属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-《经济学人》:先生,您的电子报纸 Your digital paper
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-《经济学人》:先生,您的电子报纸 Your digital paper
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-加沙停火 没有赢家的战争
属类:时事政治-一分钟迷你新闻-每日新闻一分钟: 预防艾滋传染疫苗有望研制成功
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-克雅氏病 攻破屏障
1 | 在过道的尽头闪烁着微弱的灯光. | A faint light glimmer ed at the end of the passage. | |
2 | ||1:对于面临印刷发行量减少和在线广告费率微薄的新闻机构来说,这是一线希望。||2:然而,将读者群转化为收入是一件棘手的事情。||3:并非所有出版商都有能力开发自己的平板电脑应用程序。||4:对于那些可以的读者来说,他们比在网络上更愿意为订阅付费;根据博士先生的说法,(目前)广告费是在线广告的六到十倍。||5:但目前尚不清楚有多少读者会做出这种转变。||6:对于没有应用程序的出版商来说,平板电脑用户和其他网络用户一样:价值很低。 | ||1: For news outlets facing dwindling print circulations and meagre online advertising rates, this is a glimmer of hope. ||2: Yet turning this readership into revenue is tricky. ||3: Not all publishers can afford to build their own tablet apps. ||4: For those that can, readers are somewhat readier to pay for subscriptions than on the web; advertising rates are (for now) six to ten times higher than online, according to Mr Doctor. ||5: But it is not yet clear how many readers will make the switch. ||6: And for publishers without an app, tablet users are just like other web users: worth very little money. | |
3 | ||1:新闻报刊的发行量正日益萎缩,网上的广告刊登率也乏善可陈,数字媒体平台也许是个契机。但是要将读者转化为收入来源是需要智慧的。并不是每个出版商都有能力建立自己的数字媒体平台。||2:对于那些有能力的出版商而言,读者显然更愿意付钱订阅电子杂志而非在网上浏览新闻, 道可特先生说,其广告刊登率也是在线广告的6到10倍,但目前还不清楚到底有多少读者愿意放弃浏览网页转而使用数字媒体平台。||3:而对于没有数字刊物平台的出版商而言,平板电脑的使用者跟其他上网浏览新闻的读者没有什么不同:赚不到什么钱。 | ||1:For news outlets facing dwindling print circulations and meagre online advertising rates, this is a glimmer of hope. Yet turning this readership into revenue is tricky. Not all publishers can afford to build their own tablet apps. ||2:For those that can, readers are somewhat readier to pay for subscriptions than on the web; advertising rates are (for now) six to ten times higher than online, according to Mr Doctor. But it is not yet clear how many readers will make the switch. ||3:And for publishers without an app, tablet users are just like other web users: worth very little money. | |
4 | ||1:在加沙这块狭小的飞地上,已经有超过2100人丧生,大多数是平民,许多是还是孩子。||2:联合国称,加沙180万居民中,至少有23万失去家园,背井离乡。||3:战争再次爆发的可能,使他们原来就痛苦生活,变得更加悲惨。||4:医院,学校,主要发电厂也许要花数年才能重建,而重建后又可能再次被毁。||5:唯一的希望在于,这苍凉黯淡的图景,能让大家专注起来,寻求两个国家和平共处的遥远前景。 | ||1:More than 2,100 people have died in the tiny enclave, most of them civilians and many of them children.||2:At least 230,000 of Gaza’s 1.8m people have been displaced, says the UN.||3:The likelihood that this war just sets up the next renders their suffering even more tragic.||4:Hospitals, schools and the main electricity plant may take years to rebuild, only to be smashed yet again.||5:The sole glimmer is that this bleak picture may concentrate minds to seek the distant prospect of two states—Israeland Palestine—living side by side in peace (see article). | |
5 | CNN消息称,“保护人类免受HIV-1感染或有一丝希望, | According to CNN, "There may be a glimmer of hope in the fight to protect people from HIV-1, | |
6 | 药物治疗朊病毒感染疾病的一线希望 | A glimmer of hope for a drug that treats disease caused by prions | |
7 | 待审的案子堆积如山,但这次审判却给这里的人们带来了一线曙光。 | Millions more await justice, but this trial has given a glimmer of hope for the future . | |
