属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF C99-010-2002
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-个性化网购价 你的钱包有多鼓?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-个性化网购价 你的钱包有多鼓?
属类:经济金融-Education Report 教育报道-多哥学者力争保护文化遗产
1 | “文件运动理论模型”质疑―兼与何嘉荪、叶鹰、金更达老师商榷 | Query the Model of Records Motion Theory-To Discuss with Teachers He Jia-Sun, Ye Ying and Jing Gen -Da | |
2 | 1943年的今天,艾森豪威尔将军宣布,意大利已经向盟国投降。 | On this day in 1943, Gen . Dwight Eisenhower publicly announces the surrender of Italy to the Allies. | |
3 | p63基因蛋白在喉癌中的表达及意义 | Expression of p63 Gen in Laryngeal Carcinoma Tissue and Its Significance | |
4 | 八卦炉是按天、水、山、震、风、火、地、泽划分的,孙猴知道其中的奥妙,进去后便钻进“巽宫”位置上。巽是风,有风无火 | The furnace was made up of Eight Trigrams-qian, kan, gen , zhen, xun, li, kun and dui-so he squeezed himself into the “Palace of xun,” for xun was the wind, and where there was wind there could be no fire. | |
5 | 把这新项目的资料给我. | Give me the gen on this new project. | |
6 | 低温与矮脚尖叶片之红化及其对光合成速率之影响-预报 | A Preliminary Note on the Photosyn Thetic Rate of I-Geo-Gen Leaf in Relation to the Red Discoloration under Low Temperature | |
7 | 复见天地心,艮止圣贤境-《复》、《艮》二卦义理与宋儒心性之学 | The Thought and Theory of Mind and Human Nature of the Hexagrams fu and gen | |
8 | 该公路以约瑟夫?史迪威将军命名,越过帕开山脉最险峻的邦索关,延伸到缅甸。 | Named for Gen . Joseph Stilwell, it crossed into Burma (Myanmar)through the difficult Pangsau Pass of the Patkai Range. | |
9 | 该王朝由后高句丽的王建将军建立,它击败了新罗王朝和后百济王朝,936年统一了朝鲜半岛。 | The dynasty was formed by Gen . Wang Kon of Later Koguryo, who defeated the kingdoms of Silla and of Later Paekche to create a unified Korean peninsula in 936. | |
10 | 基于超二代像增强器的微光夜视仪设计 | Study of Night Vision Instrument at Low Light Level Based on Gen Ⅱ+ Image Intensifier | |
11 | 抗金黄色葡萄球菌及溶血性链球菌鸡卵黄IgG喷剂治疗慢性咽炎 | Therapeutic Effect of Specific Gen Egg Immunoglobulin G Stomat-spray of Anti-aureus Staphylococcus and Hemolytic Streptococcus on Patients with Chronic Pharyngitis | |
12 | 李根源与欧事研究会 | Li Gen Yuan and European-Affair Research Group | |
13 | 量词“条”与“根”的比较研究 | Comparison between Two Chinese Quantifiers-"Tiao" and "Gen " | |
14 | 梅里第安美国密西西比州东部一城市,位于阿拉巴马州边界附近,杰克逊东部。在1864年2月被威廉·T·谢尔曼将军的军队踏平。人口46, | A city of eastern Mississippi near the Alabama border east of Jackson.It was razed by Gen .William T.Sherman’s troops in February1864.Population,46,577. | |
15 | 你得详细地告知那人党内目前的局势。 | You have to gen the man up on the present situation inside the Party | |
16 | 青蒿鲨烯合酶基因打靶研究 | Gen Targeting of Squalene Synthase in Artemisia annua | |
17 | 清昆山名医潘道根方 | Prescriptions of Famous Herbalist Pan Dao-gen in the Qing Dynasty | |
18 | 清热利湿法对慢性乙型肝炎HBV基因突变株复制的影响 | The Clearing Heat and Promoting Diuresis Therapy Affect the Gen Copy of the Precore Gent of HBV Mutative Strains in Chronic Hepatitis B Patients | |
19 | 他后来被韦尔塔将军罢黜,但韦尔塔本身酗酒而专制独裁的统治很快遭到比利亚、卡兰萨和奥夫雷贡的反对。 | He was deposed by Gen . Victoriano Huerta, whose own drunken and despotic dictatorship quickly fell to Villa, Carranza, and Obregón. | |
20 | 他详尽地告诉我有关新的办事处的安排。 | He gave me all the gen on the new office arrangements. | |
