属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-单独行事 (2)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 保罗瑞恩拒绝参加总统选举 叙利亚和平协议之后
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-查理曼大帝 一个民主化的梦魇
1 | 共和党人和民主党人都同意,美国政府的一个大问题就是在政治上的僵局。至于究竟哪一方应该对这个局面负责,双方意见却完全不同。 | Both the Republicans and the Democrats agree that the big problem with the government in Washington is political gridlock . But they certainly don’t agree who is to blame. | |
2 | 目前政局的僵持局面使总统和国会都不能迅速地采取行动以削减预算(b罗伯特D.霍马茨) | the political gridlock that prevented.the President and Congress from moving expeditiously to cut the budget(bRobert D.Hormats) | |
3 | 目前政局的僵持局面使总统和国会都不能迅速地采取行动以削减预算(罗伯特D.霍马茨) | the political gridlock that prevented.the President and Congress from moving expeditiously to cut the budget(Robert D.Hormats) | |
4 | 我们州和华盛顿一样,我们的州长是共和党的,而立法机构却在民主党控制下。往往一方不同意另一方的计划,所以我们经常会在新的项目上出现僵局。 | Our State is just like Washington--we have a Republican Governor and a Democratic legislature. So we usually have gridlock on new programs because one side won’t approve what the other side does. | |
5 | 在罗斯福大道,上下班时间通勤人士坐在车里寸步难移,羡慕地仰望眷上升机。别气馁,交通拥塞空中也有份。 | To those rush hour-commuters who sit immobilized in traffic on the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Drive,gazing enviously at the helicopters above,take heart.Gridlock has gone airborne. | |
6 | 转瞬间小阿诺德从一位电影中的超级英雄变成了一个州的领导人---该州正被复杂的经济问题、大量失业以及州议会的政治僵局所困扰。 | In a flash Arnie was transformed from a film superherosintosthe leader of a state bedeviled by complex financial problems, a hemorrhage of jobs and political gridlock in the state legislature | |
7 | 坐在自己的汽车里,我们宁愿堵塞交通也不愿给人让路。 | Locked into our automobiles, we prefer gridlock to giving way | |
8 | ||1:近四年来,纽约的政局并不稳定。||2:2007年,时任州长艾略特?斯皮策,他律师出身,作风凌厉,毫不妥协。这种做法曾让纽约州首府奥尔巴尼一度陷入政治僵局。||3:且任职仅一年多,斯皮策就陷入招妓门事件,辞去了州长职务。||4:民主党人大卫?帕特森继任,他亲和有余,力度不足,无力推动纽约州立法机构平衡财政收支。||5:同为民主党人的安德鲁?科莫,于2010年参加州长竞选,并轻松取胜。他承诺要“重建政府,重塑能力,重拾信任,让州民能够再次相信政府”。纽约民众曾对此不以为然。 | ||1: FOR four years New York was adrift. ||2: When Eliot Spitzer, a crusading lawyer, became governor in 2007, his uncompromising ways caused political gridlock in Albany, the state capital. ||3: Just over a year later, he was caught frolicking with a prostitute and resigned. ||4: His successor, David Paterson, was affable enough, but too weak to push the state legislature to balance the books. ||5: When Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat like his predecessors, handily won the 2010 governor’s race on a promise to “rebuild the government, restore competence, restore trust, [and] get the people of this state believing once again”, New Yorkers gave a cynical snort. | |
9 | 到1982年,多边会谈中的僵局意味着其转向双轨制,力图多边贸易的同时又协商特惠协议。 | by 1982 gridlock in multilateral talks meant it switched to a twin-track approach, simultaneously pushing for multilateral deals and negotiating preferential ones. | |
10 | 分裂的政府也不总是导致僵局。 | Nor has divided government always led to gridlock . | |
