1 | ""阿尔·戈尔鼓舞了数百万美国荷兰病患者。 | Al Gore is an inspiration to the millions of Americans who suffer from Dutchelm disease. | |
2 | ""阿尔·戈尔太呆板了,穿上西装活像个衣架。 | Al Gore is so stiff racks by the suits of him. | |
3 | ""你知道怎样从一屋子要求私人服务的顾客中辨出阿尔·戈尔? | How can you tell Al Gore from a room full of Secret Service agents | |
4 | ""如果你用闪烁的霓虹灯,看起来就像是阿尔·戈尔来了。 | If you use as strobe light, it looks like Al Gore is moving. | |
5 | “对我国的竞争能力来说,这是很久都没有的重大进展,”戈尔参议员说。“这将使我们能超越日本人并尽量利用一个我们略占优势的领域。” | "This is one of the most significant advances in this country’s ability to compete that we’ve had in a long,long time"Senator Gore said"This will enable us to leapfrog the Japanese and make the best use of an area in which we hold a tenuous advantage" | |
6 | 2000年,阿尔·戈尔以10个百分点的优势赢得了女性的选票,而克里平均起来只领先五到七个百分点,他的智囊团为此感到担心。 | Whereas Al Gore won the women’s vote by 10 percentage points in 2000, Mr Kerry is on average ahead by between five and seven points-worrying for his strategists. | |
7 | 5T有芯感应熔铝电炉熔炼铸造铝合金的实践 | Practice of 5 Tons Gore Induction Furnace for Melting as-cast Aluminum Alloy | |
8 | Gore-Tex于前额悬吊术之使用 | Use of Gore -Tex Sling in Brow Suspension Procedure | |
9 | 被践踏得乱七八糟、满是血迹的地上躺着一具血肉模糊的身躯,衣服被撕成了碎片。 | On the trampled and blood-soaked ground, covered in gore and tatters of clothing, lay a horribly mangled body. | |
10 | 比如说,去年的总统选举中,戈尔和布什都努力摆脱木讷的形象,拼命恶补在选民面前搞笑的本领。 | For example, in the presidential election last year, both Al Gore and George W. Bush tried to shed their wooden image by making wisecracks before their voters. | |
11 | 编织品的垂直部分;三角形布 | A vertical section of fabric;a gore . | |
12 | 不受以往辩论形式的拘束,副总统奎尔和民主党的戈尔穷追不舍互相猛烈攻击。结果双方对抗始终活泼生动,常有战斗意味,有进则风度欠佳。 | Freed from the constraints of the traditional debate format, Vice President Quayle and Democrat Al Gore went after each other with a vengeance, creating a confrontation that was always lively, often combative, occasionally mean-spirited | |
13 | 裁成狭尖三角形 | To cut into a gore . | |
14 | 大洋对岸那边厢就有人送来网址,里面有克林顿和戈尔憨笑着的合影,和他们与夫人的公开电邮地址。 | Then, someone on the other side of the Pacific responded with a link to the White House website, in which Clinton and Gore were all smiles, and e-mail addresses of the Clintons and the Gores were listed. | |
15 | 当那只狗从战地回来的时候,全身鲜血淋漓。 | The dog was all gore -blood when it came back from the battle. | |
16 | 当前副总统戈尔于12月8日公开敦促民主党人团结在迪恩的旗帜下,他的候选资格得到了支持。 | His candidacy received a boost when former Vice President Albert Gore on December 8 publicly urged Democrats to rally behind Dean | |
17 | 多乳酸聚合物及多乳酸多甘醇酸聚合物之再生膜用于治疗人体牙周炎骨缺损之比较 | Comparisons of Polylactide Polymer-Assisted Regeneration Therapy with Atrisorb Barrier and Gore Resolut XT Membrane in Treating Human Periodontal Osseous Defects | |
18 | 佛罗里达州最高法院与地方法院周五再度驳回戈尔律师团的上诉,即要求佛州立刻重验上万张的问题选票 | The Florida Supreme Court and a state court judge dealt Al Gore ’s lawyers a double defeat Friday in their bid to begin recounting of thousands of ballots immediately | |
19 | 佛州迈阿密戴德郡停止人工验票大大打击戈尔扭转情势的期待。 | Largest Florida county stops recount in blow to Gore . | |
20 | 副总统戈尔宣布退出总统大选,在他的退出演说中,他展现的真诚和人缘获得美国一致的认同。 | As he stepped off the political stage,Vice President Al Gore managed to achieve what had often eluded him during his presidential campaign:He won Americans over by persuading them of his sincerity and likability. | |
21 | 戈尔星期三宣布接受败选,小布什将成为第43届美国总统。 | Al Gore decided Wednesday to concede the protracted U.S. election, aides said, clearing the way for George W. Bush to become 43rd president and leader of a nation sharply divided along political lines | |
22 | 戈尔阵营对维持人工计票做最后期限愤怒。 | Gore team angered by decision to keep manual recount deadline | |
23 | 钩破,钩穿用钩或似乎用钩刺穿或划破 | To pierce or gore with or as if with a hook. | |
24 | 候选人一般都是乘飞机到各处去发表演说。可是,今年民主党的两位候选人克林顿和戈尔改乘大轿车去各地竞选,这样他们沿途可以见到更多的普通老百姓。 | Usually, candidates fly to different places to make speeches. This year, however, the Democratic candidates Clinton and Gore took a bus to make their stump speeches in order to meet more people at the grassroots level. | |
25 | 狐狸倒在血泊中奄奄一息。 | The fox lay dying in a pool of gore . | |
26 | 就连他和戈尔之间的冷淡关系也在9月13日有所缓和。 | (Hillary is less forgiving.)Even the cold relationship with Al Gore thawed on Sept. 13 | |
27 | 流血场面过多的电影. | A film with too much gore | |
28 | 漫画家戴维·霍尔西的这幅漫画表现出他对戈尔此举的厌恶(他认为过早结束党内竞争不利于优秀人物的产生)。 | David Horsey’s cartoon betrays annoyance with Gore ’s effort to bring the struggle within the Democratic Party to an early end and refocus energy on defeating George Bush | |
29 | 美佛州最高法院将就戈尔的上诉举行听证会。 | Florida Supreme Court agrees to hear Gore appeal. | |
30 | 美国总统大选战况激烈,佛州两郡的人工计票仍继续进行,对于迈阿密德郡停止人工计票,副总统戈尔的律师团誓言上诉到底,即使计票结果将于星期日公布。 | Two Florida counties scrambled to tally by hand more ballots in the achingly tight presidential election on Friday, as lawyers for Vice President Al Gore vowed to extend their legal battle into next week |