1 | 她自己是从格雷小姐一位极要好的朋友那儿听说的,否则我肯定不会相信。 | She was told it by a particular friend of Miss Grey herself, else I am sure I should not have believed it. | |
2 | 她走过的绵延几英里长的灰蒙蒙的肮脏的建筑物现在变成了一座朦胧中灯火辉煌的城市。 | The miles of grey squalor she had travelled through were now the hazy and luminous city | |
3 | 她走後生活显得既单调又无意义 | Life seemed grey and pointless after she’d gone | |
4 | 今天的天幕是灰色的。 | Today, the canopy of the heavens is grey . | |
5 | 警方的程序规章定立後, 遗留下许多难以处理的灰色区域 | When the rules for police procedure were laid down, a lot of grey areas remained | |
6 | 康克雷特近年来做过面部整容术,所以看上去再也不是以前那副老态龙钟的难看样子了。 | Concrete has had a face-lift in recent years and is no longer its old forbidding grey self. | |
7 | 老通宝他们那村庄四周围的桑林似乎发长得更好,远望去像一片绿锦平铺在密密层层灰白色矮矮的篱笆上。 | Around Old ’Tong Bao’s village, the mulberry trees seemed to respond especially well.From a distance they gave the appearance of a low grey picket fence on top of which a long swath of green brocade had been spread | |
8 | 离大路不远,有一个久经风吹雨打的老仓房,由灰中带红的砖和瓦盖的。 | Not far from the road stood a weather-beaten old barn of reddish-grey brick and tile | |
9 | 两个男的,都穿洋服;其中有一位穿浅灰色,很是绅士样,裤管的折缝又平又直;另一位是藏青哔叽的,却就不体面,裤管皱成了腊肠式 | The two young men were dressed in European style: one was respectably dressed in light grey , with knife-edge creases in his carefully-pressed trousers, while the other wore a shabby, dark-blue suit with baggy, untidy trousers | |
10 | 满天是灰白的云头,快马似的飞奔,飞奔!风又一刻一刻的更加潮湿而且冷。 | Grey and white clouds raced helter-skelter across the sky, and the wind blew damper and chillier still | |
11 | 毛丝鼠的软灰毛皮. | Soft grey fur of this animal | |
12 | 没有风能在这灰色金属般的、浓雾弥漫的毒水面上掀起波纹。 | No wind would lift those waves, grey metal, poisonous foggy waters | |
13 | 木材如果风干时间较长就变成灰色。 | Wood turns grey if weathered for a long time | |
14 | 哪天晚上你要是信步走过那家咖啡馆,便会看到一个瘦削黝黑的年轻人,在角落里坐着,面前放着一杯咖啡。他身穿一件蓝色运动衣,外面罩一件小小的灰色法兰绒茄克衫,茄克衫扣得严严实实的。 | You would drift into the caf one evening and there you would see, sitting in a corner, with a glass of coffee in front of him, a thin dark boy, wearing a blue jersey with a little grey flannel jacket buttoned over it | |
15 | 那灰色的服装与缥缈景物和谐一致… | The grey costume harmonized with its aerial background… | |
16 | 娜娜狂喜地瞪着那大块浮云堆积着的苍天底下一片无垠的原野。 | Nana gazed ecstatically at the vast plain beneath the grey sky where great clouds were banked up | |
17 | 你需要的是放浪形骸的生活,自由自由的精神,是五光十色的大蝴蝶,而不是灰不溜丢的小飞蛾。 | What you want is the magnificent abandon of life, the great free souls, the blazing butterflies and not the little grey moths. | |
18 | 闪电瞥过长空,照见满天的乌云现在不复是墨灰的一片,而是分了浓淡 | Flashes of lightning lit up the dark, cloudy sky, whose uniform leaden gloom had by now broken up into patches of black and grey | |
19 | 什么也没有,只有那片缭绕着的灰蒙蒙的雾,这母女俩呢,孤零零地在一小块湿漉漉的地上发抖。 | There was nothing left but grey , wheeling fog, and the mother and the girl, alone, shivering in a little strip of damping ground | |
20 | 水老鼠也痴痴地没有作声,他在梦游海峡,仿佛隐约听到阵阵歌声在雾气灰暗,海浪包围的四壁之间回想。 | The Water Rat, silent too and enthralled, floated on dream-canals and heard a phantom song pealing high between vaporous grey wave-lapped wall | |
21 | 水在他的脑袋以及花环般的一圈灰发[125]上闪烁着,沿着他的胸脯和肚子流淌下来,从他那松垂着的黑色缠腰市里往外冒。他攀住石头爬上来。 | He scrambled up by the stones, water glistening on his pate and on its garland of grey hair, water rilling over his chest and paunch and spilling jets out of his black sagging loincloth | |
22 | 索米斯离开罗宾山房子时,太阳通过那个寒峭的下午的一片阴晦照了出来,带有雾蒙蒙的光华。 | As Soames walked away from the house at Robin Hill the sun broke through the grey of the chill afternoon, in smoky radiances | |
23 | 他的灰色的眼睛仍旧转来转去看着别人的脸,比以前更加惶恐了,好像他要弄清楚,他受到这样侮辱别人到底怎样瞧不起他。 | His grey eyes still flitted from face to face, more guiltily than ever, as though he were trying to discover how much the others despised him for his humiliation | |
24 | 他的浅灰色的眼睛胆怯地从这张脸转到那一张脸,一看到有人注意他,就马上把视线转移开去。 | His pale-grey eyes flitted timorously from face to face and turned quickly away again when he caught anyone’s eye | |
25 | 他俩灰衬衫,蓝短裤,系着红领巾,这是侦察队的制服。 | Both of them were dressed in the blue shorts, grey shirts, and red neckerchiefs which were the uniform of the Spies | |
26 | 他面如土色. | His face was ashy grey . | |
27 | 他那有受神惩之虞的头上,围着一圈儿花环般的灰发,我看见他往下爬,爬到祭台脚下(下来吧!),手执圣体发,眼睛像是蛇怪。 | A garland of grey hair on his comminated head see him me clambering down to the footpce (descende), clutching a monstrance, basiliskeyed | |
28 | 他身着素灰色套装,看上去很有涵养,一副绅士派头。 | He was dressed in a quiet grey suit and looked very well bred and every inch a gentleman. | |
29 | 他是个瘦骨棱棱,脸色发灰的人,活象没吃饱饭,外表总是非常邋遢。 | He’s a scrawny, grey -faced man, who looks half-starved, and he’s always very slovenly in appearance | |
30 | 他瘦小干瘪,满口难看的牙齿,肝火很旺,蓬乱的灰胡子,还长着一双凶光四射的眼睛。 | He was a small, shriveled person, with bad teeth and a bilious air, an untidy grey beard, and savage eyes |