1 | 纵情享乐. | glut ted with pleasure | |
2 | ||1:导致金融危机的因素有好几个:贪婪的银行家、 中国的大笔储蓄、 具误导性的监管制度、 对拥屋的痴迷— — 任你挑选。||2:约翰·科茨曾是华尔街的交易员,如今身为剑桥大学神经科学家的他,认为另有生物学因素在作祟,确切来说是冒险生理机能。||3:他认为金融交易员会受到生理情况以及市场局势影响,强劲的牛市和熊市出现时, 两类固醇激素,就是睾酮和皮质醇会剧增。 | ||1:The financial crisis was caused by many things: greedy bankers, a glut of Chinese savings, shoddy regulation, an obsession with home ownership—take your pick.||2:John Coates, once a trader on Wall Street and now a neuroscientist at Cambridge University, presents yet another culprit: biology, or, more precisely, the physiology of risk-taking.||3:Financial traders, he says, are influenced by what is going on in their bodies as well as in the markets.Two steroid hormones—testosterone and cortisol—come out in force during the excesses of bull and bear markets. | |
3 | ||1:电影制作成本的下降对独立电影业的发展有着推波助澜的效果。||2:演员们的薪水依然不高,各独立电影制作公司精于利用州与州,国与国之间的竞争关系,从中获取慷慨的补助。||3:海岸娱乐的老板莫里斯.若斯金表示,最重要的是,信贷宽松时期充斥着被委托制作的电影,如今终于熬出头了。||4:他谈到:"那个供应饱和的市场已经远去,现在市场对电影变得趋之若鹜。" | ||1: It helps that films have become cheaper to make. ||2: Actors’ salaries remain depressed, and indies have become expert at exploiting competition between states and countries, which lavish subsidies on them. ||3: Most important, says Morris Ruskin, the head of Shoreline Entertainment, a glut of films commissioned in the era of loose credit has at last worked its way through the pipeline. ||4: "We’ve gone from a market that was saturated with films to a market that is hungry for them," he says. | |
4 | ||1:由于"水力压裂"技术的使用,美国的页岩气开采迅速发展,但这却使一些大型钻井公司破产。||2: 8月3日,必和必拓公司宣布美国部分气田预估值将减少近30亿美元,这是由于页岩气开采量的猛增导致了天然气价格的暴跌。||3:三天后,切萨皮克能源公司透露,由于页岩气供大于求,最新一季度利润大幅下跌。||4:但是,如果天然气供应充足,价格低廉,那将有更多的天然气用于发电。||5:那么为数不多的几家生产大型燃气发电涡轮机的国际公司将由此获益。 | ||1:THE boom in shale-gas production in America, using "fracking" technology, is becoming a bust for some big drilling firms.||2:On August 3rd BHP Billiton announced a near-$3 billion write-down on some of its American gasfields because soaring production has made prices crash.||3:Three days later Chesapeake Energy revealed a slump in quarterly profits because of the glut .||4:However, if gas is cheap and abundant, more of it will be used to generate electricity.||5:This should help the handful of global firms that make the massive turbines used in gas-fired power stations. | |
5 | 第二轮投票中,欧洲议会决定暂缓发放新的CO2工业排放许可证。欧盟的“碳排放交易计划”发布许可证供过于求,已导致许可证价格降低,同时降低的还有相关企业降低碳排的积极性。有人表示,当下欧元危机深重,减少许可证发放量会引起公司成本上升。该项决议在四月份表决通过,“碳排计划”由此形同虚设。 | In a second vote the European Parliament decided to delay issuing more industrial permits to emit carbon.|| A glut of permits issued by Europe’s emissions-trading scheme has caused the price to sink, thus reducing the incentive for firms to cut carbon.|| But some argue that limiting the supply of permits will raise costs for businesses during the euro zone’s worst economic crisis. In April the parliament voted against the plan, bringing the ETS close to collapse. | |
6 | 最重要的是,信贷宽松时期充斥着被委托制作的电影,如今终于熬出头了。 | a glut of films commissioned in the era of loose credit has at last worked its way through the pipeline. | |
7 | “问题是在夏季电影档过后此片[是否]还会激起人们的热情,”他说。 | "The question is [whether] the appetite is still going to be there after the summer glut of movies, " he says. | |
8 | “我们面临着全球范围的储蓄过剩,”克鲁格曼解释道,“这就是为什么实际上不存在利率上行压力的原因所在。” | "We have a global savings glut , " explained Krugman, "which is why there is, in fact, no upward pressure on interest rates. " | |
