1 | 他挣扎着想拔出来,但淤泥就像一个巨大的水蛭一样,紧紧地吸住了他的脚。 | He tried to wrench it back, but the muck sucked viciously at his foot as if it were a giant leech | |
2 | 巍然屹立在一个趴着的无头怪物身上。 | It stood upright upon the figure of a prostrate and headless giant | |
3 | 伟大的社会主义中国象巨人一般屹立在东方。 | The great socialist China has towered like a giant in the East. | |
4 | 我把这些大桥视为宏大的雕塑,特别是悬索桥,它们拥有让人难以置信的直线与曲线造型。 | I look at these bridges as giant sculptures suspension bridges especially, they have these incredible linesthese incredible curves | |
5 | 我喝了这饮料,精神大为振奋,犹如一个巨人喝了酒一样。 | I was mightily refreshed by the beverage, as much so as a giant with wine | |
6 | 我还不知道动物园已添了一只大熊猫。 | If the zoo has obtained another giant panda it’s news to me. | |
7 | 我们把一只大熊猫送给日本作为礼物。 | We made a present of a giant panda to Japan. | |
8 | 现在是时候了,应当重新唤醒这个工业巨人,使政府能够重新量入为出和减轻我们的惩罚性的赋税重担了。 | It is time to reawaken this industrial giant , to get government back within its means and to lighten our punitive tax burden | |
9 | 新华社北京7月3日电一种国际领先的新型显示媒体--360度环彩大屏幕显示墙今天落户首都国际机场。 | Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 3 A state-of-the-art new type of display medium----a 360-degree cylindrical color giant display wall----is erected today at the Capital International Airport | |
10 | 要借那希微的星光从一队60多艘舰艇当中调动那六条黑黝黝的庞然大物,这确是一种沉闷和繁重的工作。 | Maneuvering the six giant black shapes out of a formation of sixty-odd vessels by starlight was a tedious tricky business | |
11 | 一个巨浪卷过这条颠簸的小船。 | A giant wave rolled over the bouncing boat | |
12 | 一个十几亿人口的国家不容易自华盛顿的雷达幕上消失。二十年来中国多半被看做对莫斯科的制衡力量,苏联解体后中国就显得虽然庞大却无关宏旨。现在,中国经济起飞其本身就有资格被看做一个力量。 | It’s not easy for a nation of more than a billion people to fade from Washington’s radar screen.Seen mostly as a counterweight to Moscow for20years,China seemed a giant irrelevancy after the demise of the Soviet Union.Now,China’s economic boom will make it a power in its own right. | |
13 | 一个微不足道,一个复杂而又庞大,然而就是这培训计划微不足道之国的运动员,却打破了世界纪录并赢得了奥运会奖牌。 | One is a sophisticated giant and the other is a pygmy, but the pygmy’s athletes are breaking world records and winning Olympic medals | |
14 | 一头头披红戴花的巨兽纷纷向观众们鞠躬致意,嘴里说着“祝大家新年快乐”,真是神奇已极。与此同时,一个栀子花镶边的地球慢慢地在车台上转动着,上面还用金盏花扎出了“和平”两个大字 | Giant flower-covered animals bow to the onlookers and mysteriously articulate, "Happy New Year", while a gardenia-encrusted world revolves slowly above a platform where marigolds spell out PEACE | |
15 | 用多半尺度衡量,1988年对波音公司来说都是极好的一年。这一规模庞大的航空公司不但在销售方面创下记录,并积压了大量订单。 | By most measures,1988 has been an excellent year for the Boeing Company. The giant aerospace concern has racked up record sales and has a huge backlog of orders. | |
16 | 由许多桑巴舞学校或俱乐部参加的盛大游行,犹如大型的街头剧场,表现出现实生活中绚丽多彩的壮观场面。 | The giant parades of samba schools or clubs, are great street theater, a Hollywood spectacular in real life | |
17 | 有多层水族馆、大水池中有鲸鱼和海豹表演、有高科技缆车和72米高登天塔的现代化发展产物的海洋公园面对香港的传统基础也得甘拜下风。 | Even a modern development such as Ocean Park with its massive aquarium on several levels, its performing whales and seals in the giant pool, its hi-tech cable car and 72-metre tall Sky Tower, bows to the traditional foundation of Hong Kong | |
18 | 有些巨大的木贼类和科达目植物高度达到一百英尺。 | Some giant horsetails and Cordaitales reached nearly 100 feet | |
19 | 在动物园里有两只大熊猫。 | There are two giant pandas in the zoo. | |
20 | 在南岛的中部屹立着新西兰的最高峰,海拔3754米的库克山,其周围是巨大的冰河。 | About midway down the South Island stands Mount Cook, the highest peak in the country at 3754m, surrounded by giant glaciers | |
21 | 在商店一头的柜台上放着一个大型炊用切片机,旁边还放着一个大型的红色咖啡粉碎机。 | A big slicing machine sat on the broad wooden counter at one end of the shop, next to a giant red coffee grinder | |
22 | 在学术上他是个巨人,但在日常生活中却是个矮子。 | He is a giant academically but a dwarf in everyday matter. | |
23 | 在沿着那位巨人所留下的足迹走过一遍以后,他又在岛上游览了一番,然后重新上船,向马西亚纳驶去。 | He traversed the island, after having followed the traces which the footsteps of the giant have left, and re-embarked for Marciana | |
24 | 在这片地势起伏的森林中,高大的冷杉和美国黑松随处可见,但与巨大的红杉相比,它们看起来都如小枝小条一般。 | The rugged forest is crowded with large fir trees and tall lodge pole pines, but they all look like puny twigs compared to the giant sequoia | |
25 | 这个呆头呆脑的巨人跟小学生一样的胆小。 | The stolid giant was as nervous as a schoolboy | |
26 | 这就是要跨出的一大步。 | That’s a giant step to take. | |
27 | 这棵巨大红桧树,树龄超过3000年,高达50多米,15个人才合抱拢来。 | This is a giant red cedar which, reputedly more than 3 000 years old, stands more than 50 metres tall with a girth that takes 15 pairs of outstretched arms to encircle | |
28 | 这项研究课程已经大加扩充,有十几家大公司的代表参加学习。 | The seminar was expanded to include representatives from a dozen giant corporations | |
29 | 这些包括有关天花、疱疹以及副流感的巨细胞。 | These include giant cells associated with variola, herpes simplex and parainfluenza | |
30 | 这些巨大的计算机就象贪得无厌的吸水机一样吮吸信息,储存它们,分析它们,记忆它们。 | The giant computers had spent their lives sucking up information like insatiable pumps, storing it, analyzing it, remembering it |