属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-暴风雨中的港口 Ports in the storm
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-欧洲汽车制造商 豪车
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-全球房价 喜忧掺杂
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-刀口余生 变性人应该被如何对待(上)
1 | 因炉火的光照在擦亮的铜器上而产生的反光. | The gleam of polished brassware in the firelight | |
2 | 于是,在一盏和照亮前面那个墓穴同样的油灯的微光之下,他们看见阿尔贝裹着一件一个强盗借给他的披风,正躺在一个角落里呼呼地大睡呢。“嗨!” | Then, by the gleam of a lamp, similar to that which lighted the columbarium, Albert was to be seen wrapped up in a cloak which one of the bandits had lent him, lying in a corner in profound slumber | |
3 | 原先造成阴影的东西,如今也成了发光体。小溪的河道也愉快地粼粼闪光,溯源而上可以直抵树林的那神秘心脏。此时也已成为一种欢乐的神秘。 | The objects that had made a shadow hitherto, embodied the brightness now. The course of the little brook might be traced by its merry gleam afar into the wood’s heart of mystery, which had become a mystery of joy. | |
4 | 远处灯塔的闪光. | the gleam of a distant lighthouse | |
5 | 月光依稀照着壁炉上的那个耶稣受难像,他仿佛把两只手同时伸向他们两个人,为一个降福,为另一个赦宥。 | The gleam of the moon rendered confusedly visible the crucifix over the chimney-piece, which seemed to be extending its arms to both of them, with a benediction for one and pardon for the other | |
6 | 在车道上闪烁的玻璃反光灯. | glass reflector studs gleam ing in the roadway | |
7 | 在黑暗中闪烁的猫眼. | a cat`s eyes gleam ing in the darkness | |
8 | 在看来绝望时闪现的一线希望 | A gleam of hope in an apparently hopeless situation | |
9 | 在受难者痛苦的弥留之际,那字母甚至会将其光辉跨越时间的界限:在砚世的光亮迅速暗淡下去、而来世的光亮还没照到死者之前,为他照亮踏脚的地方。 | It had even thrown its gleam , in the sufferer’s hard extremity, across the verge of time. It had shown him where to set his foot, while the light of earth was fast becoming dim, and ere the light of futurity could reach him. | |
10 | 在子夜和黎明之间,当睡意还未来临,所有的旧伤口开始发痛时,我常常做恶梦似的看见一个未来的世界,那里有亿万人民都编上了号,登记上册,在整个拥挤不堪的世界上,任何地方都没有天才的灵光,没有一个创新的头脑,没有一个丰富的个性。 | Between midnight and dawn, when sleep will not come and all the old wounds begin to ache, I often have a nightmare vision of a future world in which there are billions of people, all numbered and registered, with not a gleam of genius anywhere, not an original mind, a rich personality, on the whole packed globe. | |
11 | 在子夜和黎明之间,当睡意还未来临,所有的旧伤口开始发痛时,我常常做恶梦似的看见一个未来的世界,那里有亿万人民都编上了号,登记上册,在整个拥挤不堪的世界上,任何地方都没有天才的灵光,没有一个创新的头脑,没有一个丰富的个性。 | Between midnight and dawn, when sleep will not come and all the old wounds begin to ache, I often have a nightmare vision of a future world in which there are billions of people, all numbered and registered, with not a gleam of genius anywhere, not an original mind, a rich personality, on the whole packed globe. | |
12 | 这就是我们当时住在伦敦一套破房子里的情况,那时你尚在父亲的想像之中,还没有出世呢。 | This was when we were living in our seedy flat in London,at a time you were still a gleam in your father’s eye. | |
13 | 只见红光在我眼前一闪便消失了,接着再度显现,之后便停留不动了。 | A red gleam flashed at me, vanished, came into view again, and remained. | |
14 | 珠儿一脚踏进去,水没到了膝盖,她看见的只是水底的自己的白脚丫;同时,从更深的一层水下,映出了一种支离破碎的微笑,在动荡的水中上下漂浮闪动。 | And Pearl, stepping in, mid-leg deep, beheld her own white feet at the bottom; while, out of a still lower depth, came the gleam of a kind of fragmentary smile, floating to and fro in the agitated water. | |
15 | 钻石光芒,永恒不息。 | The gleam of a diamond never goes off. | |
