属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-移民到苏格兰 希望你早先就已到达
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-留学生 一个世界级品牌没落之路
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- 中断的学校教育使不平等加剧(2)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-法律工作 成功的代价
1 | 我将于今年夏季从清华大学研究生院毕业,并将获得工学硕士学位。 | I will be graduating from the Graduate School of Tsinghua University this summer with an MS degree. | |
2 | 我将于明年毕业于上海市延安中学,希望毕业后能到贵校攻读电器工程学士学位。请寄给我贵校的简章以及申请入学和奖学金的表格。 | I am graduating from Shanghai Yan’an High School next year. I wish to pursue a bachelor degree in your Electric Engineering. Please send me your catalog and application forms for admission and financial aid. | |
3 | 我今年三十岁,自一九八零年XX大学毕业后,即在詹姆斯公司任英文秘书工作,直至上个月至今已五年之久。 | I am 30 years of age, and have had five years’ experience in the line of secretary. Graduating from (the name of the)University in July 1980, I served with James & Co. as secretary until last month. | |
4 | 我开始感觉与众不同,因为我的朋友们都正在忙于毕业,举行庆祝活动,并且渴望迈向新生活,掀开他们生命中的新篇章。 | I began to feel different from everyone else, since my friends were graduating , celebrating, and eager to move on to new chapters in their lives. | |
5 | 我赞扬今天所有的毕业生。 | I commend all those who are graduating today. | |
6 | 向毕业班学生颁发了毕业证书。 | Diplomas were conferred on members of the graduating class | |
7 | 学历规定:非本国高中以上或在我国境内就读外国侨民学校或我国高级中等学校附设之双语部(班)毕业者(含高中应届毕业生)。 | Educational Background:Students must have graduated from a high school abroad, received a diploma from a foreign school in Taiwan or the equivalent, or be a graduating student of such a high school. | |
8 | 与小布什一样,迪恩也是在耶鲁大学得到的学士学位,于1971年毕业(小布什与迪恩都有一个女儿目前在耶鲁上学)。 | Like George Bush, he got his ba at Yale University, graduating in 1971 (both Bush and Dean currently have a daughter at Yale too) | |
9 | 在三十五岁上,他刚刚不情不愿退出了青年团;其实升级到青年团之前,他就不管超龄,生生在侦察队里多赖了一年。 | At thirty-five he had just been unwillingly evicted from the Youth League, and before graduating into the Youth League he had managed to stay on in the Spies for a year beyond the statutory age | |
10 | 中国、韩国、菲律宾和印度的工程师一批批地从加州的大学毕业。 | And Chinese, Korean, Filipino and Indian engineers are graduating in droves from California’s colleges. | |
11 | 最高学历之外国毕业证书或在学证明书(适用于高中应届毕业生)影本(附中文或英文译本) | Two copies of the highest educational diploma received abroad or home school supporting documents suitable for graduating students of a senior high school, together with an attached translation in Chinese or English. | |
12 | ||1:其次,国际货币基金组织必须缓解有偿付能力的国家的美元流动性短缺程度,这些国家拥有良好的机构,但无法从美联储借款。||2:2017年,国际货币基金组织董事会否决了向拥有强大机构的国家提供其互换式融资的提议。||3:董事会应重新考虑这个决定。||4:并应探索如何将现有的从全球来看充足的美元储备转移到需要的地方。||5:例如,国际货币基金组织可以充当货币互换的清算机构,为参与其中的各国央行提供担保,使其免受损失,方法是将任何可能变成坏账的债务转化为IMF的常规计划。 | ||1:Second, the IMF must alleviate the dollar liquidity shortage in solvent countries that have good institutions but which cannot borrow from the Fed.||2:In 2017 the fund’s board rejected a proposal to provide its own swap-like funding to countries with strong institutions.||3:It should revisit that decision.||4:It should also explore ways of getting existing dollar reserves, which are ample at the global level, to where they are needed.||5:For example, the fund could act as a clearing house for currency swaps, guaranteeing participating central banks against losses by graduating any debts that turn sour into a conventional IMF programme. | |
13 | ||1:如果苏格兰人公投决定独立,这个民族政权也承诺继续鼓励移民。||2:政府将会激励移民使其自愿到偏远地区安家。||3:目前国家关于取得移民居住权的特定收入标准也将会放宽(目前设置的是20,300英镑或33,700美元),以表明居住在苏格兰成本低得多。||4:学生在毕业后也能留得下,可以工作很多年。 | ||1:If Scots vote for independence, a nationalist government promises to encourage immigration.||2:It would offer incentives for migrants willing to move to far-flung spots.||3:It would ease the nationwide requirement that immigrants must earn a particular salary to gain residency (currently set at £20,300, or $33,700) to reflect the lower cost of living there.||4:Students would be able to stay after graduating and work for several years. | |
