属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-俄罗斯石油 奋起的埃克森石油
1 | 我觉得头晕。 | I feel giddy . | |
2 | 我因不习惯的运动而晕眩。 | I felt giddy from the unaccustomed exercise. | |
3 | 行为如小丑; 胡闹 | act the giddy goat | |
4 | 行为如小丑; 胡闹 | play the giddy goat | |
5 | 寻欢作乐的放荡生活 | A giddy life of pleasure | |
6 | 以令人目眩的速度行进 | Travel at a giddy speed | |
7 | 有时你饿得头昏眼花,坐起来又倒下去了,想要走路,一双腿是酸软的,拖也拖不动 | Sometimes, you feel so giddy that you cannot rise from your bed no matter how hard you try to, and your legs feel like jelly so that you cannot walk | |
8 | 在上层社会里,一个未婚少女尽管很轻浮,也得受礼节的约束,还有母亲和嬷嬷们的监护。 | In the higher classes, a damsel, however giddy , is still under the domination of etiquette, and subject to the surveillance of mammas and chaperons | |
9 | 这个轻浮的小伙子,一点也听不出那别有用意的话头。 | The giddy lad never could see the bait | |
10 | 这只可怜的兀鹰自从吃过这顿饭以后,就觉得很不舒服,三天之后,正当它在云端里高飞的时候,突然觉得剧烈的晕眩起来,于是就无力地跌进了一个鱼塘里。 | Three days afterwards, this poor vulture, which has been very much indisposed since that dinner, suddenly feels very giddy while flying aloft in the clouds, and falls heavily into a fish-pond | |
11 | 竹斋,去年我们看见爸爸坐久了就说头晕--” | She turned to her husband: "Chu-chai, do you remember how father complained of feeling giddy last year when he had been sitting down too long.. | |
12 | ||1:然而,这并不能说明茶党失之东隅,收之桑榆。||2:比如说,即使是在2010年那些光彩夺目的日子里,普罗大众似乎也觉得他们的几名候选人很不靠谱。||3:虽然说哈奇是保守到了骨子里(他在任期间曾经四次提出平衡预算修正案),他仍然曾于爱德华-肯尼迪这样的左翼分子愉快合作,促成了儿童健康保险以及美国残疾人法案。||4:他也对《问题资产纾困法案》投了赞成票。该法案在小布什总统呼吁下通过,紧急援助了银行业以及整个处于崩溃边缘的金融系统。和哈奇一样投赞成票的还有另外90名共和党人。||5:用一句话总结,他愿意达成临时的政治妥协,这也正是茶党看他不爽的原因。 | ||1: That does not mean, however, that the tea party is winning the war even if it has lost a few battles. ||2: For one thing, even in the giddy days of 2010, the general electorate deemed several of its candidates beyond the pale. ||3: And Mr Hatch, for all his conservative bona fides (he has introduced bills in the Senate to amend the constitution to require balanced budgets four times over the years), worked happily with no less a leftie than Edward Kennedy to bring in children’s health insurance and the Americans with Disabilities Act. ||4: He voted, too, for TARP, a bill called for by George W. Bush that bailed out banks when the entire financial system seemed on the verge of collapse—as 90 other Republicans did. ||5: In short, he is willing to embrace the odd political compromise, which is exactly what the tea party holds against him. | |
13 | ||1:相比埃克森这个世界最大的私人石油公司,这一协议对俄国这方更为重要,因为其石油行业正急需外国投资和技术,这使得埃克森有了巨大的优势。||2:在协议宣布之后,俄罗斯国家石油公司的股价涨了8%(在此前一天,当地市场的股价就已经涨了8%,说明有内部交易存在。||3:)埃克森的股东则没那么兴奋,也许是因为在俄国做生意的诸多陷阱。 | ||1:To Exxon’s great advantage, its deal is more important to Russia, which desperately needs foreign investment and expertise in its oil industry, than it is for Exxon, the world’s biggest private oil firm.||2:Rosneft’s share price jumped 8% after the announcement.(It also jumped 8% the previous day in the local market, suggesting insider dealing.||3:) Exxon’s shareholders were less giddy , perhaps reflecting on the pitfalls of doing business in Russia. | |