8 | 但是在阴霾之后,依然有微弱却又令人难受的希望之光。 | But hidden in all the gloom was a small, tantalizing glimmer of hope. | |
9 | 但台湾尚存一线生机。 | There is a glimmer of hope. | |
10 | 对于大量毕业即失业的美国年轻大学生来说,这多多少少算是个好消息。 | That may be a glimmer of good news for the country’s vast pool of young and underemployed college graduates. | |
11 | 各项领先指标充其量表明,生产增长在明年3月前有“一线希望”开始提速。 | At best, he says, leading indicators suggest there is "a glimmer of hope" that production growth could start to pick up by March next year. | |
12 | 和平统一即使只有一线希望,我们也要尽最大的努力争取而绝不会放弃。 | So long as there is a glimmer of hope for peaceful reunification, we will exert our utmost to make it happen rather than give it up. | |
13 | 即便如此,新的招聘信息还是给求职者带来了一线曙光。 | Even so, a look at the new-hire feature offers a glimmer of hope. | |
14 | 经过10年的亏损,YSL终于看见了隧道尽头的一线曙光。 | After 10 years of losses, YSL is starting to see a glimmer of sunlight at the end of the tunnel. | |
15 | 究竟是一丝曙光,抑或只是暗夜中一片较为浅淡的阴影? | A glimmer of dawn or just a lighter shade of dark? | |
16 | 例如,与微光,您可以创建很酷的动画序列,或使您的网站出彩的地方和令人印象深刻旋转旗帜。 | For instance, with Glimmer , you can create cool animation sequences or make a spiffy and impressive rotating banner for your website. | |
17 | 两年前,在投资银行家眼中,中国的大型上市银行还不足为虑。 | couple of years ago, publicly quoted Chinese mega-banks were just a glimmer in investment bankers’ eyes. | |
18 | 美国汽车购买网站Edmunds.com的高级分析师杰西•托普拉克(JesseToprak)表示:“这给汽车业带来了一点希望之光。” | "It’s a glimmer of hope for the industry, " says Jesse Toprak, senior analyst with Ed- munds. com, the US car buying website. | |
19 | 然后,召唤者起身,熄灭了厅堂的灯,这样,连门下的缝隙也透不过一丝光线。 | Then the invoker got up and extinguished the light in the hall, so that no glimmer might come through the slit under the door. | |
20 | 如果这些初期结果得到确证,更多罹患晚期癌症的患者将会看到一线鼓舞人心的希望。 | If these preliminary results are confirmed, more patients with advanced cancer will have been offered a tantalising glimmer of hope. | |
21 | 上周,世界粮食危机出现了一丝希望。 | There was, last week, a glimmer of hope in the world food crisis. | |
22 | 是复苏迹象还是报复性反弹? | GLIMMER of recovery or a dead-cat bounce? | |
23 | 他在评论全国性品牌销售走强的表现时说:“我真的觉得,开始有了一丝希望之光。” | "I actually take it as one sign of some glimmer of hope of improvement, " he said, of the stronger national brand performance. | |
24 | 同时,我站在夜晚的桥上,望着克拉克•福克河水闪光,映出它匆忙流经的米苏拉的灯光。 | In the meantime, I stand on the bridge at night and watch the Clark Fork glimmer , reflecting Missoula’s lights as the river hurries past. | |
25 | 唯一的一线希望是陪审团拒不接受对这一事件解释得无比混乱的官方说法,并将之抛至脑后。 | The only glimmer of hope is that the jury refused to accept the shambolic official version of events at face value, and threw it out. | |
26 | 唯一能令人稍感鼓舞的是,在更弱势的经济环境下对存货量进行调整方面已经取得了一些进步。 | The only glimmer of encouragement is that progress in adjusting inventories to the weaker environment is already being made. | |
27 | 我会选择摩洛哥,至少他让我们看到了民主的希望。 | I choose Morocco as it offers at least a glimmer of hope for democratisation. | |
28 | 现在出现一线希望之光。 | There is a faint glimmer of hope. | |
29 | 新闻报刊的发行量正日益萎缩,网上的广告刊登率也乏善可陈,数字媒体平台也许是个契机。 | For news outlets facing dwindling print circulations and meagre online advertising rates, this is a glimmer of hope. | |
30 | 兄弟会有着暴力的传统,但是新一代成员也许带来一些改变的希望。 | The Brotherhood has a long track record of violence, but the new youth mayprovide a glimmer of hope for change within group. |