属类:文学表达-外国名著-Madame de Bovary
1 | 他那样谈着,严肃地,象父兄那样 | Thus he discoursed gravely and paternally | |
2 | 他神严肃地扯下那朵用饰针别着的花儿,嗅了嗅几乎消失殆尽的香气,将它放在胸兜里。 | He tore the flower gravely from its pinhold smelt its almost no smell and placed it in his heart pocket | |
3 | 他心情沉重地谈论着局势。 | He spoke gravely of the situation. | |
4 | 他沿着多尔塞特街走回去,一路一本正经地读着报。 | He walked back along Dorset street, reading gravely | |
5 | 他一字一顿地说,然后庄重地品酒。 | He enunciated the word and then drank gravely | |
6 | 他站起来,肃穆地解下腰带,脱掉浴衣,认头地说 | He stood up, gravely ungirdled and disrobed himself of his gown, saying resignedly | |
7 | 西方艺术在中世纪时采用并增加了拜占庭圣母像形式,所画的圣母像主要是表现出她的美和慈悲以鼓舞宗教热情。在文艺复兴时期和巴洛克时期,最盛行的圣母像是圣母预见了基督将被钉死于十字架上,于是在远处哀伤地看着正在玩耍的耶稣。 | Western art adapted and added to the Byzantine types during the Middle Ages, producing images of the Virgin that sought to inspire piety through beauty and tenderness. In the Renaissance and Baroque periods, the most popular image of the Madonna foreshadowed the crucifixion, showing the Virgin looking gravely away from the playful child. | |
8 | 信中写到:爱妻如晤:卿病重已知悉,且需等吾之照料。 | It read: My beloved wife, News has reached me that you have been taken gravely ill and are in great need of my help. | |
9 | 行将就木;重病,重伤 | Near to death;gravely ill or injured. | |
10 | 须行即骑访名山,安能摧眉折腰事权贵,使我不得开心颜? | And ride to you, great mountain, when I have need of you. Oh, how can I gravely bow and scrape to men of high rank and men of high office who never will suffer being shown an honest-hearted face! | |
11 | 严重破坏该地区的稳定 | gravely endanger the stability of the region | |
12 | 一次全区性较强降水空报的重大预报失误过程分析 | Analysis of Gravely Unsuccessful Forecasting for a Relatively Heavy Precipitation | |
13 | 一九七三年周恩来总理病重,把我从江西“牛棚”接回来,开始时我代替周总理管一部分国务院的工作 | When Premier Zhou Enlai became gravely ill in 1973, he sent people to Jiangxi Province to bring me back from the ``cowshed’’, and I took over some of his work with the State Council. | |
14 | 已确认消息极为不好,请电告有何良策。 | Information confirm gravely advice possible countermeasure. | |
15 | 以任何形式将台湾纳入外国导弹防御系统都是不可接受的,而且严重破坏地区稳定。 | To involve Taiwan in any form of anti-missile defence put in place by a foreign country is unacceptable and could gravely endanger the stability of the region.??? | |
16 | 应当逮捕的人犯,患有严重疾病,或者是正在怀孕、哺乳自己婴儿的妇女,可以改用取保候审或者监视居住的办法。 | If an offender liable to arrest is gravely ill or is a woman who is pregnant or is breast-feeding her own child, an alternative measure may be adopted to allow the offender to obtain a guarantor pending trial or live at home under surveillance. | |
17 | 由于查尔斯叫她,才救了她。但她又因脑炎病得很厉害,躺了好几个月,几乎病死。 | She was saved when Charles called to her. But she became gravely ill with brainfever and lay near death for several months. | |
18 | 与会者庄重地一致同意。 | The assembly assented gravely | |
19 | 在对话的时候,他注意到一个水手坐在旁边,在一本正经地翻弄着鹧鸪,带着一种很忠于职守的神气,于是他转向这个水手,问这些人是怎么来的,因为根本看不见有什么帆船。 | He turned towards the sailor, who, during this dialogue, had sat gravely plucking the partridges with the air of a man proud of his office, and asked him how these men had landed, as no vessel of any kind was visible | |
20 | 这次攻击使国家利益受到严重损害。 | The national interest was gravely harmed by this attack. | |
21 | 这些问题严重地影响了殡葬改革和社会主义两个文明建设。 | These problems gravely affect the reform of the funeral system and the construction of socialist material and spiritual civilization. | |
22 | “不,不对,”职员一本正经地盯着他的眼睛,“那是五分钱。” | "No, it isn’t, " answered the clerk, looking him gravely in the eye, "it’s five cents. " | |
23 | “不,我永远不会爱任何人胜过爱爸爸,”她严肃地回嘴。 | No, I should never love anybody better than papa, ’ she returned gravely . | |
24 | “从开始的地方开始吧,一直读到末尾,然后停止。”国王郑重地说。 | ’Begin at the beginning, ’ the King said gravely , ’and go on till you come to the end: then stop. ’ | |
25 | “这是一次硬仗,”他神态严肃地对我说,“不过我最后还是打胜了。” | "It’s been a difficult campaign, " he told me gravely , "but I have finally won through. " | |
26 | 1931年8月,时年84岁的托马斯·阿尔瓦·爱迪生因为肾脏问题病情严重。 | IN August 1931, Thomas Alva Edison, age 84, became gravely ill with kidney problems. | |
27 | 安德烈说,四个人都活着,但是从一开始就很明显,赫瑟林顿和洪德罗斯受伤严重。 | All four were alive, but it was obvious from the outset, Mr. Liohn said, that Mr. Hetherington andMr. Hondros were gravely wounded. | |
28 | 本周,关于朝鲜独裁者金正日病重的传闻传得沸沸扬扬。 | THIS week rumours swirled that Kim Jong Il, North Korea’s dictator, was gravely ill. | |
29 | 长期的边缘学术地位,使得传播学研究的自主性受到严重挫伤。 | The long-term marginal academic status dampens the autonomy of communication research gravely . | |
30 | 朝鲜遭到“最强烈可能的条款”的谴责,它自诩的核大国身份也被否定。 | It was condemned in the "strongest possible terms" and gravely denied the status it claims as a nuclear power. |