11 | 韩国执政党在国会丧失长期以来的优势地位,使得阻碍总统朴槿惠(Park Geun-hye)实施计划的立法僵局进一步恶化。 | The ruling party in South Korea lost its long-held parliamentary majority, worsening a long-standing legislative gridlock that hampers President Park Geun-hye’s plans. | |
12 | 委员会主席自己选中并控制的这场争议或将在欧盟引起更大的僵局,甚至大过那些惹是生非的疑欧主义者。 | then the candidate “shall be elected” by the EP. The dispute over who chooses, and controls, the commission president may cause more gridlock in Brussels than rowdy Eurosceptics ever could. | |
13 | 10种北京(和其他城市)保持天空蔚蓝和道路畅通的方法。 | Ways Beijing (and Other Cities) Can Keep Its Skies Blue and Roads Gridlock -Free | |
14 | 9月份,圆桌成员因高油价、欧债危机和美国预算政策陷入僵局感到恐慌。 | In September, the roundtable’s members feared high oil prices, Europe’s growing debt crisis and political gridlock over U. S. budget policy. | |
15 | Tufts大学政治学教授JeffreyBerry称:“明年将是国会陷入僵局的一年。” | "The next year is going to be one of gridlock in Congress, " said Jeffrey Berry, a political science professor at Tufts University. | |
16 | 按照印度目前的地铁和道路建设比率,它将面临大规模的交通拥堵问题。 | At its current rate of metro and road construction, India is headed for gridlock on a massive scale. | |
17 | 被堵车辆中,许多是运输煤炭和水果的卡车。 | Many of the vehicles stuck in the gridlock are trucks carrying coal and fruit. | |
18 | 不过,只要华盛顿的政治环境仍在制造猜疑和僵局,今后几年其它国家肯定会对美国的这种姿态习以为常。 | But as long as the politics back in Washington produces distrust and gridlock , it is one they will have to get used to in years ahead. | |
19 | 代表们都受到政治因素的限制,政治领导人应该打开这些枷锁。 | Delegates are kept back by political gridlock . The political leaders must now unblock the process. | |
20 | 但是,政治上的僵局不应该与经济现实混为一谈。 | But political gridlock should not be conflated with economic reality. | |
21 | 但是北京人对这种规模巨大的交通阻塞早已习以为常。 | But Beijingers are used to epic-scale gridlock . | |
22 | 但是令人惊讶的是,僵局扼杀了它的所有努力。 | But, surprise surprise, gridlock could doom its efforts. | |
23 | 但是自那以后,加州似乎陷入了没完没了的预算危机和政治僵局。 | Since then, however, California has descended into a seemingly endless budget crisis and partisan gridlock . | |
24 | 但正如图表所显示的那样,僵局与优异的市场回报之间并没有具备统计意义的重大关联。 | But gridlock does not have a statistically significant correlation with superior market returns, as the chart shows. | |
25 | 当前的外交僵局意味着哥本哈根高峰会谈可能顶多产生一个框架协议。 | The current diplomatic gridlock means that the Copenhagen summit is likely to produce a skeleton agreement at best. | |
26 | 当然,对于美国政府而言,僵局和令人难以直面的经济状况已是家常便饭。 | Washington, of course, is no stranger to gridlock and head-in-the-sand economics. | |
27 | 导致所有美国人税负大幅上升的僵局完全有可能出现,尽管没人希望如此,而且它在经济上也极不明智。 | Gridlock that causes everybody’s taxes to rise sharply, which nobody wants and which makes no economic sense, is entirely possible. | |
28 | 而税收和债务上的持续僵局将意味了许多年的经济停滞。 | A continuing gridlock around taxes and debt could mean years of economic stagnation. | |
29 | 更重要的是,资金堵塞对于英国议会来说还是一个陌生的概念。 | Most important, gridlock is a foreign concept at Westminster. | |
30 | 很难说哪边的情况更糟糕:是美国的僵局,还是欧洲支离破碎的政治结构? | It is hard to know which is worse: America’s gridlock , or Europe’s broken political structure. |