1 | (六)高等院校法律专业毕业或者高等院校非法律专业毕业具有法律专业知识,工作满二年的;或者获得法律专业学士学位,工作满一年的;获得法律专业硕士学位、法律专业博士学位的,可以不受上述工作年限的限制。 | (6)to have worked for at least two years in the case of graduates from law specialties of colleges or universities or from non-law specialties of colleges or universities but possessing the professional knowledge of law; or to have worked for at least one year in the case of bachelors of Law; those who have Master’s Degree of Law or Doctor’s Degree of Law may be not subject to the abovementioned requirements for the number of years set for work. | |
2 | (三)高等院校、中等专业学校毕业的适合担任军官职务的学生; | (3)graduates of institutions of higher learning and secondary technical schools who are fit for officers posts; and | |
3 | (三)确定服军官预备役的高等院校毕业学生; | (3)graduates of institutions of higher learning assigned to serve in the officers reserve; | |
4 | (一)军事院校毕业的学员; | (1)graduates of military institutes and academies; | |
5 | 1985年,他离开商界,与别人共同创建了一家国际教育公司。这家公司在七个国家设有办事处,向成千上万的学生教授商业和投资课程。 | Leaving the business world, he co-founded in 1985 an international education company that operated in seven countries, teaching business and investing to tens of thousands of graduates . | |
6 | 25岁及以上人中:高中毕业(百分比),大专及以上学历(百分比) | Persons 25 yrs and over: High school graduates (percent), College graduates or more (percent) | |
7 | 按照我们中国人的习惯,耶鲁的中国学生都是以聚餐的方式来庆贺重要事件和节日(迎接新生、过圣诞节和春节、与毕业生告别),通常是在一家亚洲餐厅 | True to our upbringing, we Chinese Yalies marked all our important events and holidays (welcoming new students, Christmas and Chinese New Year, saying farewell to graduates )with a banquet, usually in an Asian restaurant | |
8 | 本届毕业的高材生将获得高薪职位. | The cream of this year’s graduates will get high-paid jobs. | |
9 | 本科毕业或者具有同等学力的,经考试合格,由实施相应学历教育的高等学校或者经批准承担研究生教育任务的科学研究机构录取,取得硕士研究生入学资格。 | Graduates of undergraduate course or those with equivalent educational level shall, upon passing the examination, be admitted by institutions of higher learning imparting corresponding curricula education or scientific research institutes approved to undertake the task of post graduate education and obtain the qualification for admission as master’s post graduate students. | |
10 | 笔者告诉他:“新加坡大学生现在找工作却不容易。 | I told him: It’s not easy now even for graduates in Singapore to land a job | |
11 | 毕业生们从校长手里接受他们的毕业证书。 | The graduates received their diplomas at the hands of the principal | |
12 | 毕业生在特别的典礼上接受颁发的学位。 | The new graduates receive their degrees at a special ceremony. | |
13 | 不具备研究生或者大学本科毕业学历的公民,学有所长,通过国家教师资格考试,经认定合格,也可以取得高等学校教师资格。 | Those citizens without the educational background of graduation of post graduate course or graduates of regular college course who have acquired a specialty from study and passed the state examination for teachers’ qualification may also, upon confirmation of being qualified, acquire the qualification of teachers of institutions of higher learning. | |
14 | 布什的两个女儿刚刚大学毕业,最近加入了父亲的竞选活动。而在他任期的前三年半时间里,她们尽量避开公众的视线。 | The Bush daughters, recent college graduates , have recently been campaigning for their father after staying mostly out of the public eye for the first three and a half years of his term. | |
15 | 除了大学附设的国际宿舍之外,研究生和大学本科生通常都是分开住的。 | Exception university-owned international houses, graduates and undergraduates will normally be housed in separate buildings | |
16 | 从前她一心要留学,嫌那几个追求自己的人没有前程,大不了是大学毕业生。 | Before, she had had her heart set on studying abroad and despised those suitors for their lack of prospects, since they were merely college graduates | |
17 | 从事金融业的应届大学毕业生 | Recent college graduates who go into banking. | |
18 | 从政策上讲通过了自学考试的人员在待遇方面与正规大学毕业生一视同仁。 | Those who pass all the required exams through independent study are officially treated the same as graduates from regular universities. | |
19 | 大企业从大学毕业生中选拔最优秀的人材。 | Big business culls the brightest from among college graduates . | |
20 | 大学毕业生统配制度正在让位于新的双向选择机制。 | The system of centralized placement of college graduates is now giving way to the new two-way selection system (in which institutions, enterprises and the like can choose university graduates they like to employ and the latter can choose their jobs likewise). | |
21 | 大学电力、电子或机械专业毕业生,良好公关能力和团队精神,诚实、上进、好学,高度责任感 | College graduates of electrical, electronic or mechanical major. Good interpersonal skills and esprit de corps, Honest, self-motivated, and willing to learn. High sense of responsibility | |
22 | 大学生分配制度的改革始于80年代初期。在过去,大学毕业生的工作分配完全依赖国家和大学,毕业生本人在这件事情上几乎完全没有发言权。 | Reform of the job-assignment system for college graduates started in early 1980s. In the past, the assignment of jobs for college graduates depended entirely on the government and college authorities; the graduates themselves had little to say in the matter. | |
23 | 大学生旧的统包、统配制度正在让位于新的双向机制 | The old centralized placement of college graduates is now giving way to the new tow-way selection system | |
24 | 大学生应该在实际工作中煅炼自己。 | College graduates should temper themselves in their practical work | |
25 | 大学以上的学历会导致比大学毕业的年平均收入增加一倍(或是高中辍学人的六倍)。 | A professional degree will result in an average annual income of about twice that of college graduates (or six times the income of a high school dropout). | |
26 | 当地报纸最近所作的一项调查显示,合资企业中有20%的管理职务由五大生担任 | A recent survey conducted by the local newspapers shows that nearly 20 percent of the managerial positions in joint ventures are filled by graduates from five types of universities | |
27 | 第十九条 高级中等教育毕业或者具有同等学力的,经考试合格,由实施相应学历教育的高等学校录取,取得专科生或者本科生入学资格。 | Article 19 Graduates of senior secondary school education or those with equivalent educational level shall, upon passing the examination, be admitted by institutions of higher learning imparting corresponding curricula education, and obtain the qualification for admission as specialty students or undergraduate students. | |
28 | 第五十九条 高等学校应当为毕业生、结业生提供就业指导和服务。 | Article 59 Institutions of higher learning should provide employment guidance and services for graduates and students who have completed the courses. | |
29 | 电气、电子、机械或制冷专业大学本科或本科以上学历,至少在电力或其他领域有三年工作经验 | University graduates or above majoring in electricity, electronics, mechanics or refrigeration. Minimum 3 years’ work experience in electrical or other related fields | |
30 | 对于国家分配的高等学校、中等专业学校、技工学校的残疾毕业生,有关单位不得因其残疾而拒绝接收; | No enterprises or institutions shall deny graduates assigned by the state from institutions of higher learning,polytechnic schools or technical schools solely on the ground of their disabilities; |