9 | 2009年的互联网上充斥着海量信息,在这个年代,个性化意味着提供高效的过滤器和内容推荐。 | With the glut of information on the Web circa 2009, personalization in this era means providing effective filters and recommendations . | |
10 | Anderson同意这样的看法,指出了汽车行业的强力的投资。许多人预计市场将会饱和,但是需求会赶上来的。 | Anderson agrees, pointing to the strong investment of the auto industry. Many predicted a glut in the market, but demand is catching up. | |
11 | Crowe称,尽管如此,建筑商仍受到原材料成本攀升,以及大量提前止赎房屋导致房价较低等因素冲击。 | Even so, builders are being squeezed by rising materials costs and low home prices due to the glut of foreclosed homes, Crowe said. | |
12 | 按揭抵押债券的滚滚财源协同引起了新建房屋的过量供给,其对长期增长的贡献微乎其微。 | The bonanza in mortgage-backed securities helped create a glut of new homes that did little to promote long-term growth. | |
13 | 伴随着这些语言出现的还有令人惊叹和难以理解的面向对象(object-oriented(OO))软件设计方法和建模符号。 | These were accompanied by a prodigious and confusing glut of object-oriented (OO) software design methods and modeling notations. | |
14 | 本发明涉及食品与加工工艺,特别是鱼鳔胶产品及制作工艺。 | The present invention relates to food production technology and is especially the production process of fish bladder glut in. | |
15 | 本年度加利福尼亚有如此多的蜜蜂,其原因是需求下降与供给上升的共同作用。 | This year’s Californian bee glut , then, has been caused by a mixture of rising supply meeting falling demand. | |
16 | 伯南克说,这样做带来的后果便是“全球性过量储蓄”(a“globalsavingglut”):大量的资金囤积,却无处可去。 | The result, said Mr. Bernanke, was a "global saving glut " : lots of money, all dressed up with nowhere to go. | |
17 | 不过,大量已竣工的商业及居住楼盘很可能将与谨慎的大环境格格不入。 | But a glut of completed commercial and residential property will likely prove hard to shift in a climate of caution. | |
18 | 不过,尽管房价已经开始上涨,短期内涨势却有可能会受到大量库存的制约。 | But while home prices have begun to rise, the upside could be constrained in the short term by a glut of inventory. | |
19 | 储蓄过剩和金融脆弱性之间存在联系,这点相当明显。 | That there was a link between the savings glut and the financial fragility was evident. | |
20 | 从这一点上来说,美国信贷的繁荣与萧条既是拜亚洲的过量储蓄所赐,又要归咎于国内的过量消费。 | On this view America’s credit boom and bust owed as much to a savings glut in Asia as to laxity at home. | |
21 | 大量供给进而不断打压价格,房价已重新开始下行,可能很快试探新低。 | The supply glut , in turn, has been pressuring prices, which have resumed a downward slide and could soon test new lows. | |
22 | 但鉴于诸多公司裁员,加上美林等离开曼哈顿南区,供大于求现象愈发严重,无可争议。 | But with many firms cutting staff numbers and some, like Merrill Lynch, leaving lower Manhattan, there is no denying the growing glut . | |
23 | 但库欣地区实物原油过剩,已经扭曲了价格——一位航空公司老板称之为“沉默的杀手”。 | But a physical glut around Cushing has skewed prices into what one airline boss calls a "silent killer" . | |
24 | 但如果我们生活在一个资金过剩的世界,我们过去25年在货币稳定方面取得的重大成就将面临风险。 | But if we live in the money-glut world, the great gains in monetary stability of the past quarter century are at risk. | |
25 | 但许多亚洲人将他们目前的困境归咎于“美元霸权”,这是“资金过剩”说的核心。 | But many Asians blame their present predicament on "dollar hegemony" , which is the core of the "money-glut " hypothesis. | |
26 | 但这次灾难的主要原因在于供应过剩。 | But the main problem underpinning the industry’s woes is a supply glut . | |
27 | 当过剩的猪冲击市场时,价格和利润会崩溃。 | When the glut of pigs hits the market, prices and profits collapse. | |
28 | 德国充盈的储蓄使欧元区的其他国家可放心大胆地消费,很快便欠下巨额债务。 | Germany’s saving glut allowed others to spend freely and to run up large debts. | |
29 | 第二,正如罗伯特所知道的,我并不接受他所赞美的“货币过剩”理论。 | Second, as Robert knows, I don’t buy the "money-glut " thesis he extols. | |
30 | 第二种,我们会面临全球储蓄过剩第二代:北方的复仇。 | Second, we can have the global savings glut II: the revenge of the North. |