属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-日本汽车制造商 活力无穷
属类:经济金融-Education Report 教育报道-Write or Wrong: The Death of Handwriting?
1 | 我再也不愿领教那种令人不快的经历. | I wouldn’t gladly go through that unpleasant experience again. | |
2 | 我只见过两架被击中燃烧的“齐柏林”飞艇,但是我毫不稀罕,想起它们而带来的的那种所谓愉快,以它换取区区六便士我都情愿。 | I saw only two Zepplins brought down in flames, but to remember them gives me no happiness that I would not gladly part with for a Jubilee sixpence | |
3 | 要是他能给他们全员传上麻风梅毒,他会做得何其高高兴兴! | If he could have infected the whole lot of them with leprosy or syphilis, how gladly he would have done so! | |
4 | 因为你富有的时候,不欢心乐意地事奉耶和华你的神, | Because you did not give honour to the Lord your God, worshipping him gladly , with joy in your hearts on account of all your wealth of good things; | |
5 | 勇敢的战士很高兴为他们国家流血。 | The soldiers gladly gave their blood for their country. | |
6 | 愿意或喜欢做的、给的等 | Done, given,etc readily or gladly | |
7 | 在广漠的星空下方,挖个坟儿将我埋葬。我生得愉快,死得舒畅,我自己痛痛快快地躺下。--史蒂文森 | Under the wide and starry sky, dig the grave and let me lie. Glad did I live and gladly die and I laid me down with a will.--Stevenson. | |
8 | 这就是我的生活,我觉得值得活下去。如果天赐良机,我愿意再快乐地活一次。 | This has been my life. I have found it worth living, and I would gladly live it again if the chance were offered to me. | |
9 | 这么严重的失败使她非常垂头丧气。她的脚带着她机械地往前移动,每前进一步都因为逃离远了一点,心里轻松一点。 | So severe a defeat told sadly upon her nerves. Her feet carried her mechanically forward, every foot of her progress being a satisfactory portion of a flight which she gladly made. | |
10 | 这人生的这样雄壮,却又这样褴褛,想他定是我家主人常说的什么贾雨村了,每有意帮助周济,只是没甚机会。 | He’s a fine-looking man for all his tattered clothes. This must be the Jia Yucun my master keeps talking about, whom he’ d gladly help if only he had the chance. | |
11 | 众首领和百姓都欢欢喜喜地将银子送来,投入柜中,直到捐完。 | and all the chiefs and all the people came gladly and put their money into the chest, till they had all given. | |
12 | ||1:各种各样的东西都放在简·拉夫·奥赫恩梳妆台的抽屉里。||2:一条琥珀色的项链。||3:还有来自她小长大的爪哇岛的银饰品,她是荷兰殖民者的女儿。||4:一条绣着郁金香的腰带,是她在战后才看到的。||5:服装珠宝,手套,乳液和药剂。||6:她的女儿艾琳和卡罗尔小时候喜欢在抽屉里翻来翻去,她很乐意让她们这样做。 | ||1:All sorts of objects lay in Jan Ruff O’Herne’s dressing tabledrawer.||2:A necklace of dark amber beads.||3:Silver work from Java where she had been brought up, the daughter of Dutch colonialists.||4:A belt embroidered with tulips from the country she had never seen until after the war.||5:Costume jewellery, gloves, lotions and potions.||6:Her daughters Eileen and Carol loved to riffle through the drawer as children, and she gladly let them. | |
13 | ||1:马自达汽车,作为一家与铃木相比规模更小的公司,欣然地脱离了福特汽车(Ford)的怀抱。||2:为了筹措现金和避免破产,福特汽车公司在2008年开始逐步抛售所拥有的马自达汽车股份。||3:这两家公司从1979年开始就成为了合作伙伴。||4:而与此同时据报道称,作为富士重工(Fuji Heavy Industries)集团的一份子,斯巴鲁汽车正对丰田公司(全球最大的制造商)所拥有的该公司16.5%的股份表示不满。||5:对于与三大巨头联合的小规模制造商来说,那个“显而易见”的脱困方案,现在反倒成了一份“遥远的期待”。 | ||1:Mazda, an even smaller firm, gladly parted ways with Ford.||2:The American carmaker began to wind down its stake in 2008 to raise cash and avoid bankruptcy.||3:The two firms had worked together since 1979.||4:Subaru, part of Fuji Heavy Industries, a conglomerate, reportedly chafes at the 16.5% stake that Toyota, the world’s biggest carmaker, holds in it.||5:One obvious solution for the sub-scale firms—mergers with the biggest three—seems a distant prospect. | |
