1 | (三)以合法形式掩盖非法目的 | (iii)The parties intended to conceal an illegal purpose under the guise of a legitimate transaction | |
2 | 表面的贞洁不过是骗人的伪装,如果把一处处真情全都暴露在光天化日之下的话,除去海丝特·白兰之外,好多人的胸前都会有红字闪烁的。 | that the outward guise of purity was but a lie, and that, if truth were everywhere to be shown, a scarlet letter would blaze forth on many a bosom besides Hester Prynne’s? | |
3 | 此权利并非绝对而系相对权利,须受公众之方便及舒畅之节制,并遵守和平及良好秩序;但官方亦不得假藉法规而剥夺此等权利之行使 | It is not absolute,But relative,and must be exercised in subordination to the general comfort and convenience,and in consonance with peace and good order:But it must not,in the guise of regulation,Be abridged or denied. | |
4 | 但令人遗憾的是,我也撞见很多中国人,他们借口交朋友但却只把我看成练口语的“机会” | Unfortunately, I have also come across many Chinese people who view me purely as anopportunityto improve their oral English under the guise of making friends | |
5 | 当它的出现把我们的心灵抛入凶恶的梦想时,断头台就显得怪可怕,并和它所作所为的一切都结合在一起了。 | In the frightful meditation into which its presence casts the soul the scaffold appears in terrible guise , and as though taking part in what is going on | |
6 | 到环球影片公司还不足五分钟,就有一位巧舌如簧的店员引诱我们进了一家纪念品商店。在那儿,像我这样混在人群中的平庸之辈可能被改装打扮成某种样子的电影明星。 | We had been at Universal Studios barely five minutes when a persuasive shop assistant enticed us into a store where mere crowd-blenders like myself could be transformed into the guise of film stars | |
7 | 第四条捐赠应当是自愿和无偿的,禁止强行摊派或者变相摊派,不得以捐赠为名从事营利活动。 | Article 4: Donations should be made on a voluntary and nonreimbursable basis. Any forced apportion or any covert act of apportion will be prohibited, and no one may engage in profitmaking activities of any kind under the guise of donation. Article 4 Donations should be voluntarily and freely given. It is forbidden to forcefully or covertly extract donations, or to use the name of the donor in a for-profit enterprise. | |
8 | 而且他们还会披上活跃的智慧的外衣,引导我们以慈父的目光看待他们的恶作剧。 | Under the guise of active wits they will lead us to the parental meditation of antics | |
9 | 发表评论意见在客观报道的背后加入主观意见 | To present an opinion in the guise of an objective report. | |
10 | 好话说尽坏事做绝 | A sinner under the guise of a saint | |
11 | 胡格诺派成员的数量迅速增多,成为一股政治力量,由科利尼领导,跟罗马天主教政府、吉斯家族等的冲突,造成宗教战争。 | Their numbers increased rapidly and they became a political force, led by Gaspard II de Coligny. Conflicts with the Roman Catholic government and others, including the House of Guise , led to the Wars of Religion (1562-98). | |
12 | 假公济私. | promote one`s private interests under the guise of serving the public | |
13 | 假借; 以...为幌子 | in the guise of | |
14 | 假借; 以...为幌子 | under the guise of | |
15 | 假借哲学的名义讲了一大堆的废话。 | a lot of nonsense was talked, under the guise of philosophy. | |
16 | 她装扮成一位孕妇。 | She went under the guise of a pregnant woman | |
17 | 她做梦也不普恩到一场新的恋爱会以这样的方式出现,也没意识到地所引起的这种情扈竟会是爱情。 | She did not dream that in such guise new-born love would epitomize itself. Nor did she dream that the feeling he excited in her was love | |
18 | 况且盘踞在大部分中国土地上的大蛇和小蛇,黑蛇和白蛇,露出毒牙的蛇和化成美女的蛇,虽然它们已经感觉到冬天的威胁,但是还没有冻僵呢! | Moreover, the serpents infesting most of China, big or small, black or white, baring their poisonous fangs or assuming the guise of beautiful girls, are not yet frozen by the cold, although they already sense the threat of winter | |
19 | 列夫钦科想:这是以和平名义进行的战争;是在人道主义伪装下的收买。 | Levchenko thought: it was the war in the name of peace; subversion in the guise of humanitarianism | |
20 | 那小偷扮成个修理匠进了屋子。 | The thief came into the house under the guise of a repairman. | |
21 | 那些虐待狂、残忍凶徒、身背一切返祖遗传,外表人模人样,实际上是恶魔怪兽,只不过多少受到一点纪律和社会习俗的限制。 | The sadists, brutes, conveyors of all the ancestral atavisms go about in the guise of human beings, but they are monsters, only more or less restrained by discipline and social habit | |
22 | 叛徒假装友好暗地出卖他人的人 | One who betrays another under the guise of friendship. | |
23 | 强盗之一装扮成一个邮差。 | One of the robbers went under the guise of a postman. | |
24 | 他把她看成一个骗子了!看成一个外表纯洁,心里淫荡的女人了。 | He looked upon her as a species of impostor; a guilty woman in the guise of an innocent one | |
25 | 他扮作牧师旅行. | He traveled in the guise of a priest. | |
26 | 他经常假借公司的名义来招摇撞骗。 | He often swaggered and swindled under the guise of the company’s name. | |
27 | 他们假装成视察员进了学校。 | They got into the school in the guise of inspectors. | |
28 | 他是个装扮成朋友的敌人。 | He is an enemy in a friendly guise . | |
29 | 他以友谊为掩护欺骗了我们。 | He cheated us under the guise of friendship | |
30 | 伪装成友善的样子对我说话 | spoke to me under the guise of friendship. |