14 | ||1:一双儿女却与父母不同,女儿名叫克拉拉,取自女权运动先驱人物德国的克拉拉·蔡特金,儿子谢尔盖,取自俄国革命家维克多·谢尔盖。||2:克拉拉在唐卡斯特一所学校教书,她一边要教好这群油腻腻的浑身烟味和骚味的小孩,一边又要在生活中争取一些秩序,争取能有干净的卫生间,一边还在恋着一个男人——近乎完美的古斯特校长,英俊潇洒令她怦然心动。 | ||1:Their daughter Clara (named after Clara Zetkin, a German proto-feminist), and son Serge (Victor Serge, a Belgian-Russian revolutionary) are somewhat different.||2:Clara, a Doncaster schoolteacher, battles to educate children who smell of cigarette smoke, chip fat and urine, while craving order, clean bathrooms and a man—preferably Mr Gorst, the headmaster, whose hunky presence makes her giddy with girlish desire. | |
15 | 阿海珐是目前世界上唯一的一站式核反应车间,销售范围包括从铀矿石到能源回收。多数亏损是由于UraMin身价猛跌导致的,UraMin是2007年,当这家核能企业业务扩张时,斥巨资收购的铀矿石生产公司,铀核反应堆的燃料价格随即受到重创(见图表)。 | Areva is the world’s only one-stop nuclear shop, selling everything from uranium to fuel recycling. Much of the charge came from a slump in the value of UraMin, a uranium-mining firm bought for a giddy price in 2007, when nuclear power was surging. The price of uranium, which fuels reactors, tumbled afterwards (see chart). | |
16 | 埃克森的股东们却不怎么敢轻举妄动,这可能反映了在俄罗斯做生意常有意想不到的陷阱。 | Exxon’s shareholders were less giddy , perhaps reflecting on the pitfalls of doing business in Russia. | |
17 | “巨无霸”汉堡的制造者完成一笔小额债券交易,令银行家们如孩子们捧着快乐儿童餐时兴高彩烈。 | From the makers of the Big Mac comes a small bond deal that is making bankers giddy as kids with a Happy Meal. | |
18 | “我在街上散步时看到一张广告海报,说有产品可以提供5%的利息。这让我激动不已,”她说。 | "I was walking in the street and I saw a poster advertising a 5 per cent interest rate. I got quite giddy with the idea, " she says. | |
19 | 埃克森的股东们却不怎么敢轻举妄动,这可能反映了在俄罗斯做生意常有意想不到的困难。 | Exxon’s shareholders were less giddy , perhaps reflecting on the pitfalls of doing business in Russia. | |
20 | 白宫表明只有巴拉克奥巴马在年底会展开一次辩论,但是很多改革家都很轻率。 | The White House says only that Barack Obama will begin a debate later this year, but many reformers are giddy . | |
21 | 布朗最终取代了布莱尔,并且利用技巧和有利环境使他在民意调查中起死回生。 | Mr Brown finally succeeded Mr Blair, and clever tactics and conducive circumstances gave him a giddy bounce in the opinion polls. | |
22 | 但是对于那些将公司带到如今令人炫目的高度的人来说,回报肯定看起来更加触手可及一些。 | But for those who have built the firm up to its giddy heights, the rewards must seem more palpable. | |
23 | 但是回国一个月后,桑伯恩的厌恶感便让位于令人眩晕的激动之中。 | But after a month at home, Sanborn’s disgust gave way to giddy excitement. | |
24 | 当股市创下新高时,CNBC商业新闻频道里那些名嘴们绝对显得有些飘飘然。 | The CNBC talking heads seem absolutely giddy when the market hits a new high. | |
25 | 当一段新的恋情开始时,你总会感觉到肾上腺素的飙升,此时你心跳加速,头晕目眩,你变得清醒,机敏和兴奋。 | Young relationships start out with an adrenaline rush. Your heart races, you get giddy , you’re alert, awake and excited. | |
26 | 而处于社会边缘的人(失业的剧作家和电工)走上了令人眩晕的高位。 | People from the fringes of society (unemployed playwrights and electricians) rose to giddy heights. | |
27 | 该司预测Yammer的收入狂飙132%,达到2230万美元。 | It reckoned that Yammer’s revenue grew by a giddy 132%, to $22. 3m. | |
28 | 或许,如果他们觉得特别有轰动效应,可能会在十二月和一月为金牌客户提供50%的折扣。 | Perhaps, if they are feeling particularly giddy , they might give gold customers a 50% discount for December and January. | |
29 | 即使对创业界里够令人晕眩的标准本来说,这也是一个让人屏息的陡增。 | That would be a breathtakingly steep multiple, even by the giddy standards of the start-up world. | |
30 | 玛丽安喝醉了,有些头晕,坐在卡座里斜靠在尼克的肩膀上。 | Mary Ann was drunk and giddy , leaning on Nick’s shoulder in the booth. |