属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-飞蛇 空中滑行
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-飞蛇 空中滑行
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-飞蛇 空中滑行
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-飞蛇 空中滑行
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-飞蛇 空中滑行
1 | 那芭蕾舞女演员翩跹起舞,宛如滑翔。 | So graceful is the ballerina that she just seems to glide . | |
2 | 那贼溜出了房间. | The thief glide d out of the room. | |
3 | 确定边坡潜在滑移面的方法研究 | Study on Method for Confirming Potential Glide Plane of Side Slope | |
4 | 日子就这样平平静静地过去了,再也没有新的灾难降临,在上帝的庇护之下,时光机械地、宁静地流逝了。 | So life went on for them as it does for those who are not victims of misfortune and whose activities glide along mechanically and tranquilly beneath the eye of providence | |
5 | 如风筝般飘动像风筝那样飘动;翱翔或滑翔 | To fly like a kite; soar or glide . | |
6 | 时光流逝. | Time glide d on. | |
7 | 时光悄然流逝。 | The years glide | |
8 | 使船在水面上滑行. | glide the boat over the water | |
9 | 他溜出教室。 | He glide away from the classroom. | |
10 | 它们很快就会过去的,过去以后再回首往日,它似乎短得惊人。 | They will soon glide by, and it will seem an astonishingly short time to look back upon when they are past | |
11 | 天鹅穿过树林。 | The swans glide gracefully on the lade | |
12 | 微波滑翔 [微波降落] 导航设备 | microwave glide path facility | |
13 | 我们噤若寒蝉地站着,眼看那条蛇逍遥自在地游来游去。 | We stood in silence watching the snake glide effortlessly | |
14 | 我们噤若寒蝉地站着,眼看那条蛇逍遥自在地游来游去。 | We stood in silence watching the snake glide effortlessly. | |
15 | 演奏时运用了大量的技巧,如震音、连奏、花舌音、垛音、滑音、颤音、泛音、叉口等。 | A large number of techniques are used when playing these wind instruments, such as tapping, appogiatura, tremolo, legato, "flower tongue," augment, glide , trill, overtone and prong. | |
16 | 一只小船滑过. | A boat glide d past. | |
17 | 仪表着陆系统(ILS)下滑信标接收机性能要求和测试方法 | Performance requirements and test methods for ILS glide slope receiver | |
18 | 仪表着陆系统(ILS)下滑信标性能要求和测试方法 | Performance requirements and test methods for ILS glide path beacon | |
19 | 由美国国家航空暨太空总署(NASA)研制的进入地球轨道,为地球和轨道运行航天器运送人员和货物,并能滑翔回地面着陆的可部分重复使用的火箭助推的运载机。 | Partially reusable rocket-launched vehicle developed by NASA to go into Earth orbit, transport people and cargo between Earth and orbiting spacecraft, and glide to a runway landing on Earth. | |
20 | 这新舞包括若干滑步. | The new dance consists of a series of glide s. | |
21 | 真希望我有时候可以变成一条鱼,在它的水底世界里,一切都很平静。它们远离尘世的喧嚣及纷扰,在水中悠游自如。 | How I wish I could sometimes be a fish. In their underwater world, everything is peaceful. Away from all the noise and troubles of the world, they glide gracefully in the water at an unhurried pace. | |
22 | 整合虚拟现实技术的背向滑步推铅球教学课件的设计与实现 | Design and Realization of Courseware for Teaching Glide Shot Put with Application of Virtual Reality Technology | |
23 | 助推-滑翔式弹道中段的近似解 | Approximate Solutions of the Mid-Course Trajectories for the Boost-Glide Missiles | |
24 | 自覆盖着雪的斜坡上滑下. | glide down the snow-covered slope | |
