属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 721-1-1963
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 721-2-1983
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 25683-2-1978
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 25683-1-1978
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI/AGMA 1003-G-1993
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国国内形势 共和党掌权
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-反对派调查 电子版发奸擿伏
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-产业升级 手机成全新的旧事物(上)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-人民币入篮SDR 风险与机遇并存
1 | 双驱动行星传动卷扬机多级优化设计 | Multiple Stage Optimum Design of Winch with Dual Driven Planetary Gearing | |
2 | 塑料谐波齿轮传动的试验研究 | Experimental Study on Plasic Harmonic Gearing | |
3 | 蜗轮传动装置规范.第1部分:英制单位 | Specification for worm gearing -Imperial units | |
4 | 蜗轮传动装置规范.第2部分:米制单位 | Specification for worm gearing -Metric units | |
5 | 我从来没见过哪个国家在准备战事时还会陷入经济衰退。 | I have not yet seen an economy in recession when you are gearing up for war." | |
6 | 我们为了满足人民群众日益增长的需要,正在加速生产。 | We are gearing up production to meet the increasing needs of the masses of the people. | |
7 | 我们学校正在作好准备以接受更多的学生。 | Our school is gearing up for an increased intake of pupils. | |
8 | 谐波齿轮传动中柔轮应力的有限元分析 | Stress Analysis of the Flexspline in Harmonic Gearing by Using FEM | |
9 | 由于在转向性、车身重量(仅为1400kg)和空气动力学特性之间实现了最佳的平衡,LF-A最高时速可达322公里/小时,从而体现出F1比赛中超越对手所需的速度、敏捷和可靠性。 | With a combination of optimum gearing , weight (only 1,400kg)and aerodynamics, the LF-A concept would produce a top speed in the neighborhood of 322km per hour, showing the superiority among its F1 rivals in speed, quickness, agility and reliability. | |
10 | 有轨机动车部件的名称.轮对传动箱.传动类构件.机动车的可逆式轮对传动箱 | Terms for railway vehicle parts; wheel set gearings, transmission-like components, reversing wheel set gearing for motive power units | |
11 | 有轨机动车部件的名称.轮对传动箱.传动类构件.机动车副轮对传动箱 | Terms for railway vehicle parts; wheel set gearings, transmission-like components, primary transmission wheel set gearing for motive power units | |
12 | 与消费者的相配套的工业 | industry gearing with consumer needs | |
13 | 在(不在)传动. | in (out of) gearing | |
14 | 在阀门上应用齿轮能够使操作更加容易。 | Gearing is applied to valves to provide ease of operation. | |
15 | 这机器的齿轮装置很特别. | The gearing of this machine is unusual. | |
16 | 这一运动是由装在驾驶员前面的转向盘与转向节(车轮)之间的转向器和连杆装置来共同完成的。 | This movement is produced by gearing and linkage between the steering wheel in front of the driver and the steering knuckle (or wheel). | |
17 | 整齐行距和垂直齿轮用齿的制备 | Tooth Proportions for Fine-Pitch Spur and Helical Gearing | |
18 | 直廓环面蜗杆、蜗轮精度 | Accuracy of double enveloping worm gearing with straight line generatrix | |
19 | 只有印度石油工业充分意识到它的责任,同时准备好应对挑战,国家才能够放心休息。 | The nation can rest assured that the oil industry is full aware of its responsibility and is gearing up to meet the challenge. | |
20 | 资本搭配比率[国际金融公司]:指投资和担保余额与基础资本之间的比率。 | Gearing ratio [IFC]: Ratio of outstanding investments and guarantees to the capital base. | |
21 | 资本构成,资本结构 | capital structure; capital composition; capital gearing | |
22 | ||1:俄亥俄州州长John Kasich(有望参加总统竞选),变得更加现实了。||2:自2011年任职以来,他已经平衡了该州的预算,同时也削减了税收、改善了官僚习气。||3:他挑起了一场与公共部门工会的“战争”,惨败。||4:这激发他采取一种调和的方法。||5:去年多于对手30票而获胜,John Kasich想进一步削减所得税——同时会通过提高能源公司的税收来弥补,此举引起了右派的不满。 | ||1:John Kasich, the governor of Ohio (who may also be gearing up for a presidential run), has been more pragmatic.||2:Since taking office in 2011 he has balanced the state’s budget while cutting taxes and red tape.||3:He also picked a fight with public-sector unions, and lost.||4:That spurred him to adopt a more conciliatory approach.||5:Having won re-election by over 30 points last year, he now wants to cut income taxes even more—but he would pay for it by raising taxes on energy companies, which has incurred the wrath of some on the right. | |
23 | ||1:在总统选举中,该组织同样推动了一场关于共和党提名人选罗姆尼私募股权的过去,其结果是,奥巴马不费丝毫力气,借了资本家抨击的刀,坐收渔翁之利。||2:如今,美国之桥正在为今年的国会选举整装待发,它的报道量攀升,在2014年的前三个月的开支便达到了260万美元。 | ||1:For the presidential campaign, Bridge helped to drive a national conversation about Republican nominee Mitt Romney’s past in private equity, allowing Barack Obama to benefit from bare-knuckle capitalist-bashing without having to roll up his own sleeves.||2:Bridge is now gearing up for this year’s congressional races; it reports raising and spending over 2.6m in the first three months of 2014. | |
24 | 奋力一战 | Gearing up for a fight | |
25 | 迄今为止,整个行业都在为了下一代无线技术“5G”而加速前进。 | For now the industry is gearing up for the next generation of wireless technology, “5G”. | |
26 | 在美联储加紧启动提高利率的同时,中国放松了其货币政策,人民币兑美元可能至少会承受更多的下行压力。 | With the Federal Reserve gearing up to start raising interest rates at the same time as China is loosening its monetary policy, the yuan looks likely to come under more downward pressure, at least against the dollar. | |
27 | EleanorWaldorf正积极的,筹备她新公司上市。 | Eleanor Waldorf is gearing , up to take her company public, | |
28 | Hanebrink电动自行车的传动系统以安装在中央的电动马达为主,搭配脚踏辅助14速齿轮变速系统。 | The Hanebrink Electric Bike’s power train is centered on a mid-mounted motor that is mated to a pedal-assisted 14-speed gearing system. | |
29 | RED已经准备好激励他的战友们和与之合作的公司共同达成2015年的目标。 | And (RED) is gearing up to inspire its army of friends, as well as the corporations we work with, to help deliver the 2015 goal. | |
30 | 阿里森传动装置液压控制系统 | Hydraulic Control System of Allison Gearing |