属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-棋盘游戏 不是衰败而是兴盛
1 | 每年十月这里都会举办“埃森国际游戏节”——半是爱好者聚会,一半是贸易展的棋牌游戏大会——与全球最大的游戏节之一的美国“创展”齐名。 | Each October it plays host to Internationale Spieltage, or Spiel, a board-game convention that is half fan-club gathering, half trade show—and, alongside America’s Gen Con, one of the biggest gaming festivals in the world. | |
2 | “当夜耶和华向他显现”(创二十六:24) | "And the Lord appeared unto Isaac the same night. " (Gen . 26: 24) | |
3 | “目前的警戒水平”高于2002年,第20战斗机飞行中队指挥官,空军准将郑在卜(音)表示。 | The alert level "is now at a higher class" than in 2002, says Air Force Brig. Gen . Jung Jae-bu, commander of the 20th Fighter Wing. | |
4 | “头脑风暴式”Y世代雇员激励 | Brainstorming encourages Gen Y staff | |
5 | “这是盟军减少驻伊部队的合适时机”,Gen.RayOdierno在声明中提到。 | "The time and conditions are right for Coalition forces to reduce the number of troops in Iraq, " Gen . Ray Odierno said in the statement. | |
6 | 1899年,古巴雷梅迪奥斯,戈梅兹将军的骑兵出现在一片长满棕榈树的平原上,其中一名士兵手持古巴国旗。 | Cavalry of Gen . Gomez’ army, Remedios, Cuba. Group of armed soldiers on horseback, one carrying Cuban flag, on a palm covered plain. | |
7 | 1932年,为了纪念华盛顿诞辰二百周年,道格拉斯.麦克阿瑟将军带头,恢复了这种奖章。 | In 1932, to mark the bicentennial of Washington’s birth, Gen . Douglas MacArthur spearheaded an effort to revive the medal. | |
8 | 1周后,朴正熙发动政变上台,开始了长达18年的铁腕统治。 | A week later, Maj. Gen . Park Chung-hee staged a coup, the beginning of his 18-year iron-fisted rule. | |
9 | 26岁的马特·拉里是一名社会工作者,他跟25岁的女友吉纳·克莱蒙斯一起住在伦敦北部的伍德格林。 | Matt Lary, 26, is a social worker who lives in Wood Green, north London, with his girlfriend Gen (Genevieve) Clemens, 25. | |
10 | Carter少校:我们现在有了充足的兵力对那些可能是组织成员避难所的地点进行搜索和攻击。 | Maj. Gen . CARTER: We have sufficient force levels now to be able to get after many of the areas that have been sanctuaries for them. | |
11 | GEN已经被联合国承认为联合国经济及社会理事会的一个顾问成员。 | GEN has been given recognition by the United Nations as a consulting member of the ECOSOC commission. | |
12 | PeakEnterprises就是这样一个客户,总部设在佛罗里达州萨拉索塔制造了一个腔卫生产品,目标是Gen-Xers又称TungBrush。 | One such client is Peak Enterprises, a Sarasota, Florida-based maker of an oral hygiene product aimed at Gen -Xers called the Tung Brush. | |
13 | StanleyMcChrystal少校在五角大楼告诉记者们,这些干扰器至今并没有破坏美军部队的行动。 | Gen . Stanley McChrystal told reporters at the Pentagon that the jamming devices had not hurt U. S. troops on the battlefield thus far. | |
14 | Y世代的爸爸们更是创下了这一数据的新高,他们现在每天照料儿女的时间超过了四小时。 | Gen Y dads have taken it up a notch. They now spend more than four hours a day on childcare. | |
15 | Y世代希望区别私人和专业领域,他们无法承受在私人关系以外的信任。 | Gen Y is drawing a line between personal and professional contexts and does not bear this trust outside personal relationships. | |
16 | Y一代会随着年龄的增长更多地使用在线银行服务。 | Gen Y will most likely do more banking online as they grow older. | |
17 | 阿披实或许已经别无选择,只能主动提出这个方案,并在一个深度分裂的国度参与竞选。 | Mr. Abhisit may have had little choice but to make the offer and contest an election on deeply divided terrain. Army chief Gen . | |
18 | 奥巴马选择琼斯作为其国家安全顾问似乎也有类似的考虑。 | Mr. Obama appears to have made a similar calculus in asking Gen . Jones to be his national security adviser. | |
19 | 巴比尔省的警察局长凯伊斯·哈马扎·阿布德将军中午在他的车队遭袭时身亡。 | Gen . Qais Hamza Aboud, police chief for the Babil province, was killed in the midday attack on his convoy. | |
20 | 巴基斯坦军方发言人瓦伊德•阿萨德(WaheedArshad)少将表示,有87人活着离开清真寺。 | Major Gen Waheed Arshad, army spokesman, said 87 people had left the compound alive. | |
21 | 巴基斯坦陆军总长在华府会见了美国国防部部长,两国开始了一周的战略对话! | Pakistan’s army chief Gen Ashfaq Kayani has met US defence leaders in Washington as the two countries begin a week-long strategic dialogue. | |
22 | 不过一些中国分析人士表示,他们认为金一南的说法准确可靠。 | But Chinese analysts said they considered Maj Gen Jin’s remarks accurate and reliable. | |
23 | 参看Gizmodo的Iphone事件,答案显而易见:一个实施下一代Iphone实地试验的的工程师在酒吧里面遗失了自己的Iphone。 | With the case of the Gizmodo iPhone, the answer is obvious: An engineer field-testing the next-gen iPhone left his prototype in a bar. | |
24 | 藏药珠穆根散对脑缺血大鼠海马去甲肾上腺素含量的影响 | Effect of Zhu Mu Gen San on NE of hippocampus in rats with cerebral ischemia | |
25 | 齿条刃边测头在机测量大型齿轮直母线误差的原理与技术研究 | Study on Principle and Technology of On-line Measuring Large Gears’Straight Gen eratrix Errors | |
26 | 出席会议的Ham将军,上任不足一月即被总统奥巴马授予此次针对利比亚军事行动的指挥权。 | President Obama tasked Gen . Ham, who assumed his current role less than a month ago, to lead U. S. military operations in Libya. | |
27 | 大多数Y世代人明白他们太容易为计划而过度激动,然后很快又受挫。 | Most Gen Ys know they become overly enthusiastic about projects and then get discouraged easily. | |
28 | 带着令人震惊的傲慢,麦克里斯特尔将军开始进行他的公众游说运动,呼吁向阿富汗新增40000部队。 | With astounding insolence Gen . McChrystal began to conduct a public lobbying campaign for his appeal for 40, 000 more troops. | |
29 | 丹麦人不喜欢你把他们的首都名念成“ko-pen-HAH-gen”,因为这是德语发音。 | Danes hate it when you pronounce their capital as "ko-pen-HAH-gen " , because this is the German pronunciation. | |
30 | 但陈将军警告,如果华盛顿继续向台湾出售武器,中美两国关系将受到严重的损害。 | But Gen Chen warned that US-Chinese relations would suffer if Washington again sold weapons to Taiwan. |