属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-公司犯罪 揭发
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属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-药品研究 大家齐心协力
1 | 我不得不倾听他们的牢骚. | I have to listen to all their grumble s. | |
2 | 我不愿再听到你的怨言了. | I don’t want to hear another grumble from you. | |
3 | 我因事发牢骚。 | I grumble at thing. | |
4 | 学生常常抱怨他们的伙食不好。 | The students often grumble about their food | |
5 | 阴郁的抱怨或者嘟哝 | To complain or grumble morosely. | |
6 | 远处雷声隆隆. | Thunder grumble d in the distance. | |
7 | 远方雷声隆隆. | A distant grumble of thunder | |
8 | ||1:当证券交易委员会在去年11月公布规定的草案时,公司担心金钱奖励会促使内部知情人越过内部程序直接向委员会举报,因为这样会降低被老板陷害或者被贴上"不满员工"标签的风险。||2:新出台的规定试图改变这一状况,比如规定在一些情况下可以奖励只在内部举报没有外传的员工。 | ||1: When the SEC released draft rules in November, businesses fretted that the financial rewards would prompt insiders to go straight to the commission, bypassing their firms’ internal procedures—especially since that would reduce the risk of being victimised by the boss or branded a "disgruntled employee". ||2: The new rules try to correct this, for example by allowing a reward to be paid in some circumstances to whistle-blowers who only grumble internally. | |
9 | ||1:小股东希望听到Richard有更详尽的商业规划,而不仅仅是提升士气。||2:他处事圆熟,一些外国投资者仍然指责他:尽管执掌公司已六月有余,一旦面对公司财务状况详情的质询,就推诿给其他高管。||3:但是毋庸置疑的是,Richard颇有商业头脑。||4:2000年1月,这个牧羊人的孙子用杠杆收购的方法得到了一家房地产开发公司,自此起家。||5:他想让法国电信按私有企业的方式运作,进而完全脱离国有控制。 | ||1:Minority shareholders are now waiting to hear in detail what Mr Richard plans for the business beyond improving morale.||2:He is a talented communicator, but some foreign investors grumble that despite having been at the firm for over six months, he tends to turn to other executives when asked for precise details on France Telecom’s financial performance.||3:But Mr Richard clearly has lots of business nous.||4:The grandson of a shepherd, he made his fortune from a leveraged buy-out of a property developer, Nexity, in 2000-01.||5:He is likely to push France Telecom into behaving like a private firm, and further away from its past as a public monopoly. | |
10 | 但是评论家指责该计划保护了股东而损害了纳税人的利益。 | But critics grumble that the plan protects shareholders at the expense of taxpayers. | |
11 | 因为澳大利亚的市场已经成熟,因此众多股东对此次收购怨声一片。 | Because Australia is a mature market, grumble many shareholders. | |
12 | 有些人将此归咎于严苛的监管部门,另一些人则认为大型制药公司太过官僚化。一个公认的事实是药物的开发是需要大量金钱(远超过十亿美元)和时间(在美国超过十年)的。无论原因如何,研发部门的低产给众多新合作关系的诞生以灵感。 | Some blame stringent regulators. Others grumble that big pharma firms are too bureaucratic. All agree that developing a new drug takes money (well over $1 billion) and time (over ten years in America). Whatever the cause, a shortfall in R&D has inspired a flood of new partnerships. | |
13 | 别抱怨你假期花钱太多,你倒是玩得痛快。鱼与熊掌不可兼得嘛。 | Don’t grumble about your expensive holiday, you had great fun. You can’t eat your cake and have it, too. | |
14 | 波兰人也抱怨这几点,他们应该能处理好这些事。 | Poles grumble about such things. They should fix them, too. | |
15 | 不过若真如此,他们将会发现许多不如意的地方。 | If so, they have much to grumble over. | |
16 | 不论结局如何,华尔街都会牢骚满腹,但它也明白事情已经比预期好多了。 | Wall Street will grumble whatever happens but it knows things could have been worse. | |
17 | 大多数俄罗斯对他们的生活颇有抱怨,但却把“国际威望”当作安慰奖。 | Most Russians grumble about their lives, but see "international prestige" as a consolation prize. | |
18 | 但是投资者抱怨说公司的股价表现不佳,大幅低于欧洲的对手。 | But investors grumble that the company’s share price underperforms those of its European rivals by a large margin. | |
19 | 但是学术期刊全都用英语,令使用法语或德语的教授时常抱怨要闯一番事业,谈何容易。 | But French and German professors, for instance, often grumble that it is hard to build a career when academic journals are all in English. | |
20 | 但是在联盟2006年签署了现行劳动协议后不久,球队的老板就开始抱怨了。 | But shortly after the NFL’s current labour deal was signed in 2006, the teams’ owners began to grumble about its terms. | |
21 | 但他们抱怨说,我已经跟不上时代的步伐了。 | But they grumble that I’m out of step with the times. | |
22 | 稻草人开始小小的抱怨一下。 | The scarecrow began to grumble a bit. | |
23 | 对于小企业主们,点击欺诈最是显而易见,所以抱怨说Google和Yahoo! | Small-business owners, to whom click-fraud is most apparent, grumble that Google and Yahoo! | |
24 | 而其它公司则抱怨缺少变速箱和齿轮。 | Other companies grumble about a lack of gearboxes and bearings. | |
25 | 工党议员私下里经常抱怨,这个领袖真是没有领导方向。 | Labour MPs privately grumble about a lack of direction from their leader. | |
26 | 古巴市民亦埋怨,每月配给的主食仅能维持10-15天,而且很多项目经常缺货。 | Cubans grumble , too, that the monthly ration of staples only lasts 10-15 days, and many items are often unavailable. | |
27 | 谷歌用户抱怨说,它们不得不费力八叉地读完这些文章,来找到那真正能提供信息的文章。 | Google users grumble at having to wade through reams of such articles to find ones that are really informative. | |
28 | 国外制造商抱怨到:“这个价格,我们甚至买不到一辆车的钢铁!” | Foreign firms grumble that they cannot even buy the steel needed to make a car for that price. | |
29 | 很多科学家都抱怨说史丹福应该把他的研究成果先在供同行评阅的刊物上登载,然后再公之于众。 | Many scientists grumble that Stanford should publish his findings in peer-reviewed journals be-fore talking in public. | |
30 | 基金经理们抱怨在2010年没有一条清晰的趋势主线能够追寻。 | Managers grumble that there was a lack of clear trends to follow in 2010. |