1 | 短期内,这种结构性“全球储蓄过剩”并不能保证避免市场进一步动荡。 | In the short term this structural "global savings glut " is no guarantee against further market turmoil. | |
2 | 而过量的融资因而也波及到现存资产市场。 | The financing glut has thus spilled over into markets for existing assets. | |
3 | 而就在两分钟后,阿内尔卡接到伊万诺维奇横传过来的球后,横空一脚将球射进,又得一分。 | And two minutes later Anelka started to put the gloss on another goal glut with a perfect right-foot volley from Branislav Ivanovic’s cross. | |
4 | 而就在全球经济危机影响船运需求之际,大批新船进入市场,这也是运费率骤降的一个原因。 | A glut of new ships entering the market just as the global crisis hit demand for shipping was also a factor. | |
5 | 房产投资已经崩溃了,大批买不出去的商品房意味着住房价格会继续下跌。 | Residential investment has collapsed, but a glut of unsold homes means that prices have much further to drop. | |
6 | 该行业第一次看到产量过剩,这觉不仅仅是如此多的额外设施已建成的缘故。 | The industry is seeing its first glut , not least because so much extra capacity has been built. | |
7 | 高盛经济专家JanHatzius指出,房价会跌到什么地步的关键,是这些供应过剩的空房子被消化的速度有多快。 | The key to how much further home prices fall, Goldman Sachs economist Jan Hatzius said, is how fast the glut of empty homes is absorbed. | |
8 | 更有3.1%的人面临着丧失抵押品赎回权的境地,这个法律程序解决拖欠贷款的同时也增加了待售房屋的数量。 | A further 3. 9% were in foreclosure, the legal process that settles defaults and thereby adds to the glut of homes for sale. | |
9 | 航运量的供过于求已经造成了利率下滑。 | The glut of shipping capacity has forced down rates. | |
10 | 还有人担心,由于房价回稳,房屋拥有者会重新回到市场,导致供过于求。 | There are also fears of a new supply glut as owners are tempted by stabilising prices to put their homes back on to the market. | |
11 | 换句话说,市场上仍存在过量的房屋在拉低房价。 | In other words, there’s still a glut of homes on the market, which is likely to drive prices down. | |
12 | 换言之,经常被列为低利率致因的“储蓄过剩”,实际上源自于因全球投资的下滑。 | In other words, the "saving glut " so often cited as a cause for low interest rates really resulted from a decline in global investment. | |
13 | 结果,超大量的流动性及金融公司渴求回报事实上造成了美国次级房贷市场繁荣的假象。 | The resulting glut of liquidity and financial firms’ thirst for yield led eventually to the ill-starred boom in American subprime mortgages. | |
14 | 尽管存在日益严重的石油产能过剩,石油价格在最近几周里还是稳步上扬(见图表2)。 | Despite this growing glut , however, the price of oil has been rising steadily in recent weeks (see chart 2). | |
15 | 空房和公寓的供应过剩将抑制房租价,房租价占消费者价格指数的一大块部分。 | A glut of empty houses and flats will restrain rents, a big chunk of the consumer-price index. | |
16 | 里丁所谓的“流动性海啸”是储蓄过剩的结果。 | What Mr Reading calls a "liquidity tsunami" is the result of the savings glut . | |
17 | 令人欣慰的是大多数发达市场的商业地产繁荣没有造成新商业地产过剩。 | The good news is that, in most developed markets, the boom did not result in a glut of new building. | |
18 | 另外,因美国这个冬季相对暖和,需求相对减少,所以天然气似乎供过于求。 | Add in a relatively mild winter in the United States, which reduced demand, and there appears to have been a glut . | |
19 | 另一些人警告称,即将有大量楼盘涌入写字楼市场。 | The office side has seen warnings of a glut of space about to flood the market. | |
20 | 麦肯锡全球研究院指出,实际利率下降背后的原因,与其说是储蓄过剩,不如说是投资匮乏。 | Behind that decline in real rates, argues the McKinsey Global Institute, was not so much a savings glut as an investment dearth. | |
21 | 目前北美天然气供过于求,每百万英制热量单位(Btu)的价格不足4美元(星期五报价是3.863美元)。 | At the moment, a glut of natural gas on the North American market has driven prices below $4 per million Btu ($3. 863 on Friday). | |
22 | 欧盟二氧化碳排放权供过于求 | Permit glut undermines EU carbon scheme | |
23 | 其价格受中国对新生物燃料炼制厂过分需求的影响? | its price influenced by demand from China’s glut of new biofuel refineries ? | |
24 | 其特征是制成的鱼鳔胶外观微黄透明,经制作工艺制成粉状,含水份少于10%,其粒度为80目-200目,包装成品; | The fish bladder glut in product is transparent light yellow powder of 80-200 mesh granularity and water content less than 10 %. | |
25 | 全球天然气供过于求,或者说是它的供应量加大并且价格下跌。 | A global glut , or at least expanding supplies and falling prices, in natural gas. | |
26 | 如果茶叶供过于求,价格就会下降,人们会饮用更多的茶,而生产者将减少供应。 | If there is a glut of tea, its price will be marked down, people will drink more and producers will supply less. | |
27 | 如果当前充斥百老汇舞台的利润微薄的单人表演如果能被今年春天的许多大牌歌唱家所取代,票房应该会有起色。 | Box office should improve when the current glut of low-grossing one-person shows is replaced with lots of big tuners this spring. | |
28 | 如果你想知道这个全球性的危机来自哪里,那么,让我们这样想:我们看到的是过剩的报复。 | If you want to know where the global crisis came from, then, think of it this way: we’re looking at the revenge of the glut . | |
29 | 如果我们是生活在储蓄过剩的世界中,那么美国的经常账户赤字保护着全球经济免于陷入严重的萧条之中。 | If we live in the savings-glut world, the US current account deficit is protecting the world from deep recession. | |
30 | 事出有因,营利性院校Kaplan签署了一项合同以在该州过剩学生中寻找商机。 | It is no coincidence that Kaplan, a for-profit college, has signed a controversial agreement to tap the state’s glut of students. |