属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-肯萨斯和密苏苏里 新边境之战
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-法国"老顽童" 不知羞耻欲成立第六共和
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-艺术与中东 卡塔尔的艺术女王
1 | 在1961年该公司赞助的电视系列使霍尔马克公司获得了有史以来奖给赞助者的第一个埃美金像奖(“美国国家电视艺术和科学学会”颁发) | In 1961, the series landed Hallmark the first emmy (an award from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences)ever awarded to a sponsor | |
2 | 在老霍尔的领导下,霍尔马克公司得以和诺曼·罗克韦尔,帕布罗·毕加索,乔治亚·奥基夫以及萨尔瓦多·达利这样一流的艺术家签订了合同。 | Under the elder Hall’s leadership, hallmark landed contracts with artists such as Norman Rockwell, Pablo Picasso, Georgia O’Keefe and Salvador Dali | |
3 | 在一项与麦克罗格拉菲克斯公司合作的项目中,克雷约拉蜡笔制造商、霍尔马克子公司宾尼和史密斯公司正在开发一种发展孩子创造性的人机互动软件。 | In a project with Micrografix Inc., Hallmark subsidiary Binne & Smith, makers of Crayola crayons, is developing interactive software for children that will teach them about creativity | |
4 | 证明作者天才的作品 | A work bearing the hallmark of a genius | |
5 | ||1:机器世界杯最吸引Veloso博士的的地方在于,比赛期间,对运动的执行不是事先设定在控制机器人的算法中。||2:她乐于见到三角传球过人,就像参照梅西和他的阿根廷队友。||3:这种意外的踢法是紧急处理中的例子,标志着人工智能的最高水平。她认为,每年机器世界杯各项比赛的队伍会产生越来越多的闪光点。 | ||1:What fascinates Dr Veloso most about RoboCup is the execution, during the game, of moves that had not been deliberately inserted into the algorithms controlling the robots.||2:She is ebullient about an unexpected three-way pass and chip, worthy of a minor Messi and his Argentine teammates.||3:Such unanticipated plays are examples of emergent behaviour, a hallmark of artificial intelligence at its highest level, and something she reckons RoboCup teams in all leagues will produce a lot more of with each passing year. | |
6 | ||1:几年前,包括来自Sprint和Hallmark Cards在内的当地17家公司的总裁们向密苏苏里州长杰·尼克森联同肯萨斯州州长萨姆·布朗巴克写信警告这种裂痕正危害着这个地方。||2:过去数月里,双方好像可以签署一份休战协定。||3:多数密苏苏里议员同意签署一项法案旨在禁止边界贸易刺激方案。||4:然而该方案有一缺陷,要想该法案有效,必须得到肯萨斯州同样的做法。||5:在达成协议之前有两年的窗口期。 | ||1:A few years ago local business leaders from 17 companies, including Sprint and Hallmark Cards, wrote to Jay Nixon, the governor of Missouri, and Sam Brownback, his counterpart in Kansas, to warn them that the rift was harming the area.||2:In the past month, a truce has started to look likelier.||3:Majorities in the Missouri House and Senate have approved versions of a bill that would bar incentives for businesses near the border to hop over it.||4:The catch, though, is that this law will go into effect only if Kansas reciprocates.||5:There is a two-year window for a deal to be done. | |
7 | ||1:蒙特布尔最重要的作为是持续的要求严肃的清理民主政治。||2:作为一个律师,他参与了对于雅克·勒内·希拉克账户的冻结,因为其在担任巴黎市长期间的腐败。||3:他呼吁新的宪法的颁布以及成立第六共和国。||4:最近,他又成为了社会党中少数要求肃清腐败官员的人中的一员。||5:然而今天,他的好声誉已经在其诋毁者认为其鲁莽和支持者认为其背叛(包括弗洛朗热地区)中消磨殆尽。 | ||1:Mr Montebourg’s real hallmark is a tough and consistent call for cleaner democratic politics.||2:A lawyer, he campaigned to hold Jacques Chirac to account on charges of corruption linked to the former president’s stint as mayor of Paris.||3:He called for a new constitution and a Sixth Republic.||4:More recently, he has been one of the rare Socialist voices calling for the expulsion of corrupt officials.||5:Today, however, that reputation has got lost amid what his detractors consider recklessness, and what union supporters—including at Florange—increasingly see as betrayal. | |
8 | ||1:在很多意义上讲,此次抗议活动可以说是不合时宜。||2:一些大的金融公司多年前就离开了华尔街前往曼哈顿中心地区。||3:除了“我们是受苦的99%”这一典型的口号,他们打出的标语包含很多原因,但是其中很多都和低估风险,道德败坏等这些不管是真实存在的还是想象出来的金融资本主义的缺点无关。||4:有些人希望对富人征税,有些人希望取消商学院的资格。||5:对于沃尔玛和星巴克的恶意攻击比对华尔街公司的声讨还多。 | ||1:In more than one sense, the protest can seem misplaced.||2:Some of the biggest financial firms left Wall Street for midtown Manhattan years ago.||3:Aside from the hallmark “We are the 99%”, the placards on display cover a huge range of causes, many of which have nothing to do with the underpricing of risk, moral hazard and other faults, real or imagined, of financial capitalism.||4:Some want to tax the rich, others to decertify business schools.||5:Hostile references to Wal-Mart and Starbucks outnumber those to any Wall Street firms. | |
