 | 滔滔不绝者播下种子,闭口不言者收割庄稼 | He that speaks sows, and he that holds his peace gathers | |
4 | 滔滔不绝者播下种子,闭口不言者收割庄稼。 | He that speaks sows, and he that holds his peace gathers . | |
5 | 铁易生锈。 | Iron gathers rust easily. | |
6 | 往事把不可思议的生与死的全部奥秘都聚在它周围。 | The past gathers round it all the inscrutable mystery of life and death | |
7 | 为保证打褶和缝纫的精确度,在制作样板阶段必须估计打褶的比率。 | The ratio of gathers would have to be assessed at the pattern stage to ensure accurate gathering and joining. | |
8 | 为境外的机构、组织、人员窃取、刺探、收买、非法提供国家秘密或者情报的,处五年以上十年以下有期徒刑。 | Whoever steals, secretly gathers , purchases, or illegally provides state secrets or intelligence for an organization, institution, or personnel outside the country is to be sentenced from not less than five years to not more than 10 years of fixed-term imprisonment. | |
9 | 五月西施采,人看隘若耶。 | In fifth moon Xi Shi gathers them with smiles, Watchers o’erwhelm the bank of Yuoye Stream. | |
10 | 物体松动后从山坡往下移动时速度越来越快,顺势也带下更多的东西,从而造成极大的破坏。 | As the material loses its grip and begins to move down the slope it gathers speed and sweeps up more material with devastating results | |
11 | 新闻协会(英国负责采集国内新闻并向本国新闻媒介供稿的通讯社). | The Press Association(press agency that gathers home news and supplies it to the British press) | |
12 | 烟灰积在锅炉底下. | Soot gathers underneath the boiler. | |
13 | 在国家安全机关向其调查有关情况、收集有关证据时,拒绝提供的,依照《国家安全法》第二十六条的规定处理。 | he or she shall be punished according to the provisions of Article 26 stipulated in the State Security Law on condition that he or she refuses to provide the information while a State security organ investigates the relevant circumstances or gathers the relevant evidences from him or her. | |
14 | 褶裥:决不要在褶裥上面熨烫,而是用熨斗尖烫到褶裥里面。小心不要在线迹上面熨烫。 | Gathers : Never press over gathers but instead, using the tip of the iron, press into the gathers, taking care not to press over the stitching. | |
15 | 这次中国地毯图案展不但荟萃了我国的最新设计成果,而且代表了中国地毯的发展趋向。 | The exhibition of the patterns not only gathers together the newest carpet designs in China but also represents the trend of the development of Chinese carpets | |
16 | 这个标题把问题极好地概括起来了。 | This title best gathers up the subject | |
17 | 这种布料易积尘。 | This cloth gathers dust. | |
18 | 这种布容易积灰尘。 | This cloth gathers dust. | |
19 | 中外文化交流中心汇集了一批业务精干、知识广博、富有国际交往经验的展览演出、出版设计、影视制作、外文翻译等专门人才,是一支具有敬业精神的高素质的队伍。 | CICE gathers a highly qualified professional team in exhibit designers, Film & T V producers, stage managers and interpreters, who are devoted to and experienced in international cultural exchange. | |
20 | 宙斯操纵日夜更替,四季轮回;他控制天气变化,给人间刮风下雨,滋润田野和草地。 | Zeus orders the alternation of day and night, the seasons succeed at his command, the winds obey him, now he gathers , now scatters the clouds, and bids the gentle rain fall to fertilize the fields and meadows | |
21 | 转石不生苔,转业不聚财 | A rolling stone gathers no moss | |
22 | 最和灵魂相似的,莫过于蜜蜂。他从这朵花飞到那朵花,正像灵魂从这明枪暗箭飞到那颗星;它采密,正像灵魂采集光。--雨果 | Nothing is so like a soul as a bee. It goes from flower to flower as a soul from star to star, and it gathers honey as a soul gathers light.--Victor Hugo | |
23 | ||1:Lyubomirsky博士首先进行世界价值观调查,这个步骤要收集生活在世界各地的人的大量数据。||2: 为了达到研究目的, Lyubomirsky博士在四个不同的年份分别询问了6906个美国人四个不同的问题。 ||3:这四个问题分别是:受访者有多少个孩子;他(或她)对生活有多满意;他有多幸福;他多久考虑一次生命的意义。 | ||1: Dr Lyubomirsky’s first port of call was the World Values Survey. This is a project which gathers huge amounts of data about the lives of people all around the planet. ||2: For the purposes of her research, Dr Lyubomirsky looked at the answers 6,906 Americans had given, in four different years, to four particular questions. ||3: These were: how many children the responder had; how satisfied he (or she) was with life; how happy he was; and how often he thought about the meaning and purpose of life. | |
24 | ||1:因此,评分结果在很大程度上取决于数据的质量,这些数据是指南网从各处搜集而来的,来源包括政府报告、科学研究及其员工所作的调查。||2:如果产品得分很低,软件就会推荐另一种得分更高的替代产品。||3:软件还会追踪消费者的购物记录,看看他们的购物行为在多大程度上符合自身赞同的购物观,然后给出一种个人的购物美德度(或虚伪度)等级。 | ||1:Much therefore depends on the quality of the data, which GoodGuide gathers from various sources, including government reports and scientific studies, and research by its own staff.||2:If the product scores badly, the app will recommend an alternative item which is rated more highly.||3:The app also tracks a consumer’s purchases to see how well they fit with their selected values, giving a sort of personal virtue (or hypocrisy) rating. | |
25 | 一种关爱社会、分享利益的新型公司形式方兴未艾 | A new sort of caring, sharing company gathers momentum | |
26 | 因此,评分结果在很大程度上取决于数据的质量,这些数据是指南网从各处搜集而来的,来源包括政府报告、科学研究及其员工所作的调查。 | Much therefore depends on the quality of the data, which GoodGuide gathers from various sources, including government reports and scientific studies, and research by its own staff. | |
27 | 这是个浩大的工程,用来收集海量的居住在这个星球各个角落里的人的数据。 | This is a project which gathers huge amounts of data about the lives of people all around the planet. | |
28 | “集合大量的重要信息,然后你就会看到邻里之间互相帮助,”他补充说。 | "A critical mass of information gathers , and then you see neighbors helping neighbors, " he adds. | |
29 | “森林人”是猎人和园艺以及集。 | The "forest people" are horticulturists as well as hunters and gathers . | |
30 | “中和”精神是儒家推崇的人生境界,集诚信与仁爱为一体。 | The Confucianists uphold Zhong He as the highest realm of life, which gathers honest and benevolence. |