25 | ||1:Socha博士并未预期蛇形般的遥控飞机即将腾空出世。||2:然而,设计集各种功能于一身的交通工具-全部自动化,能够滑穿孔洞,穿行在水中,爬得大树和岩石,滑行在凹凸不平的风景中-对于设计师来说,很具吸引力。||3:摆动的双翼所产生的效果-机身的前半部分可为后半部分增加提升力,对飞机工程师来说也可能颇感兴趣。||4:从长远来看,在世界战场可以看到那些出现在一些人的噩梦里的飞机,在陆地和空中滑翔,攻打敌人。 | ||1: Dr Socha does not expect to see snakelike drones in the skies soon. ||2: However, the ability to slither through holes, to swim and to climb trees and rocks, as well as to glide between elevated features of the landscape, is an attractive mixture for designers of robotic vehicles. ||3: The staggered-wing effect, in which the front of the body helps to provide lift for the back, may also be of interest to aircraft engineers. ||4: In the long term, then, the world’s battlefields may see machines that resemble some people’s worst nightmares, slithering as they do towards the enemy both on the ground and through the air. | |
26 | ||1:对三维立体图像的分析表明:树蛇滑翔过程中摆动着身体,躯体向上抬,与迎面的空气呈25度角,头部稍微高于尾部。||2:Socha博士表示在空气动力学角度上来讲,这样的身体趋向可能会对飞行的树蛇产生推助的作用。||3:这样,摆动树蛇的身体的前半部分擦过的空气尾流可对侧风滑行的后半部分起到提升的作用。||4:同样,飞鱼借助胸鳍所产生的加速气流,就可以对较小的腹鳍产生一定的提升作用。||5:事实上,反过来也可能产生这种效果,即后半部分可为前半部分起到提升作用。 | ||1:The 3-D analysis showed the snakes take up a staggered posture when gliding, with their bodies angled upwards at about 25° to the oncoming air and their heads slightly higher than their tails.||2:Dr Socha says this orientation seems to provide the creatures with an aerodynamic advantage.||3:As a result of it, the wake of air forced backwards by one segment of the snake’s undulating body may provide extra lift to the segment behind in the sidewinding glide .||4:Flying fish rely on a similar flow of accelerated air from their pectoral fins to provide lift to their smaller pelvic fins.||5:Indeed, it is possible that the effect works both ways, and that rearward segments provide lift to those in front. | |
27 | ||1:树蛇的飞行技巧也也令人叹为观止。人研究人员观察到它们在飞行途中可以变向。||2:为了探明树蛇是否故意发出这一行为,Socha博士限制了树蛇在飞行时的视野,目的是让他们在起飞时只能向前看。||3:一起飞,这些树蛇就可以看到滑行路径两旁的树,一些就转变方向朝树木飞去。 | ||1:The snakes are also surprisingly manoeuverable and have been seen to turn in mid-air.||2:To find out if this might be deliberate, Dr Socha limited their view from the tower so that they could see only straight ahead when they launched themselves.||3:Once airborne, and thus able to observe trees to the side of their glide -paths, some of the snakes turned towards them. | |
28 | ||1:天堂树蛇展平它的躯体,使其形成机翼般的形状,这可以使它在借助树干弹跳前产生一定的提升力。||2:然后它急剧下降并且不停地摆动身体。||3:随着下降速度的增加,下滑道变得越来越浅,这使树蛇滑翔很长一段路程。||4:研究人员发现一些树蛇可滑翔24米。 | ||1:A paradise tree snake flattens its body into an aerofoil-like shape that can provide a degree of lift before it takes off from a branch by jumping upwards.||2:It then falls at a steep angle and starts undulating from side to side.||3:As it gains speed its glide path becomes shallower, allowing it to cover a greater distance.||4:The researchers found some snakes could glide for 24 metres. | |
29 | ||1:许多动物掌握在林冠中滑行的技巧。||2:青蛙在飞行时展开它的脚蹼;一些蜥蜴展开皮肤软组织下的细长肋骨。||3:猴猫,一种生长在东南亚的哺乳动物,通过伸展连接四肢的薄膜在树中滑行多达70米(230英尺)。||4:尽管身体明显缺少一部分,如一对能够拍打且适于滑行的翅膀,一些蛇也能飞行很远。 | ||1: MANY animals have mastered the trick of gliding through the forest canopy. ||2: Flying frogs stretch the webbing between the toes of their enlarged feet. Some lizards spread elongated ribs covered in flaps of skin. ||3: And the colugo, a strange South-East Asian mammal, can travel as much as 70 metres (230 feet) between trees by spreading a membrane of skin that connects its limbs. ||4: Despite a lack of obvious body parts that can double up as a decent pair of wings, some snakes, too, can glide for remarkable distances. | |
30 | (指车辆)在潮湿路面上失去控制向前滑动。 | (of a vehicle) skid or glide forward uncontrollably on the wet surface of a road |