9 | ||1:在卡塔尔这样一个完全奉行君主制的国家里,要想鼓励冒险精神,非虔诚,以及艺术天性的标志—颠覆,真的很难。||2:并非所有的卡塔尔人都认可艺术的重要性。||3:“修建一条F1赛车跑道或者一座足球场对我们国家更加有力”—这样的意见经常浮现于网民的博客日志中。||4:而从最近突然公布的一条关于卡塔尔大学将由英语教学方式改为以阿拉伯语进行的通知中,可以看出保守的民族主义者在那儿是握有实权的。||5: 在对泰特美术馆中展出的赫斯特作品目录进行介绍时,Sheikha Mayassa这样写道:“艺术—即使是备受争议的艺术—能开启不同国家,不同民族和不同历史间的交流。” ||6:未来将对她的决定—也是卡塔尔的,作出检验。 | ||1: An absolute monarchy like Qatar is a hard place in which to encourage the daring, irreverence and subversiveness that is the hallmark of a truly artistic nature. ||2: Not everyone in Qatar is persuaded of art’s importance. ||3: The local blogosphere is full of suggestions that the country would do better with a Formula One racetrack or another football stadium. ||4: And the recent sudden announcement that Qatar University would switch to teaching in Arabic instead of English is a sign that conservative nationalists have real power here. ||5: In her introduction to the Tate’s Hirst catalogue, Sheikha Mayassa writes that “Art—even controversial art—can unlock communication between diverse nations, peoples and histories.” ||6: The years ahead will test her resolve—Qatar’s too. | |
10 | 20磁信号本身很微弱,不过好在科学已经证明,吸引力是可以被量化的。这太TM对了!亲~ | 20 The signal is faint, but the good news is that science has proved attraction is quantifiable. Word up, Hallmark . | |
11 | Ajax应用程序的特色就是丰富、交互式的环境,往往与传统UI应用程序相关联。 | The hallmark of an Ajax application is a rich, interactive environment more often associated with traditional UI applications. | |
12 | Hallmark可不打算在不久的将来批量生产被裹着巧克力的箭刺穿的大脑。 | Unfortunately, Hallmark has no plans to mass-produce chocolate-covered arrow-pierced brains in the near future. | |
13 | Hu废除这一条款的决定是一月峰会的亮点。 | Mr. Hu’s decision to abolish the practice was a hallmark of the January summit. | |
14 | 埃文斯-普里查德拒绝纸上谈兵式的推理,提倡做详尽的实地考察——这是当今人类学的特点。 | Evans-Pritchard rejected deskbound speculation in favour of the detailed fieldwork that is today the hallmark of anthropology. | |
15 | 暗物质的另一个特点是引力透镜效应,跟光通过一片抛光玻璃发生的现象相似。 | Another hallmark of dark matter is gravitational lensing, similar to the effect of light passing through a piece of polished glass. | |
16 | 本阶段的特点是方面和类之间的更紧密合作。 | The hallmark of this stage is closer collaboration between aspects and classes. | |
17 | 不过,如果消费,这个美国文化的标志不能拯救2000年代的话,今天它又会有什么效果呢? | But if consumption, the very hallmark of American culture, did not save the day in the 2000s, why would it do so today? | |
18 | 不温不火的赛前准备之后,卡佩罗要求队员进入外围赛的最好状态。 | After the tepid build-up games, Capello had demanded his players that had been the hallmark of their best qualifying performances. | |
19 | 不愿承认失败是这类人的根本标志。 | An unwillingness to accept defeat is an absolute hallmark of the species. | |
20 | 但是在欧元诞生很久以前,时任德国财政部长的特奥•魏格尔(TheoWaigel)就发誓称要捍卫“德国的标志”。 | But long before the euro arrived in 1999, the German finance minister of the day, Theo Waigel, vowed it would bear "the German hallmark " . | |
21 | 但是这些笑声不合语言纯正癖者胃口,他们将LOL作为遍地蔓延的文盲的一个标志。 | But those laughing least of all are the language purists, who lament "LOL" as a hallmark of creeping illiteracy. | |
22 | 但总体而言,保护主义并不是此次经济衰退的一个特征。 | But, on the whole, protectionism has not been a hallmark of this economic downturn. | |
23 | 到了1913年,密苏里州堪萨斯城的贺氏公司开始批量制作情人节贺卡。 | And in 1913, Hallmark Cards of Kansas City, Mo. , began mass producing valentines. | |
24 | 德诺尔特说,D型性格与亚健康结果的关系最可能由高度的精神紧张驱使。 | The link between Type D personality and poor health outcomes is most likely driven by its hallmark high stress levels, Denollet says. | |
25 | 对客观数据的明确关注一直作为BP的统计年鉴的特点——不管是在繁荣时期还是在衰退时期——保持了59年。 | Clarity of focus on objective data has been a hallmark of BP’s Statistical Review - in good times and bad - for 59 years. | |
26 | 多年来作为大公司标志的派息分红也了无踪迹。 | Dividend payouts, which for many years had been a hallmark of large companies, dried up. | |
27 | 二十一世纪教育机构的标志性特质就是学习的灵活性和通畅性。 | Flexibility and fluidity are the hallmark qualities of the 21st century educational institution. | |
28 | 风险投资商寻找的是集坚韧强硬和灵活变通于一身的创业者,这些品质也是伟大创业者的标志。 | VCs are looking for that mix of toughness and flexibility that is the hallmark of a great entrepreneur. | |
29 | 更为方便的获得更多的信息,是信息经济的前提。 | Betteraccess to more information is the hallmark of the information economy. | |
30 | 公共土地所有权是社会主义的标志。 | Public ownership of land is the hallmark of Socialism. |