21 | 图珀洛美国密西西比州东北一城市,位于哥伦比亚西北偏北。该市是南北战争一场战役(1864年7月14日)的旧址。在这场战役中,北方军队击败了内森·B·福雷斯特将军指挥的南方邦联军。人口30, | A city of northeast Mississippi north-northwest of Columbus.It was the site of a Civil War battle(July14,1864)in which Union forces defeated the Confederate troops led by Gen .Nathan B.Forrest.Population,30,685. | |
22 | 徐三庚自用印的篆刻考察 | Investigation on the Seal-Engraving of Shiu San-Gen | |
23 | 要是你们准备去拜访我的父亲的话,你们最好熟悉一下有关玫瑰花的知识--他是一名非常热爱园艺的人。 | You’d better gen up on roses if you’re going to visit my father-he’s a very keen gardener. | |
24 | 一位民主党首要参议员和一位里根政府官员今天说:既然让巴拿马领袖下台的谈判已经失败,他们不排队使用武力赶走诺列加将军。 | A key Democratic Senator and a Reagan Administration official said today that they would not rule out military action to oust Gen .Manuel Antonio Noriega now that negotiations had failed so far to get the Panamanian leader to step down. | |
25 | 证实低功率电子和电气设备符合有关人暴露于电磁场(10MHz-300GHz)的基本限制的通用标准.一般通用标准 | Generic standard to demonstrate the compliance of low power electronic and electrical apparatus with the basic restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (10 MHz-300 GHz)-Gen | |
26 | 昨天国防部长切尼和鲍威尔将军的简报发人深省。二人都警告说死亡将继续增加。他们警告说萨达姆可能暗藏惊人之笔。 | Yesterday’s briefing by Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney and Gen .Colin Powell was sobering.Both man warned that the death toll will continue to rise.They warned that Saddam Hussein may have surprises up his sleeve. | |
27 | ||1:个性化价格软件的用户至今还不敢窥视潜在客户的社交网页,因担心这将引起关于私隐的反弹。||2:但24[7]公司客服中心的客户代表,已经开始代客户在Twitter上追溯消费者聊天的关系网。Vijayaraghavan称,有时候用户的微博会透露究竟是否需要折扣来达成交易。 | ||1:Users of price-customisation software have so far been reluctant to peep at potential customers’ social-media pages, for fear that this would provoke a privacy backlash.||2:But the operators at the call centres [24]7 runs for its clients are beginning to scan Twitter for gen on the shoppers they are talking to—and sometimes, says Mr Vijayaraghavan, their tweets give useful hints about whether a discount is needed to clinch the sale. | |
28 | ||1:要想获得持久的成功,爱马仕的继承人们可能还需要做一件事。||2:爱马仕在数字技术方面相对落后。||3:去年,爱马仕仅有2-3%的销售额来自网站,是竞争对手的一半。||4:它的Instagram账户(用于衡量品牌热度)只有1000万粉丝,相比之下香奈儿或古驰都有4100万粉丝。||5:爱马仕缺少为品牌注入活力的年轻消费者。根据花旗集团的数据,爱马仕只有四分之一的销售额来自95后或千禧一代(其中年龄最大的人即将满40岁)。 | ||1:For success to endure, Hermes heirs may require one more thing.||2:The company is a digital laggard.||3:A mere 2 to 3% of its sales last year came from its website, half its rivals’ share.||4:Its Instagram account— a measure of a brand’s buzziness—has just 10m followers, compared with 41m for Chanel or Gucci.||5:It lacks younger consumers who inject brands with vitality; according to Citigroup, a bank, only a quarter of sales are to Gen -Zs or millennials (the oldest of whom are about to turn 40). | |
29 | 但247公司客服中心的客户代表,已经开始代客户在Twitter上追溯消费者聊天的关系网。Vijayaraghavan称, | But the operators at the call centres 247 runs for its clients are beginning to scan Twitter for gen on the shoppers they are talking to—and sometimes, says Mr Vijayaraghavan, | |
30 | 洛美大学教授N’bueke Adovi Goeh-Akue向一位访客展示了格恩族(Gen)文化仪式的一些视频。该教授是一名文化遗传专家,他本人也是格恩族人,格恩族是多哥众多民族中的一个。 | At the University of Lome, Professor N’bueke Adovi Goeh-Akue shows a visitor some video groups of Gen cultural ritual. The Professor is a cultural heritage specialist, he is also himself a Gen, one of many ethnic groups in Togo. |