属类:法学专业-中国法律-中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁规则( 2000 )
1 | "但是,信鸽一旦多次飞行同一条路线时,它们就会沿着习惯的路线回家,就像我们从单位开车或走回家一样。"吉尔福德说。 | "But once homing pigeons have flown a journey more than once, they home in on a habitual route home, much as we do when we are driving or walking home from work," said Guilford | |
2 | McKnight教授指出,宋代中国惯性犯罪集团的核心成员,是一群具备很少生活技能、缺乏依附关系的年轻人。 | Professor McKnight shows that the group of criminals who were the core of the habitual criminal group in Song China were young unattached males with few life skills. | |
3 | 包括杀人犯、抢劫犯、流氓犯罪团伙分子、教唆犯、在劳改劳教中继续传授犯罪技术的惯犯,以及人贩子、老鸨儿等。 | Including murderers, robbers, members of criminal gangs, instigators of crime, habitual criminals who continue to pass on their skills to others while being reformed or educated through labour, traders in human beings and proprietors of brothels. | |
4 | 不同强度和时程应激对大鼠海马HSP70mRNA习惯化表达的影响 | Stress in Different Intensity and Duration Effects the Habitual Expression of HSP70mRNA on the Hippocampus of Rats | |
5 | 蔡淦治疗老年习惯性便秘的经验 | Cai Gan’s Experience in Treating Senile Habitual Constipation | |
6 | 长期饮茶对身体脂肪含量比列与分布的影响 | Relationship among Habitual Tea Consumption, Percent Body Fat, and Body Fat Distribution | |
7 | 常谈. | a habitual topic | |
8 | 出于某种难以名状的原因,阿瑟·丁梅斯代尔感到孩子助目光落在他身上时,他的手以习惯成自然的姿势,悄悄捂到了心口上。 | For some unaccountable reason, as Arthur Dimmesdale felt the child’s eyes upon himself, his hand-with that gesture so habitual as to have become involuntary-stole over his heart. | |
9 | 低温成形前方踝足装具对习惯性足尖步行儿童之临床试用 | Clinical Trial of a Low-Temperature Plastic Anterior Ankle Foot Orthosis for Children with Habitual Toe Walking | |
10 | 地方检察官决定以惯犯对他进行起诉。 | The da decides to charge him as a habitual criminal | |
11 | 第一百五十二条 惯窃、惯骗或者盗窃、诈骗、抢夺公私财物数额巨大的,处五年以上十年以下有期徒刑; | Article 152 Habitual thieves, cheats, or those who steal, cheat, or rob a huge amount of public or private property shall be sentenced to imprisonment between five to ten years; | |
12 | 冬季常见的景致 | a habitual sight in winter | |
13 | 独异的、喜爱的或习惯的行为;习俗;作风 | Chosen,desired or habitual behaviour;custom or manner | |
14 | 斐利亚福克面对着这个象是和他作对的波涛汹涌的汪洋大海,依然面不改色,连眉头也没有皱一下。 | Phileas Fogg gazed at the tempestuous sea, which seemed to be struggling especially to delay him, with his habitual tranquility | |
15 | 封闭抗体疗法治疗免疫性不孕症与习惯性流产效果 | The Efficacy of Immunosuppressive Therapy Using Blocking Antibodies for Immune Infertility and Habitual Abortion | |
16 | 公民以他的户籍所在地的居住地为住所,经常居住地与住所不一致的,经常居住地视为住所。 | The domicile of a citizen shall Be the place where his residence is registered; if his habitual residence is not the same as his domicile, his habitual residence shall be regarded as his domicile. | |
17 | 惯性购买行为下创新产品多品牌竞争博弈分析 | An Analysis to the Game of the Multiple Brands of Creative Products in the Context of Habitual Purchase | |
18 | 惯性购买行为下多品牌竞争的新产品扩散模型 | Diffusion Model of the multi-brand Strategy Based New Products in the Context of Habitual Purchase | |
19 | 还有贩卖妇女、儿童,搞反动会道门活动,屡教不改的,为什么不依法从重判处 | Why don’t we punish severely, according to law, people who traffic in women and children or who organize reactionary secret societies, and some of those habitual criminals who refuse to reform despite repeated attempts to educate them? | |
20 | 汇票上未记载出票地的,出票人的营业场所、住所或者经常居住地为出票地。 | If the place of issue is not specified on a bill of exchange, the business premises, domicile or habitual residence of the drawer is the place of issue. | |
21 | 汇票上未记载付款地的,付款人的营业场所、住所或者经常居住地为付款地。 | If the place of payment is not specified on a bill of exchange, the business premises, domicile or habitual residence of the drawee is the place of payment. | |
22 | 或者经合理查询不能找到上述任一地点而以挂号信或能提供作过投递企图的记录的其他任何手段投递给收讯人最后一个为人所知的营业地点、惯常住所或通讯地址 , 即应视为已经送达。 | or if none of these can be found after reasonable inquiries, the written correspondence is sent to the addressee’s last known place of business, habitual residence or mailing address by registered letter or by any other means which provides a record of the attempt to deliver it. | |
23 | 或者经合理查询不能找到上述任一地点而以挂号信或能提供作过投递企图的记录的其他任何手段投递给收讯人最后一个为人所知的营业地点、惯常住所或通讯地址 , 即应视为已经送达。 | or if, after reasonable inquiries, none of the aforesaid addresses can be found, the written correspondence is sent to the addressee’s last known place of business, habitual residence or mailing address by registered letter or by any other means which provides a record of the attempt to deliver it. | |
24 | 基督山伯爵穿着黑衣服,象他往常一样的简单朴素。 | The count was dressed in black and with his habitual simplicity | |
25 | 她不断地笑,她的笑是讥笑,而讥笑也是她那弯弯的,高傲的咀唇的习惯表情。 | She laughed continually; her laugh was satirical, and so was the habitual expression of her arched and haughty lip | |
26 | 经常大吃大喝把他的胃口撑大了。 | Habitual overeating has distended his stomach | |
27 | 经常惠顾对商店等经常的惠顾 | Habitual patronage,as of a store. | |
28 | 酒精中毒:过分饮用酒精饮料以至对饮者的身体、心理、社交或经济造成损害的现象,如肝硬化,酒醉驾驶和造成意外,家庭冲突,以及丧失工作。 | Alcoholism: Excessive habitual consumption of alcoholic beverages despite physical, mental, social, or economic harm (e.g., cirrhosis, drunk driving and accidents, family strife, frequently missing work). | |
29 | 酒精中毒由过量及习惯性饮酒而造成的一种慢性渐进的病理状况,主要影响神经及消化系统 | A chronic, progressive pathological condition, mainly affecting the nervous and digestive systems, caused by the excessive and habitual consumption of alcohol. | |
30 | 开车经过二个州,他们俩多数时间在习惯的沉默中度过。卡拉不开车时就看书或者睡一觉,尽量控制自己的渴望。 | The drive across two states was done mostly in their habitual silence but Carla kept herself from showing any anxiety by either reading or sleeping when she was not driving |