16 | 钻石光芒的魅力,令人向往不尽。 | The gleam of a diamond fascinates people forever. | |
17 | ||1:里斯本(葡萄牙首都)港的商业氛围中不乏欢快。||2:酒吧和餐馆就坐落于工业机械和庞大的集装箱船旁边。||3:这是一种奇妙的搭配:夕阳中,游客和本地人在水畔边吃边喝,起重机则在落日的余晖中闪闪发光。||4:但是葡萄牙由私人经营的和政府掌控的港口搭配在一起,就显得不那么有情调了。||5:新一任政府准备好以新的眼光来看待港口,要将其当做IMF主导的结构性改革更广泛项目的一部分。||6:接下来应该做些什么呢。 | ||1:Lisbon’s harbour mixes pleasure with business.||2:Bars and restaurants sit alongside industrial machinery and colossal container ships.||3:The combination works: shiny cranes gleam in the sunset as tourists and locals eat and drink at the water’s edge.||4:But Portuguese ports are a less happy blend of private and public control.||5:The newish government is set to take a fresh look at ports as part of a wider programme of IMF-mandated structural reforms.||6:What should it do. | |
18 | ||1:一大群抛光技师正悉心呵护展览会的参展车辆,以期将眼前的轿车擦得光亮无比。||2:在本月4号对外开放的巴黎欧洲主流汽车车展上,制造商为旗下的车型加入了闪耀的元素,而这样的步调却是与低迷的车市行情迥然不同。||3:但如果没被其误导的话,这也就意味着汽车市场的复苏增长预期正被各大制造商所认可,他们对未来的销量和销售额均持有乐观态度。 | ||1:AN ARMY of buffers attends to the cars at motor shows, continually polishing them to a level of otherworldly gleam .||2:The sparkle they are putting on models from Europe’s mass-market carmakers at the Paris show, which opened to the public on October 4th, is at odds with the lacklustre state of the automotive market.||3:But it reflects growing, if misguided, optimism among the manufacturers that they can sell more cars for more money. | |
19 | 关于房市的好消息在其他地方有些许听闻,特别是德国。这个国家避开了之前的危机。 | Brighter signs gleam elsewhere, especially in Germany, which avoided the pre-crisis frenzy. | |
20 | 其他地方则有好消息,尤其是在德国,德国避开了危机前的房产狂热。在过去的一年里,德国房价上涨了5.1%,扩大了国内需求并有利于欧元区的经济复苏。 | Brighter signs gleam elsewhere, especially in Germany, which avoided the pre-crisis frenzy. Prices there have risen in the past year by 5.1%, which should bolster domestic demand and help support the economic recovery in the euro zone. | |
21 | 然而,对于生活在旧德里的Malika来说,无论是巷陌闹市、工坊商店还是简陋公寓,尽管眼里闪烁着一丝不甘,她可真的与路人毫无眼神交流了。 | Yet in the warren of alleys, workshops and tenements that is Old Delhi, Mallika, with a defiant gleam , is having none of it. | |
22 | Livia和我坐在卡车里,在悬崖边的高高山脊上感受了这些传统,一旁开车的Jarrett眼睛里闪烁着光芒。 | Livia and I experienced one of those traditions on a high ridge at the edge of a cliff, in a truck driven by a man with a gleam in his eye. | |
23 | 城市流金溢彩,而8亿农民仍然生活中农村,任由当地干部的摆布驱赶。 | The cities gleam , but 800 million Chinese still live in the countryside subject to the arbitrary power of local Communist party bosses. | |
24 | 床,镜子,白色的口缸和面盆,跟屋外的天空一样闪闪发光。 | The bed, the mirror, the white jug and basin gleam like the sky outside. | |
25 | 但却又处处晶光彩焕,美不胜收。 | And yet inevitably it strikes one gleam after another. | |
26 | 但义人的路好象黎明的光,越照越明,直到日午。 | The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day. | |
27 | 到了这时,白昼逐渐到来了,西面一片朦胧,东边开始熠熠发光。 | Day was by this time approaching, the west was dim, the east beginning to gleam . | |
28 | 德贝维尔回到帐篷以后,就叉开双腿坐在椅子上沉思起来,脸上闪现出得意的神气。 | When d’Urberville got back to the tent he sat down astride on a chair reflecting, with a pleased gleam in his face. | |
29 | 第一颗夜星已经闪耀在空中,对面的小山上亮起三点灯火。 | Already the first star shines, three lights gleam in the hill opposite, night has fallen suddenly, unannounced. | |
30 | 挂在闪亮的高处,背对着天空, | To hang at gleam -height against the sky, |