14 | ||1:相比于私立学校那相当宽松的签证制度(因为私立学校是内务部的友好赞助商),学生签证就严格很多。||2:以往,外国学生被允许在毕业之后可工作时间长达两年。||3:而如今,若他们想留在英国,就必须在仅仅四个月的时间内找到一份薪资高于20,600的工作。 | ||1:In contrast to the visa regime for private schools, which is extremely lax (the Home Office counts private schools as favoured sponsors) student visas have been tightened.||2:Foreign students used to be allowed to work for up to two years after graduating .||3:They now have only four months to find a job paying upwards of 20,600 if they want to stay in Britain. | |
15 | ||1:中断学校教育往往会降低成绩,同时加剧不平等现象。||2:但是,很少会出现大量的冲击同时赶在一起的现象。||3:首先,学校教育现在转为网课。||4:美国以前尝试过进行虚拟教育,但结果并不乐观。||5:布朗大学的卡里克鲁兹·布埃诺开展了一项针对佐治亚州公立学校线上授课的研究,发现几乎所有科目的考试成绩都显著降低,高中毕业的几率也下降了10%。||6:针对黑人和西班牙裔学生的研究结果更加糟糕。 | ||1:Disruptions to schooling tend to lower achievement while increasing inequality.||2:But rarely do so many shocks pile up at once.||3:First, schooling is now being conducted online.||4:Previous attempts at virtual education in America have not looked promising.||5:A study of virtual public schools in Georgia by Carycruz Bueno of Brown University found significantly reduced test scores in almost all subjects, and a ten-percentage- point drop in the chance of graduating from high school.||6:Her results look worse for black and Hispanic children. | |
16 | 但其2012年毕业生97.5%的就业率,则名列全国第一。 | 97.5% of the class of 2012 had a job on graduating —the best mark in the country. | |
17 | 1969年,希拉里·罗德姆是韦尔斯利女子学院毕业班的班长。 | Hillary Rodham was president of her graduating class at Wellesley in 1969. | |
18 | 2008年大学毕业并取得旅游管理学士学位后,我就做了一名导游。 | I worked as a tour guide after graduating from university with a bachelor’s degree in tourism management in 2008. | |
19 | 22岁的郭庆本来没必要来人才市场:他毕业后,在今年夏天已经找到一份设计行业的工作了。 | Guo Qing, 22, should not have been at the fair at all: he found a design job after graduating this summer. | |
20 | SteveJobs在Stanford斯坦福大学的演讲中说,“做这个演讲是我跟毕业最靠谱的一件事了。” | Steve Jobs at a Stanford commencement speech said that giving this speech the students was the closest thing he came to graduating college. | |
21 | TomQuigley,一个23岁的纽约布法罗的大学毕业生,表示他自毕业后就找不到一份全职工作。 | Tom Quigley, a 23-year-old college graduate from Buffalo, N. Y. , said he couldn’t find a full-time job after graduating from college. | |
22 | Wandael先生今年37岁,之前是个建筑师,自毕业后一直在海外生活:先是到了柏林;现在在纽约。 | The 37-year-old Mr Wandael, a former architect, has lived abroad ever since graduating : first in Berlin; now in New York. | |
23 | 阿什西大学的所有470名学生毕业前按要求要做社会实践。 | All of Ashesi’s 470 students are required to do community service before graduating . | |
24 | 把握毕业生心态做好就业指导工作 | Understand Graduating Srudents’Mentality and Instruct The about Employment | |
25 | 本周,我去了田纳西州的孟菲斯市,在那里我向布克·华盛顿高中的毕业班同学们发表了演说。 | This week, I went to Memphis, Tennessee, where I spoke to the graduating class of Booker T. Washington High School. | |
26 | 毕业后,斯托-扬科夫斯基想大干一场,却发现自己的渠道实在有限。 | After graduating , Mr Jankowski was interested in doing more, but found his access to equipment restricted. | |
27 | 毕业后,他曾加入一些欧洲公司从事财务和公司运营方面的工作,并于1988年加入SAP。 | After graduating , he held several financial and operations jobs at European companies before joining SAP in 1988. | |
28 | 毕业前一周,我离开所有朋友,发现了她背着我,和老板劈腿。 | Within a week of graduating and leaving all my friends behind, I found out she had been cheating on me with her boss. | |
29 | 毕业以后,我又被派遣到阿拉斯加的安克雷奇,到那里的艾尔曼多夫空军基地去。 | After graduating , my orders were to proceed to Elmendorf Air Force Base in Anchorage, Alaska. | |
30 | 毕业以后,这些非美籍的学生通常会留在美国工作,为美国的创新和经济增长出力。 | After graduating , these non-US students often stay in the US to work, helping to fuel the nation’s innovation and economic growth. |