1 | 在耶鲁,最常见的校内工作就是去餐厅刷盘子,几乎所有的中国本科生在数年的大学生活中的某一阶段都在餐厅干过业余工。 | At Yale, one of the most common campus jobs is washing dishes in the dining halls , virtually all Chinese undergraduates at Yale work part-time in the dining halls at some point in their college years | |
2 | 展览品陈列于五个大厅。 | They’re displayed in five halls . | |
3 | 展览品分别陈列于不同的大厅。 | Exhibits are placed in different halls . | |
4 | 这个事实千真万确,众所周知。因此,几年之后,还发行了一首流行歌曲,详细地谈到了这一点以及有关上演日戏的下午那种炫耀的场面的其它情况。歌名叫《他有什么权利待在百老汇大街上?》,歌曲发行后,在纽约的音乐厅里非常风行。 | "So true and well understood was this fact, that several years later a popular song, detailing this and other facts concerning the afternoon parade on matinee days, and entitled ""What Right Has He on Broadway?"" was published, and had quite a vogue about the music-halls of the city." | |
5 | 这家宾馆有好几个具有中国风味的餐厅,个个装饰得古色古香,有龙风呈祥的壁画和放置文房四宝的案桌。 | This hotel has several dining halls , each decorated in antique Chinese style with wall paintings of a dragon and a phoenix together, and having a desk with the treasures of the study on. | |
6 | 这两个大厅有门相通。 | The two halls open onto each other. | |
7 | 这些富丽堂皇的宫殿叫什么呢?它们有什么作用? | What are the beautiful halls called and their functions? | |
8 | 这座广场得名于其北端的巨大刻石"天安门"(有如天界般和平的大门)。广场之内与外围都是会堂、博物馆与纪念碑,包括以国家大典展示其遗体的毛泽东纪念馆。 | "It is named for the massive stone "Gate of Heavenly Peace" (Tiananmen)at its northern end. It contains and is surrounded by halls , museums, and monuments, including the Mao Zedong Memorial Hall, where Mao’s body rests in state." | |
9 | 中国民族音乐厅堂音质研究 | Investigation into Acoustics of Chinese National Music Halls | |
10 | 作为晚班护士,每天下午来上班,我都会沿着疗养院的走廊,推开每一扇房门例行视察,并同老人们聊天。 | Every afternoon when I came on duty as the evening nurse,I would walk the halls of the nursing home, pausing at each door to chat and observe. |