1 | 筲箕湾官立工业中学1968年度毕业生奖学金 | Shau Kei Wan Government Secondary Technical School 1968 Graduates Scholarship, The | |
2 | 硕士研究生毕业或者具有同等学力的,经考试合格,由实施相应学历教育的高等学校或者经批准承担研究生教育任务的科学研究机构录取,取得博士研究生入学资格。 | Graduates of master’s post graduate course or those with equivalent educational level shall, upon passing the examination, be admitted by institutions of higher learning imparting corresponding curricula education or scientific research institutes approved to undertake the task of post graduate education and obtain the qualification for admission as doctoral post graduate students. | |
3 | 他是从许多毕业生中选拔出来的。 | He was selected out of many graduates . | |
4 | 他说贵公司拟从今年的大学毕业生中招聘几名室内装修设计人员。 | He told me that you are seeking some designers of inner decoration from college graduates . | |
5 | 探索人生成功之途的年轻毕业生 | Young graduates seeking(after)success in life | |
6 | 同等学历申请硕士学士统考 | General examination for applicants with education background equivalent to college graduates for master’s degree | |
7 | 同职业中学一样。技工学校也是中等教育的一种形式。它招收初中毕业生。这类学校的目标重在培养学生的实践技能,把他们培养成为技术工人。 | Technical workers’ schools, like vocational schools, are a form of secondary education. They enroll junior middle school graduates . The aim of the schools is to develop students’ practical skills and train them as technical workers. | |
8 | 完善大学毕业生分配工作中的双向选择机制 | Improve the two-way selection system in the job assignment for college graduates | |
9 | 为前一年医科毕业生完成为期一年的实习后的平均月薪,已包括所有津贴。 | The average monthly salary (including all allowances)of the medical graduates of the previous year after completion of the prescribed one-year internship | |
10 | 我们工厂有一些大学生。 | We have some university graduates in our factory. | |
11 | 我们将给您配备几名我们所里最出色的助手,他们都是学成回国的留学生,有博士和硕士 | You will be staffed with some of the best assistants in our research institute, they are all graduates returning form abroad after they’ve accomplished their required courses, some with doctor’s degree and some with the master’s degree | |
12 | 我们学校已经培养出了许多的毕业生。 | Our school has turned out a lot of graduates . | |
13 | 现在的毕业生似乎敏锐地认识到了未来缺乏旧有的期望(布鲁斯·韦伯) | Today’s graduates seem keenly aware that the future is bereft of conventional expectations(Bruce Weber) | |
14 | 现在世界上根本没有什么稳定的工作了,人生潮起潮落、变化莫测。相信你也知道大学毕业生在今天已经比你们毕业时挣的钱少多了。 | There is no job security anymore; I know all about downsizing and rightsizing. I also know that college graduates today earn less than you did when you graduated. | |
15 | 香港药剂师及配药员(药剂学位)协会 | Hong Kong Pharmacists and Dispensers (Pharmacy Graduates )Association, The | |
16 | 新的方案要求大学保证不论中学毕业生入学考试分数高低全数照收。 | The new programme pledged the university to accept all graduates of high schools regardless of their entrance exam scores. | |
17 | 许多老三届现已经成了企业的骨干力量,他们在管理部门或其他重要的岗位上担任领导职务 | Many of the former school graduates of 1966~19689 have become the backbones of enterprises or are holding the managerial positions of other leading posts | |
18 | 学士学位是授予大学毕业生的吧? | Is the bachelor’s degree granted to college graduates ? | |
19 | 一方面毕业生可以根据他们自己的意愿选择工作,另一方面用人单位也可以通过面试的方式来确定最佳人选。 | graduates may choose jobs according to their own interests, while employers may choose the best candidates among graduates through an interview process. | |
20 | 一位大学生完成大学4年或5年的学习并且成绩合格,在毕业时就可以被授予文学士或者理学士的学士学位。 | When a student completes his or her four-year or five-year study and graduates with good grades from a University, he or she is granted with a bachelor’s degree--Bachelor of arts or Bachelor of Science. | |
21 | 因此,我相信在处理最需要解决的经营问题方面,我比大多数毕业生准备得更充分。 | Thus, I believe I am far more prepared than most graduates to deal with the most demanding of business problems. | |
22 | 应聘者须为受过商业专门训练的高中毕业生。 | Applicants should be senior high school graduates with training in commercial studies. | |
23 | 用人单位和毕业生见面会 | Meet-and –greet event for recruiting employers and college graduates | |
24 | 由于许多中等职业学校都由企业、机关、煤矿和工厂开办的,所以毕业生常常可以直接在办学单位里工作。 | Since many secondary vocational schools are run by enterprises, institutions, mines and factories, the graduates of these schools often can go directly to work in the sponsoring organizations. | |
25 | 越来越多的大学已采用一种新的毕业生分配制度,即供需见面,双向选择 | More and more universities have applied a new system of job assignment, in which outgoing graduates meet recruiters face to face and choose as both see fit | |
26 | 允许特定学科和专业的本科毕业生直接取得博士研究生入学资格,具体办法由国务院教育行政部门规定。 | It shall be permissible for university graduates of specific disciplines and specialties to directly obtain the qualification for admission as doctoral postgraduate students. Specific measures shall be worked out by the department of education administration under the State Council. | |
27 | 在这主体之外,耶鲁还有一定数量的学生来自长沙和宁波,在这两地每年都有耶鲁的毕业生被派过来教英语。 | Outside the main pool, a number of Yale students come from changsha and Ningbo,swhereseach year American Yale graduates are sent to teach English | |
28 | 这个飞行学校一年毕业一百名飞行员。 | The flying school graduates a hundred pilots a year. | |
29 | 这个学校的教职员全是大学毕业生. | The school is staffed entirely by graduates . | |
30 | 这些毕业生尚未找到工作,所以对他们来说,一切都变化莫测。 | These graduates haven’t found jobs yet; to them everything is in a state of flux |