1 | [2]“星四聚餐会”,是重庆一些资本家的秘密结社,它进行了一系列严重违法的地下活动,在“五反”运动中被揭发和取缔。 | The "Thursday Dinner Club" was a secret organization of some capitalists in Chungking, which engaged in surreptitious activities in grave violation of the law. It was exposed and banned in the movement against the "five evils" | |
2 | “那不过是一座坟墓罢了,”教堂管事说。 | "What is it but a grave !" said the sexton | |
3 | 阿蜜看来相当一本正经,煞有其事。 | amy looked so grave and important | |
4 | 啊,你瞧,耐莉,他都不肯暂时发发慈悲好让我不进坟墓。 | Oh you see, Nelly, he would not relent a moment to keep me out of the grave | |
5 | 艾比利尼美国堪萨斯州中部一城市,位于托皮卡之西。德怀特·D·艾森豪威尔的青年时代在此渡过;艾森豪威尔中心包括他的家宅,一座博物馆和一座图书馆及其墓地。人口6, | A city of central Kansas west of Topeka.Dwight D.Eisenhower lived in Abilene during his youth;the Eisenhower Center includes his family homestead,a museum and library,and his grave .Population,6,572. | |
6 | 爱丽丝认为这些事情全都非常荒唐,可是它们却十分认真,她也不敢笑,一时又想不出许说什么话,只见好鞠了个躬,尽量装得一本正经地接过了顶针。 | Alice thought the whole thing very absurd, but they all looked so grave that she did not dare to laugh; and, as she could not think of anything to say, she simply bowed, and took the thimble, looking as solemn as she could | |
7 | 报馆又不去了,深明大义的大老爷在外面忙些什么国家大事呀? | You’ve quit your job at the newspaper agency.What grave national matters was the great man of justice and righteousness out attending to? | |
8 | 长眠在幕中 | Repose in a grave . | |
9 | 朝鲜、伊朗和伊拉克是他所说的邪恶轴心--这些政权制造了不断增长的危险。对此漠不关心的代价是极为严重的。 | And North Korea, Iran and Iraq were, as he put it, an axis of evil-regimes, which posed a grave and growing danger for which he said the price of indifference would be catastrophic. | |
10 | 从坟墓中掘出;掘墓 | To dig up or remove from a grave or tomb;exhume. | |
11 | 但是,我们得记住,同我们交往的每一个国家都是有私利要图的。自己一味理想主义而得不到众人的共鸣,那是很危险的。 | But it is well to remember that we are dealing with nations every one of which has a direct individual interest to serve, and there is grave danger in an unshared idealism | |
12 | 但是因为亚伯兰妻子撒莱缘故,天主降疫灾于法老一家。 | But the Lord struck pharaoh and his household with grave diseases on account of Abram’s wife Sarai | |
13 | 当他的儿子在十年以后来找他的坟墓时候,他的坟墓无法辩认了,没有一个人能说,那儿躺着你深爱的父亲!” | and when his son sought his grave ten years afterwards, his tomb had disappeared, and no one could say, ’There sleeps the father you so well loved.’ | |
14 | 当他指控我说谎时,他犯了一个严重的错误。 | It was a grave mistake when he accused me of lying. | |
15 | 当他走出了视线的时候,基督山就站起身来,向前走了几步,轻轻地说:“这儿,就在这棵梧桐底下,是那婴儿的坟墓。 | Monte Cristo, left alone, took three or four steps onwards, and murmured, "Here, beneath this plane-tree, must have been where the infant’s grave was dug | |
16 | 第二种坏行为是阴沉的、持重的、平心静气考虑过的、用他从痛苦中得来的那种错误观念深思熟虑过的。 | secondly, of evil action which was serious, grave , consciously argued out and premeditated, with the false ideas which such a misfortune can furnish | |
17 | 读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,科学使人深刻,伦理学使人庄重,逻辑修辞之学使人善辩:凡有所学,皆成性格。 | poets witty; the mathematics subtitle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave ; logic and rhetoric able to contend. Abeunt studia in mores. Nay, there is no stand or impediment in the wit, but may be wrought out by fit studies | |
18 | 凡此种种,均系过去所犯错误、失败及不合理现象种下前因,以致有今日局势严重之后果。 | All this has its origin in past mistakes, failures and unreasonableness, and today’s grave situation is the consequence | |
19 | 盖满鲜花的坟墓 | A grave smothered in flowers | |
20 | 国际形势正引起人们的密切关注。 | The international situation is becoming a matter of grave concern. | |
21 | 国王、贵族和教士、律师等这类寄生虫都宣传这种学说,并且用在死后冥界里得到补偿的诺言使这个学说容易为人所接受。 | It had been preached by kings and aristocrats and by the priests, lawyers, and the like who were parasitical upon them, and it had generally been softened by promises of compensation in an imaginary world beyond the grave | |
22 | 过后,听其自然,掘坟坑的人会来的,坟坑便是我们这种人的先贤祠,一切都落在那大洞里。 | After which, go whither I push thee, the grave -digger is there,the pantheon for some of us: all falls into the great hole | |
23 | 过去他们一般每年给她扫两次墓。 | They used to visit her grave twice a year. | |
24 | 黑夜终于降临了,轻轻地亲吻着水棺材的表面。 | At last the darkness of the night descended and softly kissed the surface of the watery grave | |
25 | 还有一个使他困惑的严重问题。 | There was another grave problem to vex him. | |
26 | 她把这束花放置在新铺上草皮的坟墓上。 | She laid the bouquet on the newly turfed grave | |
27 | 她悲伤地伫立墓旁。 | She stood sadly beside the grave . | |
28 | 她不安地审视着他异常严肃的脸。 | Anxiously, she examined his unusually grave face. | |
29 | 她们身在地下,像是井底,又像是深不可测的坟茔--然而这地方已经极深极深,却还在沉落下去。 | They were down in some subterranean place--the bottom of a well, for instance, or a very deep grave --but it was a place which, already far below him, was itself moving downwards | |
30 | 她确确实实返老还童了,恢复了精力,被从坟墓的进口处拉了回来。 | She had been literally rejuvenated, resuscitated, brought back from the lip of the grave |