属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 49
属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 57
1 | 他打了他一下打歪了,滑到他下巴上了. | He hit him a glancing blow on the chin. | |
2 | 他看着门口打手势,表示他随时可以离开。 | He signed that he was ready to leave, glancing toward the door. | |
3 | 他瞥了一眼地图,告诉我们前面再走不到20英里就是一个村庄。 | Glancing at his map, he informed us that the next village was a mere twenty miles away. | |
4 | 他瞥了一眼周围木块和金属块,无可奈何地拾起垫子拿到屋里。 | Glancing at the bits of wood and metal that laid around him, the man sadly picked up the mattress and carried it into his house. | |
5 | 他轻蔑地看了她一眼,告诉她,这件衣服已卖出去了。 | Glancing at her scornfully, he told her that the dress was sold. | |
6 | 他轻蔑地看了她一眼,告诉她说,那件衣服卖出去了。 | Glancing at her scornfully,he told her that the dress was sold. | |
7 | 他轻蔑地看了她一眼,告诉她说那件衣服卖过了。 | Glancing at her scornfully, he told her that the dress was sold. | |
8 | 他微笑着,朝她那神色调皮的眼睛斜瞟了一眼。 | He smiled, glancing askance at her mocking eye | |
9 | 他迅速地扫视了一眼,让我再看一遍。 | Glancing at it briefly, he told me to look again. | |
10 | 王和甫的神色有些儿焦灼,耳听着周仲伟的陈述,眼光频频向那打字员身上溜,似乎嫌他的工作太慢。 | Wang Ho-fu sat there with a worried expression on his face, listening absently to what Chou Chung-wei was saying and glancing every now and then at the typist, as if he was not satisfied with his speed | |
11 | 王和甫回声似的应了两个字,本能地向酒吧间的后进望了一眼。同时他又本能地问道 | echoed Wang Ho-fu, instinctively glancing towards the door of the backroom, then asked | |
12 | 唯一的条件是要从接近掠入射的方向去看公路,因为光线弯曲得非常慢。 | The only requirement is that you look at road at near glancing incidence because the rays bend very gradually | |
13 | 我们确实准备好收养他了吗?我朝我丈夫瞥了一眼,我知道他心里也有同样的想法。 | Were we really ready to take this on? Glancing at my husband, I knew the same thoughts were going through his mind. | |
14 | 我喜欢他那对黑色的,目光炯炯的、天不怕地不怕的眼睛。 | I like his dark, glancing , fearless eyes | |
15 | 我坐在椅了里向后靠着,环视了一下房间。 | I leant back in my chair, glancing about the room | |
16 | 吴少奶奶也像生气似的问,一面把她的俏媚的眼光掠到她丈夫的脸上。 | asked Mrs. Wu Sun-fu irritably, glancing at her husband as she spoke | |
17 | 一个赛跑运动员甚至回头看一眼后面的运动员还有多远,就可能失去很多优势。 | A runner can lose a lot of advantage by even glancing back to see how far behind the others are. | |
18 | 越南护士抬起头来,看了一眼两个美国人,轻声地告诉他们:“他刚才以为自己要死了。他误解了你们的意思。他以为你们要他把自己所有的血都抽出来才能救活那个小女孩呢。” | Glancing up, the nurse said quietly to the Americans, “He thought he was dying. He misunderstood you. He thought you had asked him to give all his blood so the little girl could live.” | |
19 | 在阳光下闪闪生光的水面 | Water glancing in the sunlight | |
20 | 这位印度文官带着又真挚又怀疑的神情对谢尔顿瞅着答道:“你一丁点儿也没有变,老兄。“ | The Indian civilian, glancing at Shelton in an affectionate and doubtful way, replied: "You haven’t changed a bit, old chap." | |
21 | 只愿他们当那醉淫饱卧之时,或避世去愁之际,把此一玩,岂不省了些寿命筋力?就比那谋虚逐妄,却也省了口舌是非之害,腿脚奔忙之苦 | I only hope they may find distraction here when they are sated with food and wine or searching for some escape from worldly cares. By glancing over it in place of other vain pursuits, they may save their energies and prolong their lives, sparing themselves the harm of quarrels and arguments, or the trouble of chasing after what is illusory. | |
22 | ||1:他是在寒冬的一天在华沙一家咖啡厅里等他老婆和朋友的时候萌生了这样的想法,当时他不耐烦地看着钟表,一下下敲着桌子要把时间敲走。||2:可是完成这样的想法也要他奉献一生的时间,从他写下1开始,直到他逝世的那天,他已经写到5500000了,他的作品没有一个分隔的逗号,他每天的任务就是写下数字,说那个数字,记录在录音带里。||3:因此,开始的那一刻,他强烈的情绪,正是他的“宇宙大爆炸”,是他自己的创世纪。 | ||1:The idea came easily enough, while he was waiting one winter day in a cold café in Warsaw for his wife and his friends to come, glancing impatiently at clock and watch, drumming the moments away on the table.||2:But it demanded nothing less than the sacrifice of his life.From the moment of painting the figure 1 until the day he died, when he had reached well past 5500000 (no commas marred his work), his daily task was painting numbers and whispering their names, eventually into a tape recorder.||3:Hence his extreme emotion when he began: his own “big bang”, signalling his own creation of space-time. | |
23 | 首先,动物两只手把铁锤石砸下来,侧击坚果的反面。 | First, the animal brings the hammerstone down two-handed for a glancing blow on the nut’s far side. | |
24 | 一个很小的透明的播放显示装置位于镜片的顶端,它使佩戴者可以通过向斜上方观看来浏览文字和图片。 | A tiny transparent display towards the top of one lens allows wearers to see text and images by glancing upwards. | |
25 | “过来坐在这里,”他顽皮地瞥着公关部主管说。 | "Come and sit over here, " he says, glancing mischievously at his head of communications. | |
26 | “那么,何必不及时说出来呢?”罗杰·齐灵渥斯平静地斜睨着牧师说。 | "Then why not reveal them here? " asked Roger Chillingworth, glancing quietly aside at the minister. | |
27 | “你是在打哑谜,博学的先生,”牧师斜瞥着窗外说。 | "You speak in riddles, learned sir, " said the pale minister, glancing aside out of the window. | |
28 | “托比!”马修说着,眼睛瞟向海蒂。她把我们俩拖拽了起来,我不情不愿,她几乎被我的重量拉翻在地。 | "Toby! " Matthew said, glancing pointedly at Hattie, who dragged us both to our feet, almost tipping from my reluctant weight. | |
29 | “这个设施真令人惊叹。”他们走在宽阔的走廊里,阿巴登环顾着四周说。 | "This is an amazing facility, " Abaddon said, glancing around as they moved down the massive corridor. | |
30 | TiN薄膜掠射侧倾法应力测试 | The Stress Measurement for TiN Films by Glancing Method |