属类:文学表达-外国名著-THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA
1 | "小鸡"们的说法很有影响力,并在我们每个人的心中引起共鸣。因此,我们常常需要极大的勇气,不让谣言和杞人忧天式的怀疑加剧我们的恐惧心理和对自己的疑虑。 | And Chicken Littles are effective because everyone of us is a little chicken. It often takes great courage to not let rumors and talk of doom and gloom affect your doubts and fears. | |
2 | 表现了"五四"运动前夕进步的知识分子在黑暗中既苦闷又不甘沉沦的精神世界,展示了他既勇于抗争又难以冲破困境的复杂心情。 | It portrays the mental world of China’s progressive intellectuals on the eve of the May 4th Movement of 1919, when they were sunk in gloom and despair; their spirit of resistance seemed to be up against insuperable obstacles. | |
3 | 别让失败使你灰心丧气。 | Don’t let defeat fill you with gloom . | |
4 | 病痛使那个年轻姑娘情绪低落。 | A painful sickness cast a gloom over the young girl. | |
5 | 不断地将他过去的处境和现在的处境相对比,表明平衡正向坏的一面倾斜,于是产生了一种终日忧郁或者至少是消沉的心态。 | Constant comparison between his old state and his new showed a balance for the worse, which produced a constant state of gloom or, at least, depression. | |
6 | 查尔斯·杜洛埃先生刚刚走进帝国饭店的门厅,正在抖掉漂亮的长外套上面的雪。恶劣的天气把他早早地赶回了旅馆,而且激起了他的欲望,想要寻找那些能把大雪和人生的忧愁关在门外的乐趣。他主要想干的事情就是吃顿好晚饭,找个年轻女人作伴,去戏院度个良宵。 | In the lobby of the Imperial, Mr. Charles Drouet was just arriving, shaking the snow from a very handsome ulster. Bad weather had driven him home early and stirred his desire for those pleasures which shut out the snow and gloom of life. | |
7 | 沉重的阴郁象烟囱帽一样笼罩着他。 | Dense gloom overcame him like a cowl | |
8 | 充满阴郁气息的信件 | letters pervaded with gloom | |
9 | 此刻在波士顿市场上的人们,并非生来就继承了清教徒的阴郁。 | The persons now in the market-place of Boston had not been born to an inheritance of Puritanic gloom . | |
10 | 此时即使林中仍然幽暗如故,在海丝特的眼中,在阿瑟。丁梅斯代尔的眼中,也仍然会是光芒四射的! | Had the forest still kept its gloom , it would have been bright in Hester’s eyes, and bright in Arthur Dimmesdale’s! | |
11 | 从暗处往往流出生命之泉(波斯诗人萨迪) | For the water of life’s fountain springeth from a gloom bed | |
12 | 从桥上向东望,可以看见浦东的洋栈像巨大的怪兽,蹲在暝色中,闪着千百只小眼睛似的灯火。 | Looking east, one could see the warehouses on the waterfront of Pootung like huge monsters crouching in the gloom , their lights twinkling like countless tiny eyes | |
13 | 但是这一天全家人心中笼罩着一片阴影。 | But an undercurrent of gloom ran through the whole day | |
14 | 当他划进小港,让小船冲上沙滩时,岸上的灯火都已灭了。在朦胧之中,他只能分辨出那条马林鱼白色的脊背和竖着的尾巴。 | All lights were out when he sailed into the little harbor and beached his skiff. In the gloom he could just make out the white backbone and the upstanding tail of the fish. | |
15 | 低沉的气氛笼罩着办公室 | Gloom pervaded the office. | |
16 | 帝国主义制度内部的矛盾重重,无法克服,使帝国主义者陷入了极大的苦闷中。 | The imperialist system is riddled with insuperable internal contradictions, and therefore the imperialists are plunged into deep gloom | |
17 | 顿时,全城天昏地暗,一片哀伤。 | Immediately a funeral gloom settled like a noonday darkness upon the city | |
18 | 而且,那种天昏地暗似乎是这两个人心中流泄出来的,此时也随着他们忧伤的消逝而消散了。 | And, as if the gloom of the earth and sky had been but the effluence of these two mortal hearts, it vanished with their sorrow. | |
19 | 光线越来越暗,什么东西都看不清. | In the gathering gloom it was hard to see anythingdistinctly. | |
20 | 赫斯渥对赢利减少的忧虑和万斯夫妇的离开,是同时发生的。因此,嘉莉要同时忍受自己的寂寞和丈夫的这种心境。 | Hurstwood’s gloom over the slight decrease in profits and the departure of the Vances came together. So Carrie had loneliness and this mood of her husband to enjoy at the same time. | |
21 | 黑暗中模糊的形状 | Indistinct shapes in the gloom . | |
22 | 挥舞上衣的那个人逐渐隐入朦胧的暮色之中,客车和那一帮子人也同样被暮色所吞没。 | The man waving a coat blended gradually into this gloom , and it swallowed in the same manner the omnibus and the group of people | |
23 | 昏暗不完全或者完全的黑暗;黑暗 | Partial or total darkness; gloom . | |
24 | 昏暗中她认出是儿子小三子和贴邻金和尚;她好像心里一宽,立刻叫道:“问到了么?关在哪里! | She peered through the gloom and when she saw that it was her son Little San-tse and their next-door neighbour Chin Hoshang, she seemed suddenly relieved. "Have you found where they’ve locked her up?" she asked quickly | |
25 | 她发现原来十分喧闹的走廓现在充满了忧愁。 | She found an atmosphere of gloom in the normally hushed corridors of power | |
26 | 她还发现自己穿得不够体面,比起万斯太太来差得太远。这些已不再是模糊的想法。她看清了自己的处境。她觉得生活越来越乏味,而且为此感到忧愁。昔日那种助人向前,激人向上的忧郁感又回来了。 | She also saw that she was not well dressed--not nearly as well dressed--as Mrs. Vance. These were not vague ideas any longer. Her situation was cleared up for her. She felt that her life was becoming stale, and therein she felt cause for gloom . The old helpful, urging melancholy was restored. | |
27 | 她能够看到当时笼罩着自己心灵的那种狂野、绝望和挑战的情绪,任性的脾气,甚至还有某种阴郁和沮丧的愁云。 | She could recognise her wild, desperate, defiant mood, the flightiness of her temper, and even some of the very cloud-shapes of gloom and despondency that had brooded in her heart. | |
28 | 她要以世间的短暂欢乐来换取天国的希望,当她周围的人生变得黯淡时,这希望便会益发明亮,以最后的荣光包围四下的一片昏黑。 | To barter the transitory pleasures of the world for the heavenly hope, that was to assume brighter substance as life grew dark around her, and which would gild the utter gloom with final glory. | |
29 | 她一来给聚会蒙上了一层阴影. | Her arrival cast a cloud(of gloom )over the party. | |
30 | 她一直漫无目标地在道德的荒野中徘徊;那荒野同这荒林一样广漠、一样错综、一样阴森,而他俩如今正在这幽暗的林中进行决定他们命运的会谈。 | She had wandered, without rule or guidance, in a moral wilderness; as vast, as intricate and shadowy, as the untamed forest, amid the gloom of which they were now holding a colloquy that was to decide their fate. |