14 | ||1:他欣然放弃了在加尔各答当律师和管理学讲师的生活,只剩下一件长袍和一大包书。||2:他可以轻松地把他的事业和他的东西放在一边。||3:但是世界和它的问题,不行。||4:从那一刻起,他的生活就集中在世界上一些最艰难的地方。||5:例如,在德里郊外的采石场,男人、女人和孩子每天拿5卢比来挖出、搬运、打碎大块的石头,他们就好像是负重的畜类。 | ||1:He had gladly renounced his life as a lawyer and lecturer in management studies in Kolkata, reducing what he owned to his robes and a bagful of books.||2:His career and his things he could lightly put aside.||3:But the world and its problems, no.||4:His life from that moment was focused on some of the hardest parts of that world.||5:The stone quarries outside Delhi, for example, where men, women and children were paid five rupees a day to dig out, shift and break great blocks of stone, as though they were beasts of burden. | |
15 | 而银行是很愿意接收这笔资金的,只要这些钱不是那些黑名单上的人的就行。 | Banks will gladly take it, as long as the accounts are not controlled by the blacklisted criminals of the recent past. | |
16 | 她高兴地接下任务。 | 例句:She gladly accepted the assignment. | |
17 | “如果你不再要求什么别的东西的话,”她说,“那么我愿意把它送给你!” | "Do you demand nothing else? " said she. "That I will gladly give you! " | |
18 | “在他们面前,你不怕承认我是你的人呢!”她高兴地说。 | ’You are not ashamed of owning me as yours before them! ’ she said gladly . | |
19 | Google急切的想保护其搜索份额以及市场分量,它将很高兴为这一广告版块买单。 | Google, eager to protect its search share and market volume, will gladly pay the ad splits. | |
20 | 不过当云儿伸出手来帮助我的时候,我愿意为你们而重新站起来。 | However, when you reach out and offer a helping hand. I will gladly rise up for you. | |
21 | 此举虽然影响部分用户,但我相信,只要足够便宜和简单,大多数用户会乐意付费的。 | Although this action affects partial user, but I believe, as long as enough petty gain and simple, most user can pay fee gladly . | |
22 | 大师丝毫不顾满腹担忧的学生们的劝阻,欣然接受了年轻武士的挑战。 | Much against the advice of his concerned students, the old master gladly accepted the young warrior’s challenge. | |
23 | 当我高兴地向陌生人做自我介绍,并加入团体讨论时,许多人误认为我是一个性格内向的人。 | Many people mistake me for an extrovert when I gladly introduce myself to strangers join in group discussions. | |
24 | 读者,当主在水面上叫你:“来罢”的时候,欢欢喜喜地向前走去! | When the Lord shall call to you over the waters, "Come, " step gladly forth. | |
25 | 而对于商务旅游,如果我的公司有合作的旅游代理,我会很高兴地给他们电话,让他们安排好所有事情。 | For a business trip, if my company used a travel agent, I would gladly call up the travel agent and have him or her handle the whole thing. | |
26 | 而受到华盛顿关注的美国制造商将乐意接受中国的原材料,但把中国的制成品挡在门外。 | while the manufacturers who have Washington’s ear will gladly take China’s raw materials but keep finished goods out. | |
27 | 国王高兴地接见了她,并将她留在身边,十分宠爱信赖。 | The king received her gladly and kept her beside him since then, considerably loving and trusting her. | |
28 | 很高兴。这是我们的报价,每吨人民币700元。你将关注到产品报价要比现有的市场价低很多。 | Gladly . Here’s our offer, RMB700 per ton. You will notice the quotation is much lower than the current market price. | |
29 | 换句话说,我非常愿意以低工资来换取宝贵的学习机会。 | In other words, I’d gladly offer to work there for low wage in exchange for some real opportunities to learn. | |
30 | 她的脚带着她机械地往前移动,每前进一步都因为逃离远了一点,心里轻松一点。 | Her feet carried her mechanically forward, every foot of her progress being a satisfactory portion of a flight which she gladly made. |