1 | 第三条保证毛利人享有英国臣民所享有的一切权利与特权。 | Under the third article, maori were guaranteed all the rights and privileges of British subjects | |
2 | 调整系数应乘以应使用的定额,可在技术规格中规定,或者是投标书中承诺的最好的性能和生产率的相应值 | The adjustment factor should apply to the norm that shall be used and that shall either be specified in the Technical Specifications or shall be the value committed in the responsive bid with the best guaranteed performance or productivity | |
3 | 对机械故障或制造缺陷有一年保修的钟. | A clock guaranteed for one year against mechanical failure or faulty workmanship | |
4 | 凡购买本商场家用电器,为您提供三年免费保养服务。 | Household electric appliances purchased here are guaranteed with 3 years’ after-sale service. | |
5 | 封建契约的一个方面是责令各诸侯为其大君主提供军事援助,从而确保君主对他们的保护。 | One part of the feudal contract bound vassals to give military aid to their superior lords in return for guaranteed protection | |
6 | 该食品保证不含添加剂。 | This food is guaranteed additive-free. | |
7 | 干预价格:由某一机构确定的保证生产者能够卖出其产品的最低价格。 | Intervention price: The minimum price set by an agency at which a producer is guaranteed to sell his product. | |
8 | 高级管理层的收人数目令人吃惊,而他们的公司则陷入破产困境,然后他们通过“金降落伞”保证他们在失去工作或降职时获得大笔的报酬。 | Top management repeatedly cashed in on exorbitant amounts of money while their companies collapsed into bankruptcy, and then received golden parachutes, which guaranteed generous payments when they lost their jobs or were demoted. | |
9 | 个人财产继承权受中国宪法的保护。为进一步保障这种权利,六届人大第三次会议于1985年4月10日通过了《中华人民共和国继承法》。 | The right of individuals to inherit private property is guaranteed in China’s Constitution. In order to further ensure this right, the Sixth National People’s Congress adopted law of Succession of the P. R. C on april 10. 1985. | |
10 | 公民受教育的权利进一步得到保障。 | The right of Chinese citizens to receive education has been further guaranteed . | |
11 | 国产家庭小轿车,价格合理,奔驰万里,信誉保证。 | Locally produced family-pattern sedans at reasonable prices even driven thousands of miles away, our credit still stands guaranteed . | |
12 | 国际驰名,品质保证 | World-famous, quality-guaranteed | |
13 | 毫无疑问,我们仍然坚持“双百”方针,坚持宪法和法律所保障的各项自由 | It goes without saying, however, that we should follow the policy of ``letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend’’ and uphold the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of the state. | |
14 | --和平、国家安全和稳定是发展的先决条件。在亚洲,除非这些条件得以保证,我们在改善人民生活质量方面所作的一切努力将无法成功。 | -That peace, national security and stability are preconditions for development, and unless these are guaranteed for Asia, all our efforts to better the quality of life of our people cannot succeed | |
15 | 加大清理已发生的违规占用资金和担保事项的力度 | Making greater efforts to clean up the already existing irregular possession of funds and guaranteed particulars | |
16 | 肯定是要下雨的。 | It’s guaranteed to rain. | |
17 | 另外,在出售方对FCAM负债给予担保的情况下,仍旧是FCAM股东的一方要么使得出售方免除对该债务的担保,要么对售方的债务给予补偿。 | Further, in the event that the selling party has guaranteed any indebtedness of FCAM, the party remaining as the shareholder of FCAM shall either cause such selling party to be released from such guarantee or shall indemnify such selling party from and against any liability thereunder. | |
18 | 六、保证下岗职工基本生活费和养老、医疗保险的支付。 | sixthly, the payment of basic living expenses and pension and health insurance of laid-off staff is to be guaranteed | |
19 | 美国宪法也保证人人都受法律平等保护。 | Equal protection of the law is also guaranteed to each person by the Constitution | |
20 | 灭蚊新药,无毒无烟,无效包退。 | New mosquito killer, poisonless and smokeless, money back guaranteed if ineffective. | |
21 | 那么,如何保证选票计数的精确无误呢? | How can an accurate vote count be guaranteed ? | |
22 | 那天其余的时间里,码头掀起了戏剧化的生产高潮,保证让船坞老板心满意足。 | For the rest of the day the port presented a scenario of furious productivity, guaranteed to warm the cockles of the dock boss’s heart | |
23 | 那些历史上处于强烈被诋毁和被压迫的少数民族对我们宪章所保证的自由不可能无动于衷(费里克斯·弗兰福特)。 | One who belongs to the most vilified and persecuted minority in history is not likely to be insensible to the freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution(Felix Frankfurter.To asperse is to spread unfavorable charges or insinuations against | |
24 | 那些历史上处于强烈被诋毁和被压迫的少数民族对我们宪章所保证的自由不可能无动于衷(费里克斯·弗兰福特)。Asperse是散布对某人不利的攻击或散布影射某人的话 | One who belongs to the most vilified and persecuted minority in history is not likely to be insensible to the freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution(Felix Frankfurter.To asperse is to spread unfavorable charges or insinuations against | |
25 | 你想出门,天准下雨. | It’s guaranteed to rain when you want to go out. | |
26 | 确保在贫困地区实现九年义务教育,进一步提高适龄儿童入学率。 | The nine-year compulsory education will be guaranteed in the poor areas, and the attendance rate of school-age children will be further raised | |
27 | 如最终税低于现金保证金或保函担保的金额,则超出的金额应迅速予以退还,或保函应迅速予以解除。 | If the definitive duty is less than the amount guaranteed by the cash deposit or bond, the excess amount shall be reimbursed or the bond released in an expeditious manner | |
28 | 上海牌电冰箱,一流名牌,质量保证。 | The "Shanghai" refrigerator is a first-rate brand, and its quality is guaranteed . | |
29 | 上门验放、加急通关、担保验放、优先咨询” | Visiting check and release, urgent customs declaration passage, guaranteed check and clearance and consultation priority,” etc. | |
30 | 上市公司《章程》应当对对外担保的审批程序、被担保对象的资信标准做出规定。 | A listed company’s “Articles of Association” shall prescribe the procedures for approving the provision of guaranty to any other party, and the credit standards of guaranteed objects. |