1 | 司机急忙踩刹车,车子嗄地一声停住了。 | The driver clapped on his brakes and the car came to a screeching halt . | |
2 | 四、要加强对生产企业的质量监督管理工作,禁止生产假冒伪劣产品。 | 4. The quality control procedures of manufacturing enterprises should be improved in order to halt the manufacture of fake and low-quality products. | |
3 | 随着一阵颤动,坦克停了下来。 | The tank came to a halt with a shudder. | |
4 | 他不理睬哨兵喝令止步的盘问。 | He ignored the sentry’s challenge to halt . | |
5 | 他精心设计的计划只好在一个和伯的可能性问前打住了。他原该问亚瑟的,他这是在出自己的洋相。 | His firmly planned intention had come to a halt on the verge of the horrible probability that he should have asked arthur and that he had made a fool of himself | |
6 | 他们为了修护臭氧层,遏止温室效应,保护土壤和拯救热带雨林,必须奔走游说 | They must campaign to repair the ozone shield,halt the greenhouse effect,preserve soil and save the tropical rainforest | |
7 | 他试图使这场辩论停止。 | He tried to bring that debate to a halt | |
8 | 特别也是华文媒体和文教团体想方设法克服的课题。 | The Chinese media and educational and cultural groups, in particular, have been trying hard to halt the decline. | |
9 | 停下;中止;暂停 | Come to rest;halt or pause | |
10 | 停止军备竞赛的策略 | A move to halt the arms race. | |
11 | 为遏制不正当的传销活动,打击不法商人的欺诈行为,保护消费者权益,保护公平竞争,维护社会主义市场经济秩序,国务院决定停止发展多层次传销企业,现就有关问题通知如下: | In order to halt unfair pyramid retailing activities, strike out against the deceitful behavior of lawbreaking merchants, protect the rights and interests of the consumers, protect fair competition, and preserve the order of the socialist market economy, the State Council has decided to halt the opening and development of all pyramid retail enterprises, in accordance with the provisions below: | |
12 | 委员会下令停止刊登言过其实的广告。 | The commission called a halt to exaggerated advertisements | |
13 | 未经本法规定的有关主管部门的批准,擅自发行股票或者公司债券的,责令停止发行,退还所募资金及其利息 | A company which without having obtained approval as provided by this Law from the relevant responsible authority arbitrarily issues shares or corporate bonds is ordered to halt such issue and return all funds raised together with interest | |
14 | 我们开进了一条黑暗的土路,旅行车突然停了下来。我和朱迪丝彼此看着对方,都想到他们就要杀害我们。我们深深地凝视着对方。 | We pulled down a dark, dirt road, and the RV came to a halt . Judith and I looked at each other as we both had the thought that they were going to kill us. We rested deeply in each others’ eyes. | |
15 | 我们所要做的,就是用任何方法,阻止三个世纪以来对这个地球所进得的掠夺。 | What we intend to halt , by any means, is three centuries of spoliation of this earth | |
16 | 羞怯使得她说话吞吞吐吐。 | shyness made her halt as she talked | |
17 | 巡逻警察做手势要他们停下。 | The patrolman signed for them to halt . | |
18 | 抑制通货膨胀的措施无一奏效。 | None of the moves to halt inflation has been successful. | |
19 | 因为天色已晚,我们决定停止比赛。 | As it was getting late, we decided to call a halt to our game | |
20 | 印度队爆出冷门,以3:O击败世界冠军澳大利亚队,打破了澳大利亚队连赢42场比赛的纪录。 | India stuns world champions Australia 3-0 to halt 42 game winning streak. | |
21 | 由于罢工,生产停顿了。 | Production was brought to a halt by a strike. | |
22 | 由于罢工生产逐渐停顿下来. | The strike brought industry grinding to a halt . | |
23 | 由于缺少原料,生产已陷入停顿。 | Production has come to a halt owing to the lack of raw materials. | |
24 | 由于实验误差,低共熔暂停的温度轻微变化,忽上忽下。 | Because of experimental errors the temperature of the eutectic halt varies slightly from run to run | |
25 | 由于意外事件,警察必须停止交通。 | Because of the accident, the policeman had to halt up the traffic. | |
26 | 原来伦斯德在两个关键的地方集中了他的全部兵力,因此到9月中旬至少能够暂时在摩泽尔河挡住了巴顿的第三集团军,在亚琛前面挡住了霍季斯的第一集团军。 | By concentrating his available forces at two critical points Rundstedt was able by the middle of September, to halt at least temporarily Patton’s Third Army on the moselle and Hodges’ First Army in front of Aachen | |
27 | 在复杂、困难的情况下,改革没有停滞,而是迎难而上,积极有序地向前推进,有力推动了经济发展。 | Under complicated and difficult conditions, instead of coming to a halt , reform pressed forward vigorously and in an orderly way, giving a powerful impetus to economic development | |
28 | 在计算机程序运行过程中发生的一种不希望有的或意料之外的停机,一般是由于编码失误、硬件故障或操作者的错误而引起的。参阅run。 | In computing, an unwanted or unforeseen halt in a program run, due to faulty coding, hardware errors or operator mistakes. | |
29 | 在计算机运行过程中,程序停止执行所产生的一种状态,它是由停机指令或某些意外停机或中断所造成的。除了完全停机以外,程序在暂停后仍可以继续运行。参阅breakpointhalt。 | In computer operation,a condition which occurs when the sequence of operations in a program stops.This can be due to a halt instruction being met or to some unexpected halt or interrupt.The program can continue normally after a halt unless it is a drop dead halt. | |
30 | 在进行逮捕、调查、滞留、搜身、要求(被盘问者或被调查者)站住等执行公务中,如果执法人员使用了或意图使用超出必要范围的权力,就会有暴力执法现象发生。 | Police brutality may occur if a law enforcement officer uses or attempts to use greater force than necessary to make the arrest, search, stop and frisk, or halt . |